
Evil Necromancer's Secret Harem(18+)(Warning: Explicit Sexual Content)


JetLord004 · Fantasy
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115 Chs

Host, your leg has been detected with poison!

As Gobler completed the treatment and took a vial of my blood, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to their actions than met the eye.

Grizzlethorn and Gobler exchanged a glance, a silent communication that left me even more suspicious.

With my leg treated slowly and my immediate safety assured, I decided to bide my time and learn more about this goblin village. I needed to solve their secrets without giving away my suspicions.

Over the next few days, I observed the goblins closely, learning their customs and trying to fit in.

Grizzlethorn, as the chieftain, was quite open and welcoming, while Gobler continued to treat me every day but his behaviour remained somewhat evasive.

One night, as I lay in a small, cosy room they had provided for me, I overheard a calm conversation between two goblins just outside my door. I strained to listen, and their words sent a shiver down my spine.

"I still can't believe that the blood of that outsider matched to blood we were finding to-," one goblin said.

The other one replied, "Shhhhhh! Be quiet we don't know whether that demon is sleeping or not, let's check first."

As the goblins whispered their mysterious conversation just outside my room, I felt my heart race.

The mention of my blood matching something they had been searching for raised more questions than I could count. What were they searching for, and how did I fit into this puzzle?

When they mentioned checking if I was asleep, I knew I had to act quickly. I closed my eyes and slowed my breathing, doing my best to appear in a deep slumber. Every muscle in my body tensed as I waited for their next move.

The door creaked open slowly, and I could sense their presence. My heart pounded in my chest, and I continued to feign unconsciousness. I couldn't afford to give away my alertness.

The first goblin peered into the room, studying me intently. I could feel their gaze on me, but I didn't dare open my eyes. After a tense moment, the goblin nodded to the other, signalling that I appeared to be sleeping soundly.

"Huff, Thank god he is still sleeping, "

The second goblin let out a sigh of relief and closed the door gently. They resumed their whispered conversation just outside the room.

I strained to listen, my curiosity and unease growing. The second goblin continued, "We must find the remaining pieces. The chieftain's plan depends on it."

The first goblin responded, "But what if the outsider figures it out? We can't risk exposure."

My mind raced as I processed their words. They were searching for something, and it seemed to involve me. I needed to uncover the truth, but I also had to be cautious not to tip my hand.

As the goblins continued their conversation, I made a mental note to investigate further, seeking answers while keeping my true intentions hidden.

The village's secrets were slowly revealing themselves.

"This fuckers! I was thankful to them when they assisted me, but it turns out they're not as benevolent as they seem – more like wolves in sheep's clothing." I muttered.

I knew I had to act carefully. The goblins were clearly hiding something, and my blood was somehow connected to their secretive plans.

Over the next few days, I continued to observe their actions and engage in casual conversations with the villagers, all while maintaining my facade of ignorance.

One morning, as Gobler continued his routine treatment of my leg, I was more alert than ever, given the recent mysterious conversations I had overheard.

The room was filled with the smell of herbs and the soft conversation of the goblin villagers going about their day.

Suddenly, as Gobler worked on my leg, a strange sensation washed over me. It started as a tingling at the back of my mind, and then, right before my eyes, a virtual screen materialized in the air in front of me.

The words on the screen sent a shock of worry through me:

(Host, your leg has been detected with poison!)

(Host, you have been Poisoned by Gobler! )

As the virtual screen appeared with those terrifying messages, my heart pounded in my chest.

"Poison detected in my leg? Poisoned by Gobler?" The words on the screen sent shockwaves of betrayal through me.

(Warning:- The Poison is spreading throughout your body. )

(The system will eliminate all poisonous substances detected in your body.)

(Permission Requested!)

I quickly realized that I couldn't show any sign of panic. I needed to maintain my fake face and deal with this crisis as secretly as possible.

I focused on the virtual screen and mentally instructed, "Proceed with the process to forcefully destroy the poisonous substance."

The screen responded, "Initiating the process."

A wave of strange sensations coursed through my leg, as though some hidden force was working to purge the poison that had my body.

The situation was dire, and I couldn't help but wonder about the motives behind Gobler's actions. Why had he poisoned me?

Minutes passed, and I remained motionless, trying to appear as though nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Finally, the virtual screen displayed, "Successfully Destroyed all poisonous substance detected."

Relief washed over me, but my mind was filled with a mixture of anger and confusion. Gobler, who had appeared to be my saviour, had now been revealed as my assaulter. I needed answers, but I couldn't afford to confront him directly.

I knew I had to continue my ignorance, pretending that I was still oblivious to Gobler's betrayal. The goblin doctor left the room, and I was left alone, with more questions than ever.

As Gobler had left the room, I couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability. I knew I had to act quickly to gain more information about the poison that had been coursing through my body. With a sense of unease, I mentally communicated with my Versatile System.

"System, can you provide me with more details about the poison that Gobler injected into my leg?" I whispered, keeping my voice low to avoid any eavesdropping.

The virtual screen reappeared in front of me, and the soothing voice of the system responded, "Certainly, Host. The poison injected into your leg is a sleeping poison. It's designed to render the affected individual unconscious, and its effects will take full hold approximately 12 hours after exposure."

My heart sank as I absorbed this information. A sleeping poison? It explained why I had initially felt fine after the injection.

Gobler and the other goblins were attempting to keep me under their control, possibly to carry out their mysterious plan.

Later that same day, as I lay in my small room pretending to rest, a soft sound awakened me from my feigned sleep.

I listened carefully and could make out the hushed voices of two previous goblins just outside my window.

I inched closer to the door to hear them more clearly.

"Did Gobler successfully give the poison to the outsider?" one goblin asked in a worried tone.

The other replied, "Yes, he did. The outsider seems unaware of the true extent of our plans. Everything is proceeding as the chieftain desires."

As I eavesdropped on the goblins' conversation, a sinister thrill coursed through me. The first goblin, his voice trembling with fear, questioned, "How long will the poison's effects persist?"

The second goblin responded with a twisted grin, "Fear not, my friend. The poison's grip will last for a full ten hours. The outsider will not live to see another dawn. Now, let's not waste any more time. We must transport this sleeping outsider to the sacrificial altar."


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