
Chapter 1

Han Zhu felt he was laying on his back and his enntire back was laying on something wet. His first thought was that he had wet his bed in his sleep. Opening his eyes suddenly to make sure that his suspision was not true. He was blinded for a few seconds as the sun was right above him. Holding his hand to block the sun's rays he took a few moments to compose himself. Looking down he saw hw was in a trench and on both sides where smooth escapments.

At this moment memories not of his flooded his mind. After taking time to digest them he finaly understood what happened. It can almost be considerd funny. He had transmigrated to this body and the previous owner was also called Han Zhu. His parents had been killed when he was young by an immortal when they ventured outside the wall to do bussiness. Yes you read correctly apparently in this world people had the power to flatten mountains and fill seas. They where very obsecure and very ill tempered if you happen to rub them the wrong way you would die with out an intact corpse.

After they where killed he was driven away from his home and was forced to be out on the street. That was three days ago. It was tough especially on him who was only at ten years old. He was forced to eat food out of garbage bins and on the street. Yeasterday a merchant caravan was leaving through the city hurriedly and a gold ingot dropped on the ground next to him. He hurriedly picked it up and hide it in his clothes to hide it. He looked around to see if any one saw anything and when nothing was amiiss the though he was in the clear. 

He hurried left the spot using a alley to quicky leave the area. Unfortunately just as he was hurriedly moving through the alley he had footsteps behind him. He know he had not been as sneaky as he had thought and that he had been discoverd. He hurriedly picked up speed and began to run. He did not manage to leave the alley when he felt a pain originate from his back and through his chest. He looked at his chest only to see a sword. Then his world went dark.

Remembering this he first looked at the place where he had kept the ingot and saw that it was gone. He was half expecting this but was still disheartend when he saw it was not there. He then looked at where the sword had pieared through but there was nothing not even a scar but his clothes told a diffrent story he could clearly see the exit point of the sword from the front. From what he could gather so far the original owner was killed by a sword oover some gold and he had then had the opotunity to transamigrate.

At this moment having stood up he noticed that the poeple on the street where moving huriedly in one direction. He huriedly pulled himself out of the trench and moved in the same direction as them. After all when in rome do as romans do. He would as questions later. As he joined the crowd he noticed that from his memories they where moving towards the center of the city. He did not know why they where doing this and he wanted to ask a passer by but he noticed that the people around him kept some distance and even some had a disgusted look on thier face.

Han Zhu noticed this but at this moment did not care that much about it. He just kept moving towards the center of the city with the crowd. After walking for a while they arrived at a huge square. There was already groups of people there and more where comming every second. Standing there do to his short stature he could not see the front of the crowd. He could only stand there waiting what would happen next. After an hour or so of waiting a voice came from the front.

"Today the immortals have come to check your aptitude and if you have the chance to walk the path of immortals. Make three likes and come one by one to be tested."

When people had this they where both excited and frigtened. Exicted as they had all had the stories of how powerfull the immortals where and frightened as they know that there immortals nere by. The immortals where very wierd people one second they would be smilling the next angry. they killed as if they where breathing and and could kill someone for just breathing.

Soon the crowd began to stir and they split into three lines. Han Zhu was in the left line. He stood there patiently poking his head out to see what was happing. The foremost person in every line would walk up to one of the three tables in front of them and then place there hand on the circular orb in front of them. If there was a reaction they would stand behhind one of the three immortals who tested them.

Just like that people moved one by one to the front of the line tested and either left or stood behind the immortal but the number was pityfully few. Only less that one percent of those test made the orb have a reaction. Just like that it was Han Zhu turn to stand in front of the orb. He streacthed out his hand and placed it on the orb. A after a few seconds the oorb released a dim green light. Seen this of Han Zhu would be happy as a transmigrator who had read all kinds of webnovels in his previous life how would he be content with just been ordinary.

"Stand behind me" 

The immortal infront of him said with out even looking at him. 

Han Zhu moved to stand behind him and said nothing. After two to three hours the testing finally came to an end. The immortal in front of him turn his head to the other two and seemed to say something but no sound came out. He then stood up and motioned for the people behind him to follow him. He then turned and moved to wards the out side of the city. Once he left the city he pulled out a small boat out of thin air. He threw it into the air and it expaned to more than 10 times its origininal size.

He easyly jumped on board and motioned for the others to get on board. After Han Zhu and the others got on board the boat lifted into the air and began to move in a certain direction very fast. Luckly for them there was a film that coverd the boat that protected them from wind or else they would have been thrown over board.

The boat it self was like a normal one with no levels just a mast at the center bbut that is where the similarities ended. First it was earie just standinng on it he felt as if he was in the mouth of a beast waiting to be devored. On the structure of the boat there was ocationally a figure like that of a ghost that would appear and disapear. This make those on the boat including Han Zhu to not even move a step on the fear that they would be provoke the ghost.

As for the immortal he leaned against the mast at the center and closed his eyes and did not bother with them. Eventualy they got tired of standing and sat down but still hundled together afraid that they would be picked off but the ghostly figures. 

Even though the speed of the boat was fast it took three days to reach where they where going showing just how far it was. In this period of time Han Zhu noticed that he did not have any bodily requirements like eating or using the toilet. This suprised him at first but looking at the ghostly figures that would appear from time to time he didn't think much about it. It would be useless anyways as he would not understand.

He felt the boat start to desend untill it fully landed on the ground. After disembarking he and the rest of the people saw the immortal shrink the boat into the palm of his hand and make it disappear again. Han Zhu as a transmigrated thought it had to be a space storage mechanism like a space ring or bag buit was not sure. 

They had landed on a valley that was coverd in mist. The valley was extremly long annd wide. Han Zhu could not see the end of it.

"Follow me closely or you will be lost and die", with this words the immmortal lead the way the way and walked into the mist. Han Zhu and his group did not dare to delay and