
Evil Necromancer's Secret Harem(18+)(Warning: Explicit Sexual Content)


JetLord004 · Fantasy
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115 Chs

Know your place.

With my severed arm and a resolute fury, I pointed a finger at the Rabid Jackalope, its fur still smouldering from the Pyroblast.

**Alex:** "You dared to attack me, thinking your agility would save you, but you've underestimated my power."

My words were full of confidence and ego as I got ready to use my magic again. But this time, it wasn't just any spell; it was my strongest one, the Pyroblast, aimed right at the Rabid Jackalope's proud face.

Without waiting, I brought out the fiery energy inside me, calling forth intense flames. The Rabid Jackalope, realizing something wrong, tried to run away, but it couldn't handle the attack.

The Pyroblast hit with a bright explosion of fire. The creature's mean look turned into a final, painful cry as the flames took over. It turned into ashes in just a few seconds.

**Alex:** "Know your place."

I stood victorious, my ego as fiery as the Pyroblast that had defeated the Rabid Jackalope.