
Evil Necromancer's Secret Harem(18+)(Warning: Explicit Sexual Content)


JetLord004 · Fantasy
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115 Chs

Five trials?

As our team journeyed into unknown lands, following a mysterious map pointing to the Eternal Crown, the scenery changed.

We left behind familiar forests and valleys, entering a remote and lonely area.

The air felt old and full of secrets, and the ground beneath us seemed to whisper ancient stories.

I led the way, feeling a mix of excitement and caution.

The map brought us to a distant mountain range, known only in stories, where the remains of a once-great civilization were hidden.

Few scholars and treasure hunters knew about these ruins.

As we climbed the steep path, the ruins slowly appeared.

It was a remarkable sight – an old city, now in ruins, high in the mountains. The buildings, made of worn-out stone, stood like ancient guards of a past era.

Vines and moss clung to them, nature taking back what time had claimed.

The city's layout was like a maze, with narrow paths and crumbling arches hinting at its former grandeur. In the centre, a huge temple stood, its tall spires reaching toward the sky.

This temple was rumoured to be where the Eternal Crown, a powerful relic granting incredible abilities, might be hidden.

I turned to our team, my voice filled with amazement and respect for the place we found.

"This is it, everyone. The ruins and the temple that holds the Eternal Crown. We're at the doorway to history."

Our team looked around, their faces showing a mix of amazement and worry.

The complete isolation and the huge size of the ruins made our mission feel really important.

Lisa, standing next to me, spoke quietly, her eyes on the faraway temple.

"We've come a long way, Alex. This is our time, but it won't be easy. The temple might have many challenges, traps, and protectors."

I agreed with a nod, my heart beating fast with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

"Our preparation has brought us here. Now, we need to be careful and stick together. Stay alert, and remember the plan we made for each other."

Our team started to walk ahead, carefully making our way through the old city, our steps making noise on the empty streets.

The air felt thick with very old magic, and the feeling of being watched stayed at the edge of what I could sense.

As we got closer to the temple's entrance, we faced big, strong stone doors with detailed carvings of symbols and writings.

They held the weight of many years and didn't show any signs of opening for us.

Lisa moved forward, her knowledge of magic obvious. She looked at the writings, her fingers following their detailed designs.

"These runes are a form of protection. We need to interpret them to gain access. It won't be easy."

Our smart scholar and magic expert gathered around Lisa, using their combined knowledge to figure things out.

They spent a lot of time working hard to unlock the secrets of the symbols.

With each passing moment, the tension grew, and the feeling of being watched got stronger.

Finally, after what felt like a really long time, there was a soft sound, like a click in the air.

The big stone doors slowly opened, showing the dark inside of the temple.

It was a winning moment, but the real challenges were ahead, deep in the centre of the temple.

As we stepped inside, the torchlight lit up, and we understood that the journey to get the Eternal Crown was just starting.

The temple's dark parts hid many mysteries, but we were determined as we went deeper into the old ruins, ready to face whatever tests were waiting for us to get the Artifact that could change history.

The torchlight made strange shadows on the old stone walls as we went deeper, our steps sounding loud in the heavy quiet.

The air felt thick with excitement, and I couldn't shake the feeling that history's eyes were on us.

Lisa, her voice carrying a hint of seriousness, addressed our team.

"Listen, everyone. To obtain the Eternal Crown, we must pass through five trials, each guarded by a powerful guardian. These trials will test our strength, wit, and unity. Are you all ready for what lies ahead?"

The determined nods and strong expressions from our team showed they were ready.

We had come too far to go back now.

As we walked down a not-very-bright hallway, we found another big strong door, with symbols that seemed to have a strange energy.

Lisa's warning was still in our minds as we stood in front of it.

I turned to her, my gaze unwavering. "Lisa, what do you know about this guardian? What should we expect?"

She took a deep breath, her eyes reflecting both caution and decision.

"This is the door to the first trial, guarded by the Sentinel of Strength. It's said to be a colossal golem, animated by ancient magic, and nearly invulnerable. To defeat it, we'll need to work together, exploit its weaknesses, and use our combined strengths." (Lisa)

I could sense the tension among our team, but also the resolve to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

They had waited for this moment, honing their skills and strategies.

Daniel, the seasoned warrior, stepped forward, his voice steady. "We've faced tough battles before, and we've always emerged victorious. Together, we can overcome this guardian and prove ourselves."

With all of us determined, we were ready to open the big strong door.

When we pushed it, a really cold wind hit us, and we went into a huge room with a kind of dim, bluish light.

"Fuck me! " (Alex)

In the middle was the big Sentinel of Strength, a giant figure made from black rock, with eyes that glowed a scary red colour.

Lisa whispered to the group, "Remember, its strength lies in its durability. Focus on its joints and vulnerabilities. Keep moving to avoid its attacks, and coordinate your strikes."

The golem's eyes fixed upon us, and with an earth-shaking roar, it lurched into motion, the ground trembling beneath its colossal feet.

Our team split into groups, each taking a strategic position to engage the guardian.

'Let's begin the battle.' (Alex)


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Miss you, my true supporters.

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