
Chapter 00: There is no end...

"Where am I? Ugh my head fucking hurts..."

"Oh another one woke up. Hehe. What a rarity you are." someone spoke in an disgusting sounding voice.

I tried to orient myself and find out who is speaking to me but it was no use as it is just too dark.

"Could you please tell me who you are, where I am and what is going on? What do you mean by another one?" Seeing how I can't see anything might as well try talking to this guy.

"What is the last thing you remember?" The voice asked.

"The World ended, judgement day arrived, humans were deemed a failure...and...argh..." again my head starts hurting.

"Come on concentrate."

I tried my best remembering.

"All the worthy people went up to [Heaven], the rest of us was stripped of our humanity and human faces and sent to [Hell], I promised my Parents, to find and look after my little brother. I can't remember if I said goodbye."

"See wasn't so hard was it? Now as for your questions. You are in [Hell] or rather you are about to enter [Hell], I am your groups [Guide] and the guy who gives you an explanation, abilities and Leads you through the tutorial." The voice said.

"Wait why do I need a [Guide]? Is not [Hell] just a place where [God] sends us so we receive punishment?" I was perplexed.

"No, first [Hell] is its own Dimension, World, Realm or whatever you wish to call it!

[Righteous God]s have no saying in [Hell] we are [Heavens] equal and it makes a little difference, being sent here for punishment or are sent here as inhabitants. You and all the other Souls from former Earth have been exiled and deemed unworthy, as such you will be transported to [Hell]." He explained.

"But if they're equal world's then why the negative image of [Hell]?"

"Think about it wasn't life on earth the same? Some countries have the notion of Justice and Peace while some were chaotic and brutal. But whatever nation you pick it is always a concept of a pyramid, a few rule over many some do it openly while others do it through deception and manipulation."

„But isn't [God] a higher being?"

„So what? Interests are the only eternal constant and you, you are too weak and too far away to be able to ask about their motives. Now let's focus on your situation rather than something you might never have to deal with."