
Evil Necromancer's Secret Harem(18+)(Warning: Explicit Sexual Content)


JetLord004 · Fantasy
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115 Chs

Good girl (R-18)

In the dimly lit room, Elizabeth knelt before me, her eyes filled with desire.

I watched as she licked her lips, anticipation radiating from her every pore.

With a devilish smirk, my throbbing cock stood proudly, eager for the attention it was about to receive.

Elizabeth wasted no time, her lips wrapping around my pulsating cock.

Her warm mouth engulfed me, her tongue swirling and teasing, driving me wild with pleasure.

I let out a low groan as she bobbed her head up and down, her lips tightly wrapped around my shaft.

Her hand joined in, stroking and caressing my length, intensifying the sensations.

Her skilled mouth worked its magic, taking my dick deeper and deeper with each stroke.

The wetness and tightness of her throat sent waves of ecstasy coursing through my body.

As she pleasured me with her mouth, I couldn't resist exploring her enticing breasts.

'I should play with them to tease her.' (Alex)

I cupped them in my hands, squeezing and teasing her erect nipples.

"Hlmm.. Mmm. " (Alex)

Her moans vibrated against my cock, heightening my arousal.

The combination of her mouth and my touch pushed me closer to the edge.

I could feel the familiar tightening in my balls, signalling my impending release.

I released all my semen in her mouth.

"Swallow every drop," I commanded, my voice filled with dominance.

With a final, powerful thrust into her mouth, I erupted, releasing my hot load of cum.

Elizabeth eagerly swallowed every drop, her tongue milking me dry.

We both caught our breath, basking in the aftermath of our intense pleasure. I looked down at Elizabeth, a satisfied grin on my face.

"Now, clean up the mess you made," I ordered, gesturing to my spent cock.

Without hesitation, she leaned forward and obediently licked me clean, savouring the taste of our shared ecstasy.

"Good girl. " (Alex)

I stood up from the floor, foreboding chamber, the remnants of my sex with Elizabeth still lingering in the air. My body felt weakened, drained from intercourse with Elizabeth.

 The virtual realm beckoned, a sanctuary where my desires knew no bounds. My fingers, trembling from the recent debauchery, caressed the keyboard, guiding my demonic avatar through the "Sex in Chamber."

Then, like an invocation from the abyss, a virtual screen materialized before me, its sinister light casting eerie shadows across the room. The words, stark and foreboding, appeared before my bloodshot eyes: "Congratulations to the most for completing the hidden quest 'Naked in Dungeon.'"

A sinister grin twisted upon my lips, and the dim light of the screen reflected in my crimson eyes, now aflame with malevolence. This was the moment I had hungered for, the culmination of my nefarious journey through the digital abyss. The rewards unfurled before me, each enhancement a testament to my newfound power: "+5 Charm, +5 Agility, +5 Strength."

Charm, Agility, Strength—the words reverberated in my mind like the cries of lost souls. My voice, laced with a psychopathic ecstasy, spilt forth as I whispered to myself, "Charm... They will worship me, bow before my irresistible allure."

Elizabeth, my unwitting accomplice, stood beside me, her feeble mortal frame trembling as the room seemed to darken in response to my diabolic ecstasy. She had been my pawn, my instrument of pleasure, but now she quivered in fear at the darkness that had consumed me.

"Agility," I hissed, my voice dripping with malevolence. "Good, very good the more my agility increases the faster I will come to be."

"+5 Strength," I yelped, my body surging with unnatural power, a force that transcended the confines of the virtual realm. "Well, the rewards are not that high but that will be okay for now." My fists clenched, yearning for the sensation of conquest.

"Status," I barked, my voice commanding. The virtual system responded with a sinister hum, and a holographic display emerged before me, revealing my newfound stats.

**Status and Power Screen**

**Name:** Demon King of Lust

**Rank:** 72nd


- **Strength:** 52

- **Agility:** 62

- **Charisma:** 75

- **Intelligence:** 62

- **Endurance:** 50

A sinister chuckle escaped my lips as I stared at the numbers, my manic glee echoing in the chamber. 

I turned to Elizabeth, her fragile form still trembling, and with a tone dripping with malevolence, I commanded, "Elizabeth, it's time to erase this sordid chapter from your memory. Put on your clothes, forget everything that transpired here, and return to your pitiful existence."

Tears welled up in her eyes, her spirit broken, as she began to gather her scattered garments. Her movements were slow and unsteady, a stark contrast to the fiery passion that had consumed us moments ago.

"Pathetic," I taunted, my voice laden with cruelty. "You thought you could control the Demon King of Lust. You were nothing but a pawn in my wicked game."

Her tears fell freely as she struggled to dress herself, her body shivering from a mix of fear and humiliation. "Remember, Elizabeth," I continued, my words a psychological torment, "this was nothing more than a fleeting moment of madness. You will return to your mundane life, haunted only by the spectre of your foolishness."

As she finally managed to clothe herself, I moved closer, my eyes locking onto hers with relentless intensity. "You will forget everything that I did, Elizabeth," I hissed, my voice commanding obedience. "You will forget this place, these deeds, and you will never speak of them again. Do you understand?"

She nodded, her spirit shattered, her once-fiery resolve extinguished by the malevolence that now consumed me. "Yes," she whispered, her voice trembling.

I counted slowly, my voice a cruel countdown. "One... Two... Three."

With the final count, Elizabeth's eyes glazed over, her memories of our Intercourse vanishing like mist in the morning sun. She stood there, a blank slate, a vessel of obedience, ready to become the normal, mundane person she once was.

My crimson eyes bore into Elizabeth's, devoid of any empathy, as she respectfully inquired, "My Lord, where are we? What purpose do we serve here?"

Her voice trembled, the remnants of her shattered spirit apparent in every word.

With a sinister smirk playing on my lips, I replied in a voice oozing with psychopathic charm, "Ah, Elizabeth, we find ourselves in a chamber where you were trapped by monsters and I saved you. Our purpose here is multifaceted; we tread paths unseen, explore the depths of existence, and seek dominion over the very fabric of reality. 

Her eyes widened in both fear and fascination, a captive audience to my madness. "But why am I here, my Lord?" she pressed, her curiosity barely overcoming her terror. "What role do I play in this dark journey?"

"You," I said, emphasizing the word with a cruel delight, "are my loyal servant, my ally in this grand mission. You possess qualities I find... intriguing." My gaze fell upon her, assessing her frailty like a predator sizing up its prey. 

As our conversation continued, I noticed the blue door in the chamber, its hue almost mocking in its vibrancy against the dark surroundings. Its significance wasn't lost on me; it was the culmination of our unholy endeavours, the reward I had sought. 

My eyes glinted with unholy excitement as I turned to Elizabeth, my voice dripping with malicious intent. "Follow me, Elizabeth," I commanded, my tone laced with authority. "That door, you see, holds the key to meeting our lost comrades"

She hesitated for a moment, then nodded, her fear momentarily overridden by curiosity. As we approached the door, I revelled in the anticipation that hung in the air, my sadistic pleasure growing with every step.

With a flourish, I pushed the door open, revealing a realm bathed in a surreal, cerulean light. The air crackled with arcane energy, and the scent of otherworldly flowers wafted towards us.

But what I saw on the other side of the door was beyond what I had expected. 



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Hey guys,

Support me more and the next lemons will be updated after 14 chapters, now, now, don't be sad yet because next time the Lemons scenes will be super long like 8 to 12 chapters so, add this book to your library to be updated every day.

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