
Evil Designs: Fire Emblem Across Realms (Oneshot)

Hector, the Champion of Tiamat had taken over several Dimensions in her name. Primordial Creatures that caused slights in the past were paid by her Champion. All the places with Dragons that needed to be brought to heel before her partial brother Bahamut brought them under his fold. Moving to the next destination, Hector was in for some trouble. Especially with the setup he was given this time. Having a twin younger sister awaken long-buried feelings he was able to make do without. The mother as normal had weird circumstances and the father was something lacking in his eyes. Hector is struggling with the decision if he should form a contract with his sister and make her a champion. But that would introduce her to a world of warring Pantheons and secrets as old as Existance itself. To make it worse, Hector's kids from previous Dimensions have tracked him down. Wanting to still learn and fight with their father. They were grown, why was it so hard for them to understand to stand on their own!? What's a champion to do with all of the trouble especially when he needs to still take over the Dimension for Tiamat without an issue.

Magmatide · Video Games
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21 Chs

Fire Emblem Part 5 Eliwood & And a problem

Holding his hand up, he gestured for the other to do the same. Pointing out the tense muscles that Hassar had from overexertion compared to his that only throbbed in irritation. A flex of the fingers and allowing of blood flow increasing from not wearing any of his armor made it easy.

"Grr!" Seasoned he may be, Hassar still had that deep pride. "I make no excuse, you were better than me today."

The tribes folk gave some grumbles. Some couldn't get over the chief lost.

"Lord Hector," Clyde moved over hastily. ".. bandits have been sighted nearby moving up north a little. A large force that should not be left alone."

"Hmm, they said it is not a big deal. So let them deal with it in their own way. We are not needed and by the looks of the future dead people, not wanted." Hector rolled his neck a little in thought. But it was better to say this then move afterward how they wanted. "Break camp. We are leaving the Lorca Tribe to their Fate."

"Yes sir!" Clyde turned to inform the troops after a prompt salute.

"Haaa, this could have gone better." Matthew sighed. He had to catch up to Leila who already started to follow Hector. "Hey, wait up!"

Hector was putting his arm back through the sleeve and refastening his armor. Leila gave a look back at the Lorca tribe who didn't act.

"What are the next plans since a fight was at least expected?"

"Hmm, nothing, no time to waste on them right now. This Bandit group will help provide training and secure the area around Bulgar. The Altar is a nice little place thrumming with magic to help the people." Holding the Mani Katti as they moved in the light, cause the Sacaens to take notice of the weapon. "To think most of them are a mixture of Sacean, Bern, and Eturains. Yet none really claimed any relation to the members of Lycia."

"Why didn't you show them you had the sword to help gain their trust?" Matthew asked. Falling right into Hector's plans by doing so.

"If I use this to do so, wouldn't they have been more suspicious than they already were?" Hector smiled as the thief paused on the spot. His partner Leila hid her smile by raising her scarf up. "It is better to let them come to their own conclusions. Or I would have to use force if they tried to take it away."

Up above hiding in clouds were the Pegasus riders. In case it got harry, they were to perform a strafing attack or do a rescue move. All depending on a signal they would receive from Clyde.

The return to Bulgar was uneventful. The people were warmer to Hector than before and even his mercenaries. Especially with some help to fix the homes and helping build a better access for water.


That evening-


With the full mercenary group to fight back, the bandits never survived long enough to receive their reinforcements. Having cataloged them and checked for bounties the same as before, all large income was coming in soon.

A lot of them had run afoul of Eturian Nobles and Osita decadents. Which would give the group the chance to collect while getting an update on the area from spies. Plus more resources for building.

"Hector," Raven came over to report. His sister and friend beside themselves in his more approachable attitude. Raven was staying like Hector said Priscilla not wanting to leave her brother's side also decided to stay. But was forbidden strongly from calling him a brother or anything but Raven. "a party using the banner of Pherae approach."

"If not for nighttime, it would have been easier to confirm." Lucius said. The monk was used to being a mercenary group so it didn't matter. He was just happy Raven was well. 'Those eyes...'

Hector looked to the group who were illuminated by the flickering flame of the torches. His eyes glowing in Dark Magic letting him make out the features. A more diligent way to help increase his magic then burning through tomes.

Confirming they were actual Pheraens, he dismissed his people's concerns. They dropped from a ready situation of attack to a more responsive one.

"What do you want Eliwood?" Hector stroked the stew that was cooking. His soldiers who were relaxing from the constant night drills could barely move. Those on watch kept a good lookout even with the Pheraen soldiers staying around. "Still pining after what you can not control?"

Hector sniffed the stew adding a little more rocksalt. It was not the best thing but better than nothing in its current state. Obtaining seasoning was so expensive and time-consuming on this continent.

Thus the mining and trailing a course to the ocean.

"Just more interested in what is going on with you. Your forces are pretty strong and continue to grow. A few nobles are getting worried." Eliwood was to be as expected still, no changing him from that without something drastic happening. "Lord Uther.."

"Then let them worry. It is not my job to play nursemaid to fears that may come true in some." Hector removed the pot to let it cool as he moved it to the side. One of the mercenary cooks came over placing a skillet then started cooking some rabbit tenders in the free fire. "Hmm, need to pick up more provisions soon."

"Should we send a detachment to get some?" One of the scouts asked.

"No. We will move the forces togethor just in case later." Hector did not want to split the soldiers considering the strange group that was reported a few days ago. Whether it was the Black Fang or another group remained to be seen. "Besides, time for a furlough all togethor. A week's leave for everyone is in order."

The soldiers cheered ready for the break. Their was gold to spend after all. The pegasus knights were at a loss on what they would do in that time. Some wanting to return to Illia briefly but others want to settle down in one of the strongholds building a life hereafter discussing it with family and friends.

"What about the Sacaen matters?"

"See to them how you wish, it matters not to me." Hector moved to the war table and read over some contents. "The food should be ready in a few minutes." His forces were taught Spanish to keep things from being exposed to eavesdroppers. So once less worry to deal with. "Me and mine will continue to do what we believe is best."

"What are you up to?" Eliwood was stopped from getting to close. "Your tracks are all over from Ostia, Tuscana, Araphen, and even the mountains. Now even the Sacean lands..."

"Taking out bandits and changing things to my own needs and wants. Yah know the thing people do." Hector stated as matter of fact to the coddled boy. "If you are so interested in what I am doing in the Sacean lands go and speak with the Lorca tribe, I am sure they could even help in the disappearance of your father."

He had know idea if they did know but if Eliwood is spotted with the Sacaens it works even better for later. Especially the bandits making a move trying to snatch him up. One change that was confirmed was that Eliwoods father Elbert went "away" on business a few times.

Which means he may or may not have been part of Darin's plan already.




Matthew and Leila stood over the War Table waiting. Leila was able to understand the language but not Matthew. Hector did not trust him considering what he knew about him. Plus he could feel the strain with the Enthrallment.

"Your next assignment is to destabilize Caelin's military more. The citizens must be willing to hire a mercenary group to help provoke military action in response. With the way the Lycian League works, they will not interfere."

"I will make the move on it now. But what of the Black Fang members that have been spotted?" Leila was concerned as the Black Fang were already showing signs of acting differently than before. No longer the helpful group and rumors of sacking homes spreading. "I have improved a lot but.."

Hector passed to her a locket. It was forged out of the material that the Iron Rune is made of. Instead of having it on her person in inventory, she could wear it under her clothing and receive the same benefit of being protected from Critical Hits.

It was fashioned like the eye of Tiamat. A beautiful jewel that contained additional magic compared to just the Iron Rune itself. An item that rose from the Primordial Sea after Hector tossed a score of junk inside it.

"Out them to the public and cause public outrage of course. A few civilians might be killed but it is better the entirety getting wiped later due to Lundgren's foolishness." Hector moved to another section on the map. "Now for Laus.." Darin was important to Laus only in pedigree, not to Hector himself. "The Lorca tribe .. are not an asset, so we will focus more on dealing with bandits we come across. But any word on the Kutolah tribe yet?"

"Yes." Leila said gravely. "You defeating the leader of the Lorca tribe has spread quickly. Several tribes know of you already..oddly enough." The tone was suspicious. My people say the leader of the Kutolah wishes to meet you. I think it best we stay away for now."

"I don't know what you are saying.. but I know the word Kutolah at least." Matthew piped in. "We cannot beat Dayan, he is the strongest Nomad! The exact opposite of Hassar!"

"We?" Hector frowned at him. "No, we. I will engage them and see what is what. You carry on your own tasks. If I fall to the weak little Nomad then death is what I deserve. I will beat him and his people will become mine if it comes to it. He wishes to meet me so he can come to me instead."

He said so easily, they thought it a jest. But then again, Hector had allies in strange places already. The Kutolah tribe had horses and could ride to him, the bandits to kill would allow him to grow stronger and acquire more was more important.

"I will carry out the orders as you wish." Leila walked away with a fretful Matthew. He tried his best to get her to leave with him. "If you cause trouble in the ranks, don't expect me to bail you out!" She snapped at him.

"Sorry..." Matthew quieted down as she pulled him into a tent to talk.

The mercenaries at the food enjoy every bit of it. So much they were only allowed to get seconds since some need to be left for the rotating guards. The smell had the Pheraen soldiers drooling. As well as some wild animals.

Which had the guards working up a bigger appetite.




After moving across the area and wiping out some more bandits, Hector was suprised when they came across a woman traveling alone. It was none other than the woman Natalie who was searching for her husband Dorcas.

Having already changed the situation with the bandits a great deal in the area he kept a look out for Dorcas but never found him. They never came across a group with poison yet so the event that kills the Lorca tribe hadn't happened yet.

Hector and his forces were currently filling up their water supply at the river and speaking with Natalie. Waving his hand to check it over for and disease or poison, he frowned when the water started to glow light red.

"Tch! The water is contaminated!" Hector cursed. "Begin filtration maneuvers and warn all personnel that the water is no good!"

"Yes sir!" The mercenary's response scared the Natalie. She was shocked they were so organized.

"This water.. it is the main water source for the area. Most of the tribes and animals drink from it." Clyde mentioned. He watched as Lucius and Priscilla tried to detoxify the water. 'Priscilla is defintely better at than Lucius.'

"If you want to spread the word about what happened, I will not stop you. Take 4 of the fast riders to do so." Hector was angry, as the toxins were just added by the looks of it. So his people would have been crewed a great deal by this. "Natalie.."

"Yes sir!" Clyde said invigorated. He took off grabbing a few to begin their ride.

"Yes, Lord Hector?"

"How would you like to help me out?" Hector could feel power from the Primordial Sea in his Internal Space stir. He placed his hands in the water and started to pull on it. "Come over here."

"To pay back the treatment of leg and helping me, I would love to." The woman was defintely wanting to do something to repay the kindness. "But I never had the chance to do so or learn."

"Place your hand on my head, it might start to get warm but keep it there." The woman did so as Hector started to take the toxins into himself. Through his touch, the toxin was poured into the Primordial Sea. "Ughh!"

As the river was cleaned up where they were, and magic mixed in the waters, the Lorca Tribe had troubles of their own to deal with. A few of their sword wielders were moving feverishly.

Hector Ostia

Martial Rank: Lord

Magical Rank: Page

Reap: 46

Enthralled: 29

Level 1 → 2

HP 42 → 43

Str 16 →17

Skl 16→17

Spd 19→

Lck 11→12

Def 25→

Res 15→16

Con 19→20

Mov 7

Affinity- All

Axe - B Sword- C Bow- B Lance- D Stave- D

Anima- C Dark- B Light- C

Attained Martial- Journeyman, Cavalier, Fighter, Mercenary, Myrimdon, Rider, Archer, Pirate, Thief

Attained Magical- Page, Priest, Mage, Shaman, Troubador

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