
Evil: Naruto

Naivety doesn't imply they can escape consequences! Naruto, a cheerful individual brimming with boundless kindness, stands as one of the strongest ninjas in all the land. What if, at his birth, Naruto becomes host to an evil soul from another world? Could anyone endure the power of Evil Naruto? How many can survive or endure? Discover in the next chapter of Dragon Ball Z. #No-system #Decisive-killing #Scheming

Aurelius_Imperator · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Learning Rasengan

In a depleted room, there was complete silence. A boy with spiky golden hair was sitting cross-legged on a futon.

A leaf was placed on his forehead, with all his chakra directed to the leaf as the focal point.

"Hmm?" He snapped open his eyes, stood up from the ground, and then moved towards the wall.

Touching the wall with his feet and focusing his vast reserve of chakra into his feet, he effortlessly walked on the wall. Making a full circle of the room, he returned to the ground again.

"Not bad." Naruto nodded his head with a satisfied expression. "Although this body has a vast chakra reserve and the understanding of ninjutsu shouldn't be bad either, what it lacks is the control of chakra."

In the original work, it was the same. To make Naruto fully overpowered, his greatest weakness was chakra control.

For a ninjutsu to activate, a ninja needs to mould the chakra according to the required amount.

Having a vast chakra reserve certainly helps; however, if more chakra is used than needed to activate the Jutsu, then the chakra would be wasted.

A person can't have infinite chakra; everyone has a genetic limit, so the key strength is actually the power to control chakra and mould it to perfection.

"I can't find a water source near me yet because I am only holed up in my room like a neet most of the time. However…"

Naruto looked at the water balloons that were to the side.

He didn't know any ninjutsu till now. The only thing he has trained is his body, to increase the reserve of his chakra and improve the chakra control.

But he still remembers the Naruto arc vividly and knew the key to training Rasengan, a top A-tier Jutsu comparable to an all-rounded Jounin.

"Sigh, it's already been three years, huh? According to the date, in a week I will go to the academy."

While muttering, Naruto had already taken two balloons filled with water and started to spin the water inside the balloon using only his chakra.

In just a moment, the water balloon started to spin in a spiral. The speed became faster and faster until a pop echoed in the room.

Then he took a rubber ball and started the spiral motion as well.

Naruto focused on the vast reserve of his chakra to control it in a spiral motion with the rubber ball as the focal point.

This time it took a solid minute before the chakra spun so fast that it popped.

"Now it's time to take the final step." Naruto's eyes shined.

This was what he had trained for a year ago.

He was not from this world, and his chakra control was terrible right from the start. Without a teacher, even knowing the process, it still took a year to complete this step.

Mostly because he had no experience in any Ninjutsu until now. This was a top A-tier Jutsu, not some cabbage.

If it wasn't for the body's comprehension, mastering it would be a fool's dream.

Naruto took another balloon, but this time it didn't have any water in it.

"Combine speed and strength with enough chakra control."

His blue eyes focused on the inflated balloon as he started to input chakra into it, running in a spiral motion.

The speed of the spiral became faster and faster until it reached a critical point.


"It didn't work," Naruto muttered, but he was not discouraged since he mastered the two steps already. He was very close to mastering the third step as well.

There were three steps to mastering the Rasengan: gaining speed by rotating chakra in a spiral motion until a water balloon pops, using enough strength to pop a rubber balloon by spiralling the chakra, and then the third and most crucial step—combining the strength and speed while having precise control of the chakra.

"I need to reach the third step and master Rasengan when I join the academy," Naruto gritted his teeth.

He had made many plans according to the plot he knew. However, to carry out those plans, he needed the most crucial thing: strength.

If he could at least reach the Jounin level, then taking a Sharingan during the genocide of the Uchiha clan from Danzo shouldn't be a problem.

Thinking of this, he focused on the task even more.

Time passed in the blink of an eye, and a week had already gone by.

Naruto was still in his room as before, holding a balloon in his hand. The balloon wobbled in a spiral motion as if possessed by a ghost.

The vast reserve of his chakra, which had increased by at least a percentage, was tightly controlled by him.

"Success," he muttered, letting go of the empty balloon.

"I need to compress the rotating spiral chakra into an imaginary ball, huh."

Naruto extended his right arm and controlled the chakra again to rotate in a spiral motion. Having completed the three steps, this became extraordinarily easy, without any hitch.

Soon, a rotating spiral ball made entirely of chakra and wind appeared in his hand. His chakra was drained a bit, but compared to his vast amount, it was nothing.

The Rasengan required wind-nature chakra.

Naturally, the speed of it was top-tier among the Jutsu, and with the buildup of speed, the strength it could generate from the spiralling motion was terrifying.

And not only that, the Rasengan is a ruthless technique that can directly sever the chakra pathways, causing the ninja to be completely crippled because he couldn't supply chakra to the body after the severance of the chakra pathways.

It was a cheat and a half.

At the age of six, Naruto had accomplished something that even top-tier Jounin couldn't do, and he hadn't learned any ninjutsu either, except for Rasengan.

"It's time to go to the academy."

Naruto's eyes shined as he walked out of his depleted house, the sun rays revealing his toned body through his ragged clothing.