
Evil Designs: Fire Emblem Across Realms (Oneshot)

Hector, the Champion of Tiamat had taken over several Dimensions in her name. Primordial Creatures that caused slights in the past were paid by her Champion. All the places with Dragons that needed to be brought to heel before her partial brother Bahamut brought them under his fold. Moving to the next destination, Hector was in for some trouble. Especially with the setup he was given this time. Having a twin younger sister awaken long-buried feelings he was able to make do without. The mother as normal had weird circumstances and the father was something lacking in his eyes. Hector is struggling with the decision if he should form a contract with his sister and make her a champion. But that would introduce her to a world of warring Pantheons and secrets as old as Existance itself. To make it worse, Hector's kids from previous Dimensions have tracked him down. Wanting to still learn and fight with their father. They were grown, why was it so hard for them to understand to stand on their own!? What's a champion to do with all of the trouble especially when he needs to still take over the Dimension for Tiamat without an issue.

Magmatide · Video Games
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21 Chs

Fire Emblem Chapter 13 Legendary Bow Devoured Part 2

Reaching out to it, his fingers phased through it. A trick of magic perhaps?

As if the Primordial Sea was speaking to him, the knowledge that it was not time yet to use it popped into his head. Tiamat just smiled before kicking her feet in the water.

With each splash, the water would form floating wings. The white little bunched-up feathers had a beautiful appearance. Very close to that of doves in appearance or pegasi as most assume they were.

'Speedwings, magical items that give permanent boosts to one's speed of +2 are in abundance inside now. This is really good.' Reaching out and trying to use one himself did not work. 'Guess the power taken from the Bow itself prevents this.'

Thinking of the bow something happened like before with the Mani Katti.

*Shine!* A version of Mulagir appeared on his back. The improvements from crafting of the Composite Bow he wielded applied to it immediately. As if he himself just crafted it after countless hours.

The bow did not have the magical power it had before as a weapon that changed the elements, but it was still dangerous and carried more power than a Silver Bow.

Or that of the fabled Rienfleche, one of the strongest Bows in this Subsudary Dimension. As well as the entire scope of those of Fire Emblem.

But then again, their were other bows on par with it in others as well and better for certain Class types. This brought the thought of what happens if Hector obtain the designs of each and spliced them togethor with the use of the Primordial Sea.

'Are you ok with me wielding such a powerful bow in the future?' He thought towards Tiamat. 'Considering what happened in your past..'

'I am sure about this.' Tiamat's tone was neutral and showed know deception at all. 'You are my Champion and I trust you. Unless you have decided to act against me?' She knew the answer to that instantly. Loyalty was something powerful in Hector and was greatly instilled by his upbringing and his time served with Rexford and the others. 'Loyal to almost a fault but that does not mean a bad thing and only serves to put himself in danger at times.'

'No, I have no reason to. Just all goods things have trouble. Not once have you deceived or put me in unnecessary danger. In fact, besides sleeping and giving me advice on how to use my ... abilities I have no complaints really.' Thinking of the way the structures work when making them, as long as he had the resources he could provide buildings and defense structures. 'I may not have the power of the Vortex like the others but I can always give my people a place to stay. Does that mean the same for an entity like yourself?'

'If you grow strong enough yes. I have looked over all the different Blue Prints and Architecture you have planned for the populace, and a few can be arranged to create a Magical Fountain to speed up my recovery. But that causes the attention of Magical Sensitive creatures to take notice without proper protection. No to mention the resource cost.'

'The one Temple already for Teleportation is not enough in the least. Then there is the Black Bone Clan. I really have to move against them ahead of schedule!' Thinking of the Pegasus Riders, his heart dropped a little. They were not ready to fight against them. And the Cavaliers were nowhere plentiful enough to become Paladins to cover the ground forces needed. As well as not having enough Mages to counterspell Audamorze. 'Tch! Suicide Attack it will have to be then!'

Drawing on the plans and the contacts set up in Bern, Hector started weighing the losses if he missteps. He had to hope one Legendary and SemiLegednary weapon will be enough.

"Lord Hector?" Farina looked at him standing in the now empty area silently for some time. Not wanting to break her Lord from his thoughts but also finding it weird. "Is all well?"

"Yes." Hector turned towards her walking as usual, but to the Pegasus Riders, his pace was quicker in micro-movements, and moved a little more gracefully like their own veteran riders. Mounting the wild Pegasus that became unruly from him being away for such a short time, they took off into the air at once. "A nice day to rest, we should enjoy a good meal when getting back."

Hours after they departed, a figure teleported in having felt a disturbance of magic on a grand scale. Just having trouble controlling himself to get involved.

"...." Observing it all absently, the high-class Mage then looked around before teleporting away. This time heading to one that may provide answers that are needed.

As they traveled in the sky, Hector passed over Speedwings that were produced to each of them. The effects were immediate with all of them practicing to get used to the changes currently on their body and mounts. The slight acceleration and reaction time gained would need to be honed.

The further increase in their Speed had the riders giddy. But also boosted their confidence with the grim news delivered. A series of missions that made the Crusade against bandits to be paltry at best.


Battle Within the Soul-


As the amount of Speedwings were all passed out and had his troops practicing to get used to the speed enhancement, the civilian population was instructed to help further in building the Walls and Inauguration System in Bulgar.

It was on the 3rd night before they would pick up to head out. Reports from those that travelled close with the Saceans let him know they were approaching one of his agents that was flipped.

Which also meant it was time to take advantage of one of the plots underway.

"Ughh!" Hector tossed and turned in his bed that night. His very sweat boiled and evaporated in seconds. "Kuh!" He coughed up blood once more harshly.

"I have no idea what is going on!" A maid wiped away the blood as she fretted. "He woke up an hour ago and said it would be ok!"

"It will be." Karel said simply to them. He gripped his sword and made to go outside on patrol. "Whether this is some poison or a curse from someone he will pull through. Besides essential personnel, everyone has five minutes before getting back to patrol."

"Who put you in charge?!"

"My strength and the fact I am the highest-ranking officer in the room!" Karel snapped back with more emotion than normal. "You have been with Hector longer than myself and should know how he feels about wasting time! This is the perfect time for an enemy attack, I rather not explain to him how we lost people or destruction to the town!"

With that, he left the room.

A few of the Riders stood a few minutes then left. The support staff came and checked before parting for the night. The only remaining members were Raven and Serra. The former was guarding Hector.

"Why is this happening now of all times?" Serra fretted. Both she and Raven were supposed to return to the Sacae mission but opted out considering the changes Hector had made. "Did someone slip in and attack when more of our forces were sent to infiltrate more of the Lycian other houses?"

"Maybe, but no one has reported an issue. All spies are still undercover last I heard. Hector is about to make a move all across the Continent. It makes sense someone could tip the scales or cause trouble. Just prepare yourself for the death of your friends."

"Shut up! Nobody is going to die!" Serra shouted at the red-haired guard. "Hector will make sure of it!"

Serra's assurance was very against her more sardonic self. But whenever she was with Hector and the others she felt they were invincible.

Hector clashed swords of all things with a green-haired woman. Tiamat stood to the side watching the duel that had taken place for hours on end. The bow had a secret inside it that caused an issue.

The Bow Mulagir housed a portion of its true weilder Hanon. The "founder" of Sacae as the Eight Legendary Heroes tale goes. Beating her with modern techniques and having a stronger mind only went so far.

"You have his spirit!" Hanon pushed against his sword with strength that rivaled his own. "Roland would be proud of his descendant!" With a push of her foot, the Sacaen founder slipped like the very wind itself breaking free.

"Humph!" Hector moved out of the way as the counterattack was coming the same as before. "I would say you would be proud of your descendants but they are trash now!"

*Thump!* Using his forearm to block the blow, Hector felt himself grow weak a little more. The more they fought the stronger Hanon was becoming. Taking the magic that hadn't dipped into the Primordial Sea yet from the bow.

"That is a pity!" The heroic woman kicked forward as her sword came around like a whip. "I will have to escape this place and rectify that!"

She did not really beleive herself to be dead.

"There is no escape for you!" Hector gritted his teeth as he gave up on defense to attack. 'I have to time this just right!' Swinging with full force, the strike slipped through just enough to make contact first. "I am not losing my life again!"

Hector showed no mercy as his sword cut into her shoulder. But Hanon was no pushover by a long shot. Wind gathered around her sword arm as she swung faster than he could remove his sword to defend with.

To think she was so dangerous with a sword as she was with a bow.

A cut along the chest cause Hector to reel back. Exhaustion and overwhelming pain became to much. He took another step back trying to focus.

"So much to.. do.." Hector could feel the slash burning away at his soul. Mulagir took the perfect time to act by releasing its remaining power into Hanon's soul. "...that stupid bow will pay..."

"You were strong.." Hanon got herself poise to deliver a final strike. With a deep breath that caused a breeze of magic in Hector's Internal Space, the very nature of Wind gave her energy once more. "...but there is a reason I was given this chance!"

Blending with the very wind, Hanon struck Hector all across his body with deadly bows. With strikes that followed the pattern of Lyndis critical with the Mani Katti and Sol Katti in sucession.

That realization was like a douse of cold water on how to survive this.

'This will finish him off!' Hanon was aiming straight for his midsection with enough force to cut him in two. "Hmm!??" A sense of danger almost gave her pause but she was to close to victory to stop.

*Splurt!* A fountain of liquid shot out dripping into the Primordial Sea below the next moment.

"Reckless... just like Roland..." Hanon squeeze out as Hector pulled his hand from her chest. "...you even risk.. yourself to win..." She took a step back for the first time then collapsed into the Primordial Sea.

Hector stared like a deer in headlights. His eyes were blown out and his body barely functioned.

"It is not over just yet." Tiamat uttered her first words since the two started fighting. "Use the spell to secure your final win against the remnant."

With great pain and effort, Hector cast the spell Nosferatu with the power of his very soul backing the spell. But the spell was not just black showing the the natural ties to Dark Magic, it diplayed a multiole of colors and every Affinity at once.

Hanon broke apart into a clear liquid the same as the Primordial Sea. Like a starving man looking at a feast before him, Hector took everything in that remained of the former Legendary Heroine. Enough to heal his soul and body hopefully.

"Ugh!" Hector sat upright in his bed with a start. Coming two from the painful process that took place the last few days. "Ay dios mio..."

"Umm.." Serra woke up with a start at the moment. But still slightly sleepy from worry. "..I just fell asleep..."

"Your awake Hector," Raven looked him over and took notice the blood that he kept coughing up was all gone. "good to see you pulled through whatever that was."

"Yeah... but it was not that easy. Hanon is quite a powerful woman. Even a shadow of herself at that. I should have known the Legendary Weapons had some sort of trap. I.."

He was cut off as Serra fully woke up. She put him in a bear hug that defintely showcased she was doing the PT training to its fullest.

"You are actually making it difficult to breath.. a little." Hector didn't struggle to much as he was quite tired still. "Settle down before you actually hurt me."

"You won't be hurt that easy you big lummox." Serra pouted. She then pulled back feeling the change. "Your magic feels... more and your clothes changed a little?"

The last part came out as a question as she was not really sure, being so close and all. Since he was only somewhat tired still and could rest while moving, Hector got up and got dressed.

"Your right, there is a change." Raven looked his Lord up and down. "He looks more like a magic weilder than a martial fighter."

Hector's dark blue actually turned even darker. The cloth and clothes all over were thinner and made of a finer material. Most important they reduced the restriction further from his heavy armor while allowing his skin to be rubbed less.

Mage-based clothing tended to always go for a type of comfort over the defense. That is what Hector was able to determine anyway.

Hector Ostia

Martial Rank: Lord

Magical Rank: Shaman

Reap: 93

Enthralled: 31

Level 10 → 11

HP 51 → 52

Str 22→ 23

Skl 20→ 21

Spd 27→ 28 (5)

Lck 17→ 18

Def 29→ 29

Res 18→ 19

Con 27→ 28

Mov 7

Affinity- All

Axe - B→ Sword- B→ Bow- B→ A Lance- C→ Stave- D→

Anima- C → Dark- A→ Light- C

Attained Martial- Journeyman, Cavalier, Fighter, Mercenary, Myrimdon, Rider, Archer, Pirate, Thief, Knight

Attained Magical- Page, Priest, Mage, Shaman, Troubador

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