
Evil Designs: Fire Emblem Across Realms (Oneshot)

Hector, the Champion of Tiamat had taken over several Dimensions in her name. Primordial Creatures that caused slights in the past were paid by her Champion. All the places with Dragons that needed to be brought to heel before her partial brother Bahamut brought them under his fold. Moving to the next destination, Hector was in for some trouble. Especially with the setup he was given this time. Having a twin younger sister awaken long-buried feelings he was able to make do without. The mother as normal had weird circumstances and the father was something lacking in his eyes. Hector is struggling with the decision if he should form a contract with his sister and make her a champion. But that would introduce her to a world of warring Pantheons and secrets as old as Existance itself. To make it worse, Hector's kids from previous Dimensions have tracked him down. Wanting to still learn and fight with their father. They were grown, why was it so hard for them to understand to stand on their own!? What's a champion to do with all of the trouble especially when he needs to still take over the Dimension for Tiamat without an issue.

Magmatide · Video Games
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21 Chs

Fire Emblem Part 15 Nils & Ninian Dragon Supper Part 2

Hector was just leaving the Vendor with a bag of supplies. He did clean the shop out of everything it had. Putting it all into his Internal Space, he pondered Priscilla's request.

'To take Raven and Lucious to her adoptive father for a visit is something. I wonder if she thinks I don't care what she is trying to do?' Moving towards the mountains to meet with his agent, Hector grinned at the simplicity of the girl. 'She must suspects magic in use over her brother, which is true but she won't be able to break it. Not unless she kills him anyway.'

"Lord Hector surely takes risks." A Pegasus Rider said to her companions while in the air above. "Even now he is training while the others are resting. Admirable but tiring..."

"Well, we get to watch over him so he should be safe." Another Pegasus rider stated. She pulled out a Spyglass and observed the mountainous area for any trouble. "How much longer do you think it will be before the return of the others?"

"They should have come back by now. I think something fishy is going on. My family has already settled into Bulgar nicely, I think I will switch over to the patrolling guard after the Crusade is over."

"Yeah... that sounds good to me to. After seeing a dragon I rather spend time at home enjoying life. The training is about to hit the next phase and Lord Hector said we all are going to be pushed to the limit in the next year and a half."

As the Pegasus Riders discussed their next plans in life, they made sure to continue to look around closely. With two looking directly at Hector practicing Anima magic on the mountain itself.

Using concentrated wind magic like a drill, he tunneled through the place creating a passage. One that was big enough for troops to move through with ease.

The sound was cut off by the manipulation of Hector's use of wind. With the debris getting dropped into the Primordial Sea to use as material. The strain was visible on Hector's face but he kept working away.

"Tch!" The mountain was thick and the lack of metal he found so far pissed him off. "There are better ways to get resources than just jobs! At least this way I can get a better handle on my magic!"

About every 20 minutes or so, Hector pulled a piece of dragon meat out to eat. His overall strength didn't increase but he felt something change in him from the magic inside.

"Chomp!" Tearing another piece off, he thought about the other dragons that were here he could eat and take apart for parts. "The older sister should have a better magic inside her, so a definite increase to the Primordial Sea as material."

'You can eat her dragon as well but the other one, the sealed ones do not eat just yet. I have a nice Ritual Spell that can help in your growth of learning. As well as assist when you go over to the other Subsidiary Realms to learn the different skills they have.'

'You mean like the Three Houses and Path of Radiance ones?' Hector pushed harder tunneling through the mountain. He had to keep his Dark Magic in check and focus fully on Anima magic to do the digging if he wanted it to get better. 'Remind me to get that blasted old woman to help with the influence of Dark Magic wanting to be dominate.'

'Magic has its way... if not for Hanon under such grief before her death and the effect of Bulagir, you would have grown a lot in the use of Anima instead. Which would have been better to reign in the future weapons.'

The Goddess Fragment meant the possibly of others left behind in the weapons to cause an issue.

'I figured, but if we want to build a nation to operate from, must not do anything that pushes it to be invaded. Not before defenses are fortified. Bern is the closes along with Ilia but they really have so much going on we will fly under the radar even still.l Then again..' Hector scooped up a deposit of crystal stuck in the wall of the mountain side. '...the personal growth of warriors caused by war is something that can help build a Conquering Nation. But I rather not lose people I have grown fond of.'

Hector wished he had the others' from back Home to help assist or was able to talk with them briefly. It would help to have the counsel of like-minded people, at least those who knew how much better life could be with the implementation of certain policies.

As Hector conversed with the fragment of the Deity and continued mining, his agent had detected his boss at work. Having helped with some magical study already for Hector, the other Shaman was sensitive to his magic at working.

Just not at this level of power.


Sleeper Agent-


Early morning, Hector was across from a man in robes. The man was Heintz of the Black Fang. Someone who was hard to flip to his side but he was able to after enough of Nergal's influence became known to him.

In regard to what will happen to those who fail him. It helped once he explained the plan that was to become of the Black Fang and poitning out the different Morphs that took the place of key figures in the group.

But he also had an extremely difficult task to do, Heintz needed to find the number of Morphs in use and how many Houses of the Lycian League were already flipped.

Up above reinforcements were already getting dropped in. Not to mention the others coming through the passage made by Hector.

"Boss, I was unable to get most of the work done but I did make sure to find information on the Legendary Weapons in my travel." Heintz was fearful of the other growth and the whispers about the group. The magic within Hector was throbbing and contained tightly. 'Joining his side will at least keep me alive! Along with this small offering!'

Pulling back the shadows, Heintz revealed a number of dead bodies. Members of the Black Fang that were killed very recently. In the Black Fang treachery was a very dangerous thing but he was betrayed first and that helped justify the flipped Agent's actions.

*Schup!* The bodies were sucked into darkness then into the Primordial Sea quickly. The water spreading a fair amount in the process.

"Heintz.. you have helped more than most, I assure you." Hector wrapped the weapons in magic and sunk them into the ground next. Then dropped them into the Primordial Sea as well. "This Tome will be put to good use."

There was something about dropping certain matrrial in clumps togethor. Flesh with flesh and metal with metal working quickier with producing of liquid.

Dusting off the Tome Flux, Hector flipped through the pages reading it at a rapid pace. Getting to the end, he flipped back to the front to understand it more in-depth. But key symbols caused the mind to buzz a little.

There was just something about looking through a Tome quickly and having a whiff of the pages brush the air that felt good.

"The boy Nils is awake." Dart came to report. "Lyndis people have not left him alone since you left. Nils looks sad but fine nonetheless after coming to. There is something you should know about that group."

"Very well, let's finish this up." Closing the tome, the two moved to join the others to talk in private. Heintz secured the area and would wait for future orders. In his hand was a Dracoshield to help make him stronger. "We need to sack the keep now anyway."

It took only a few minutes to bring Hector up to speed in regard to the condition of the former halfbreed. Nils magic had awoken and he was having trouble keeping it in check with his emotions.

Lyndis was able to get through to the boy with the help of Eliwood. However, at the mention brought by Kent in regards to Hector's forces moving ahead, they hurried to pack up and meet with them.

They wanted to stop the process of what happened to Nils taking place on Ninian. Even if they had confliction about what they saw and a dragon it just seemed wrong to allow such a thing to happen.

"So a rush to see who gets to the girl first... fascinating." Hector grinned at that. "They have Madelyn, Lyndis, Kent, Sain, Hassan, Rath, and Erk of note. The feldgling Lorca memebrs are nothing to even consider."

"Need more than that to beat us to the target." Dart grinned at the challenge. "Want me to get the others to come in and speed things along?"

"Nah." Hector shook his head as he moved into the keep with Dart. "We will suffice. The others can move on ahead. Tell the Pegasus Riders to be careful and keep a lookout. We must still be careful when advancing until the "other" enermy is found."

"Sure thing!" Dart took off to inform the others quickly. He wanted to be there to push himself against the people of the Black Fang. Even with the training conducted, their was always room for imporvement. 'Gotta be back quick!'

Hector understood the map layout well enough. Pushing wind through the place he was able to get a better feel of the corridors and breaches in the walls.

"Hnng!" With a grunt, he stopped using magic. The strain on his mind was felt. "Damn, nearly 16 hours of magic use constantly, that is defintely enough training for now."

*Shine!* An Axe appeared in his hand taken form out of the internal space. Despite needing to increase his use of the spear, he still needed to have a weapon maxed out in skill. And the axe was the one he had the most with.

Also... a sense of danger had been growing since eating the Dragon meat.

'I am going to deal with that bastard soon! I will need a really powerful weapon style to deal with the old monster!' Walking into a jog then a sprint, Hector brought his weapon to the forefront and attacked the closes enemy. "Die!"

"Huh!?" The soldier blocking the crack in the wall caught him just in time to see the axe glint in the light. "Enemy attack!" He gave a shout to alert the others. Little did he know the rest were already dead outside.

"It's ok..." Hector cut through him bashing into the wall with the Steel Axe. It cracked further with some rubble trickling down. "..I am here to end your pain!" Another strike ended the man's life and destroyed the wall.

The sound of footsteps could be heard coming from behind. Lyndis's group and Dart had made it. Dart shot towards Hector but made a turn down the corridor seeing an axeman to engage.

"Boss! I will make it to the end before you!" Dart shouted out the challenge. In a feat of strength, he chuck a Hand Axe forward while he ran. The axe hit the enemy so hard it lifted him off the ground. "Don't be to slow!"

"Rowdy one I swear." Hector shook his head smiling. while stepping over the broken wall. "Oh?"

*Twang!* The moment he stepped through an arrow flew directly forward. The archer was jot that bad as he had another one knocked ready to fire.

The arrow missed as Hector slipped his head to the side while walking. The man went straight for the kill which was to be expected. Not like it would have gotten through the defenses anyway.

*Twang!* The second shot came the moment Hector was fully through. The archer even jumped back a few times creating distance between the two.

"What the hell are the outside forces doing!?" The archer shouted. He could hear the sound of fighting starting to take place. "You look pretty rich with that armor of yours!"

"Really?" Hector dashed forward looking at the arrow that was about to be fired. "You should have thought of fleeing instead."

*Schup!* The arrow only left a few inches but was cut in half by the axe along with the man's head. The distance closed between the two faster than the archer thought possible.

"You.. move.. to fast.. for that armor..." His head slid off his body the moment the words slid off his tongue.

Hector Ostia

Martial Rank: Lord

Magical Rank: Shaman

Reap: 94

Enthralled: 31

Level 12 →

HP 53 →

Str 24→

Skl 21→

Spd 28→ (5)

Lck 19→

Def 30→

Res 20→

Con 28→

Mov 7

Affinity- All

Axe - B→ Sword- B→ Bow- A→ Lance- C→ Stave- D→

Anima- C → Dark- A→ Light- C

Attained Martial- Journeyman, Cavalier, Fighter, Mercenary, Myrimdon, Rider, Archer, Pirate, Thief, Knight

Attained Magical- Page, Priest, Mage, Shaman, Troubador

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