
Evil Naruto: Teuchi died, so Naruto turned Evil

They say a lot about butterfly effect. How a single change can create an entire multiverse of different possibilities. What if during Kyuubi attack, Teuchi died? Without the presence of Sage of Six Bowls, how will the story unfold? Read to find out.

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Team 7 Introduction

(*I will be using 3rd PoV unless stated because if I want to develop an Evil Naruto, I will require views of other people as well.)

"So, tell me about yourself, your dream, likes and dislikes."

Sakura looked at the two boys on her team. On one side, there was Sasuke Uchiha, the prodigy and the Rookie of the Year, her crush. Heh! Take that Ino-pig!

And on the other hand, it was Naruto. She actually didn't know much about him, except he was a quiet kid in the class, who was also a dead last and the people made fun of him. 

She actually didn't hate him. She just didn't know about him at all. But since he was the dead-last, he will drag down their team(Sasuke and Sakura). 

Well, he is better than Ino-pig atleast. Or gross boys like Kiba and Shino. 

Seeing that nobody was going to introduce themselves first, she went first.

"I am Haruno Sakura. I like-" *blushing while looking at Sasuke*, "-I dislike Ino-pig, and my dream is to-" *blushing profusely while looking at Sasuke*

Kakashi thought in his head. 'So a fangirl.'

Then Sasuke went next. 

"I am Uchiha Sasuke. I don't like anything, and dislike many things. I don't have a dream, because I will make it a reality. To kill a certain someone."

'So revenge obsessed Uchiha. Understandable. And finally-'

"Uzumaki Naruto, Jinchuriki of the Nine Tails, which apparently everyone but I knew about."

Sasuke and Sakura's eyes widened, and she immediately hid behind Sasuke.

Kakashi winced at how normal Naruto sounded. He shouldn't have been. He should have had the enthusiasm of Kushina. Or the cheerful smile of Minato -sensei. Not this.

Kakashi decided that he will tell him who is parents are, Third Hokage approves or not. The Fourth Hokage would have wanted Naruto to know the truth. He can't have Naruto think of himself as just the jinchriki of Kyuubi, or in worst case, the Kyuubi itself.


Sakura shouted. Sasuke winced, but he looked at Kakashi. 

It is the first time he heard about it. Didn't the Fourth Hokage kill it and sacrificed his own life?

Kakashi sighed and looked at his potential genins. No, his genins. Should he just tell them? 

"I have the Kyuubi sealed inside me. Apparently, he can't be killed and has to be sealed. And I have been protecting the village just by existing, whose existence they continue to deny."

Well, Naruto said it himself. 

Naruto was really hurt by how afraid Sakura was of him. At how even the genius Sasuke was unsettled by the fact.

Naruto imagined, what if he used fear like this instead of becoming the Hokage as the Old Man said, trying to take advantage of him?

The villagers will never accept him anyway. But maybe he is feared, then they won't ignore him starving on the streets?

His thoughts were interrupted by his Jonin-sensei, what was his name again?

"Naruto is right. He is the hero of Konoha and a person who has the potential to surpass even the Fourth Hokage. Even the Sanin Jiraya was clumsy when he was a genin. So don't underestimate yourself Naruto, and you two too. 

And, I would appreciate that you would keep this secret. Otherwise, I wouldn't have any choice but to kill you."

"What secret? Everyone knew already, except me."

"*Cough* Anyway, you aren't even genins yet."

Kakashi tried to divert the topic, hoping that it would snap them out of this heavy awkwardness and tension. But it didn't work. Sakura was shaking in fear, and Sasuke was too shocked about it to listen.

"Pay attention! You will have to go through a test tomorrow, and it will decide whether you will become my team or go back to the Academy. Come here at 7 in the morning tomorrow. And don't eat anything while coming here, you might puke."

Naruto just silently nodded, Sasuke did too. As for Sakura...

Oh well. Kakashi shunshin'ed away. He will have to prepare things for tomorrow. He can't really fail this team, and he will train atleast Naruto even if they fail. He will tell Naruto about his parents after the test, whether Third Hokage approves or not.