
Evil Husband, Glutton Wife: Buy Miss Piggy, Get Free Little Buns

[Status: COMPLETED] “Feng Tianyi! Your brother destroyed my Tang family! Is there anything good about your family?” “En. Can’t you see how our good looking genes are passed on to our children? As for the Feng family’s debt, I will pay you.” He said nonchalantly. Tang Moyu scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “How will you pay for it?” “How about I repay you with my body?” “...” So shameless! The man sitting on his wheelchair burst into a round of laughter seeing her ugly expression. “Miss Tang, it’s no point pretending you haven’t seen it since you practically climbed on my bed and took advantage of me.” Five years ago, Tang Moyu was the empress of the business world and was at the peak of her career before she was reduced to nothing when her fiance fell in love with another woman. That was okay since there was no love between her and Feng Tianhua, but who would have thought that this ‘Cinderella’ was a wolf in sheep’s clothing? Then there’s Feng Tianyi, the infamous successor of the Feng family, a critically acclaimed author who constantly rocked the bestselling list with his books. Rumors say that he was hot-headed and temperamental. He was so ruthless, that neither men nor women wanted his company. The rumors even say that his face was so handsome and out of this world. He was practically a god amongst men. It was a pity that he was crippled. The two were never meant to meet again, but a pair of sweet little buns intervened. “Uncle, we don’t have money to pay you for damages.” The elder Little Bun said. “My manuscripts are invaluable,” This handsome uncle replied with amusement. “Uncle, if you don’t mind, can we pay with our Mommy? She’s also invaluable.” And so the pair of sweet little buns and the handsome uncle entered an agreement but who would have thought that the woman in question was an ice-cold queen from hell who had a weird affinity with sweets? —— Editor/proofreader: ninaviews Book cover: Bizzybiin / copyright 2020 anjeeriku

anjeeriku · Urban
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890 Chs

No One Takes Away Our Little Buns (2)

Feng Tianyi glanced at the empress's cold and impassive face. This woman rarely showed emotion to other people, and her warm smiles were only saved for her cute little buns. 

"Do you plan to take revenge on him?" Came his curious question. He wasn't sure if she would answer him, but he also needed to know where to place Tang Moyu in his plans. 

"Revenge?" Tang Moyu looked down at her clasped hands that were resting on the kitchen counter. Her wavy black hair framed her face and flowed behind her back. 

"I don't think I have the liberty to seek revenge at this point." She sighed and glanced towards her children. "At this point, I don't care what Feng Tianhua and other people think of me. He can go to hell for all I care, as long as my children would be spared from their schemes." 

She was now a mother, after all. If she didn't take care of herself, then who would look after her children? She only has them in this world. It was bad enough that she had no idea who fathered her twins, she simply wouldn't allow other people use them to hurt her. 

"I hope you don't mind me asking but…" Feng Tianyi wanted to know about the identity of the father of her kids. He couldn't help but be curious as to why she was raising them alone. 

"You want to know who their father is?" The empress asked back. "It's alright, it's not the first time someone asked me about it." She paused as she pondered how to answer him.

"I don't know who he is or where he is. He might be here in Shenzhen…" At the thought of a man appearing on her doorsteps to take her children away from her brought a shiver down her spine. "People say that they were my drunken mistake, but my babies… they will never be a mistake in my life." 

So the possibility of her brother fathering the twins was now solidly crossed out in Feng Tianyi's mind. He didn't think he would be able to hate the little buns even if they ended up being his niece and nephew though. However, the two little buns were just too cute to be Feng Tianhua's children. 

Somehow, he was relieved that they weren't, because he would have a hard time cutting off his affections for them if they were. 

"Whoever that man was, I hope he won't show up in your doorsteps." He told her. 

Tang Moyu arched a brow at him and accepted the can of beer he offered at her. She opened it and took a sip. 


"Because I would surely chase him away. No one takes away our little buns while I'm here." He said without batting an eyelid, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

The empress laughed at that and shook her head. 

"I didn't think that Qin Jiran loved children this much. I owe you a lot for keeping them busy and entertained these days." 

The twins spent more time with Qin Jiran than her and Auntie Lu. She was relieved that they were happy with his company, but still, a part of her misses her twins. Her long days at work forbade her to spend more time with them. 

The more she thought about it, the more she was eager to secure Tang Enterprise soon. As soon as the company was stable and had an executive team she could trust with operations, she planned to shorten her working hours. 

"By the way, Mr. Qin, I will be coming home late tomorrow evening. I'll be attending a party." She informed him. 

"Is it business related?" He queried. 

The smile that spread on her lips told Feng Tianyi that she was up to something. 

"I'm planning to fish for our first investor. Wives of the businessmen who would be attending tomorrow. I can't just let the chance slip by." 

"So who's your first target?" Feng Tianyi was curious. He knew that the one hundred million he invested in her wasn't enough to keep the company running. Tang Moyu would need to inject much more money than that. 

"Xu Wenyang. Have you heard about him?" Tang Moyu rested her chin in one hand and looked at him. 

"I do, but what about him?" 

Xu Wenyang. Of course, he'd heard about him before. He was a risk taker and because of that, he had earned a lot of money over the past ten years. Feng Tianyi heard that Xu Wenyang had married three years ago, but he wasn't sure how his relationship with his wife was and had no idea how Tang Moyu would take advantage of tomorrow's event. 

Tang Moyu hummed, the long day at work started to become apparent as her weariness became more obvious. 

"I have a meeting with him prior to this party and he offered to extend a hand to help Tang Enterprise by investing in it." 

Feng Tianyi thought that inviting Xu Wenyang wasn't a bad idea. The man was decent enough from their previous deals and was sure that he wouldn't take advantage of Tang Moyu's weaknesses. 

"So what's the catch? I hope he didn't ask you to do something outrageous." He finished his beer and threw the empty can into the nearest trash bin and stretched his arms above his shoulder. Working in the garden and sitting in this wheelchair was starting to make him feel sore. 

Tang Moyu sighed dejectedly. 

"That's the thing. I have no idea how to proceed because his request is a little personal and not business related."

Feng Tianyi narrowed his eyes on her. 

"Please don't tell me he asked you to be his mistress." 

How could he forget He Lianchen's warning the other day? That this woman had enough admirers that vie for attention from a far? Xu Wenyang was a good looking man after all but Feng Tianyi didn't think that the man's morals would allow him to cheat on his wife. 

"God, no! That's ridiculous, Mr. Qin. He asked me to convince his wife not to divorce him. How the hell do I do that when I know nothing about his wife?" 

Thankfully, Li Meili would attend with her, or else she wouldn't know what to do.