
Evil Degenerate Reborn In Vikings

Please Keep Calm And Carry On Reborn in Vikings as a Degenerate FYI MC not a good person, I've had readers complain about his actions when it is clearly stated on the title. Crackfic Warning Huge R18 Warning R*pe In*est G*re Tor*ure Lemons.....honestly don't read if you have a soft stomach. slight time adjustment

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76 Chs

Ch 5 Die With Honor

The Guard and I soon reached the area for the duel and Mother walked up and hugged me deeply and placed a protection rune necklace on me before kissing me once for good luck.

"I know you will win this my Son~ Make your mommy proud~" she spoke and drowned me in kisses.

Then I saw Lagerta run towards me with tears in her eyes and wrapped herself around me like a leech as she sobbed.

"WAAAAH YOU.....YOU....YOURE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE!!!!" She cried into my shoulder.

I patted her head and soon her father Gunthor came by and peeled her off.

"Go kill him boy." Was all her father said and carried her away.

I walked to the center and saw the Earl standing there with his guards and Cotter.

I stood across from Cotter...the Earl began the formalities.

"We gather for a trial by battle which was called by Cotter to assert his innocence in an accusation of theft, Thenn Odinson Is the accuser and will be fighting for his case...As the Accused, Cotter gets to decide on his desired weapons." Earl Haraldson spoke aloud for all to hear.

"I want sword and shield!" Cotter yelled out while staring me down.

"One Sword and Two shields will be alotted for each contestant, if both shields are broken there can be no replacement..." The Earl spoke and soon we were both brought a sword and round shield to use.

I inspected my sword and found it sharp enough.

We both stood at the center of the small arena and eyed each other as the crowd settled down and became quiet after placing their bets.

I heard Sigurd betting twenty silver to more than one man..... Old bastard was going to make a killing off me.

I raised my shield and sword as I looked at the man standing before me.... This wasn't personal, I just wanted those points and making a name for myself was the smart thing to do.

"BEGIN!!!" Earl Haraldson shouted and the crowd watched on intently, I could still hear the crying of Lagerta as I advanced.

The soft damp earth beneath me squelched with every step as I neared the man.




The Croaking of a large crow Resounded.... many looked and muttered that Odin was watching the boy he blessed.

Cotter was the first to attack with a kick to my shields then a series of hard blows which I easily parried and sidestepped only to flock my wrist at his face and sliced off his ear then stepped back.

Fresh blood spurted forth onto the soft earth and ran down the side of Cotters face as the crowd gasped at the show of skill.

The man grew angry as he felt the blood pouring and saw his severed ear in the mud, he charged forth with a flurry of sword strikes and shield bashes to which I sweeoed his leg and sent him barreling hard into the mud as it sprayed in all directions as he slammed into the ground.

I took a few steps back as he swung at my legs from the ground.

A few people booed at him doing that and I responded by spitting at him as he stood up to which a few laughed.

Once he was up I moved in and kicked his shield away before making a lighting fast slash at his belly before taking a few steps back as he dropped his weapons and tried his best to hold his guts in but they just spilled forth between his fingers.

He fell to his knees while screaming as his intestines hit the mud, he tried to scoop the mud stained intestines for a while as everyone watched on in horror as the man did his best to stay alive.....

Soon enough he collapsed sideways from the blood loss and lay there moaning in pain.

I walked up and placed my sword in his hand and closed his fingers around it as Cotters life faded from his eyes.... This would surely earn me goodwill from the people.

"May he enter Valhalla as a warrior!" Earl Haraldson shouted and the crowd cheered at the show of mercy....

To die without a sword in hand would see his eternal spirit at risk after all.

I closed his eyes and rose at the cheers to which Alfhild and Lagerta ran across the mud and wrapped their arms around me.

Mother peppered me with kisses while Lagerta just cried in my arms.

I hugged them both and soon the Earl spoke.

"Although Cotter was found guilty he still died a warriors death, he served on four raids and shall be given a proper cremation as it is done for any good man!" Earl Haraldson shouted and the crowd cheered good generosity.

After that the crowd dispersed and I stayed with Lagerta and Mother, Ragnar and Rollo congratulated me on the win then walked off with Sigurd as the old man laughed happily at all the silver he just made.

Gunthor, the father of Lagerta waited nearby for his daughter to finish crying and staining my shirt with snot.

I patted the Crying blondes head and spoke. "Don't worry about me Lagerta, I won't die before I get that kiss you owe me." I spoke and squeezed her tightly in my arms.

"Do....Do you...Promise??? *Hic *Hic *Hic"

She sniffled and wiped her face with her little hands.

"I promise I won't die.... Now stop crying or my whole tunic will get covered in snot." I spoke and she growled and punched my arm hard.

"Stupid Thenn....You better not !!!" She shouted and then kissed my cheek before running off to her father who was falling asleep on his feet while standing next to one of his female slaves.

"About time ya finished, any more snot on his shirt and your little boyfriend would be stained green from head to toe." Her Father joked and she pouted and covered her face in embarrassment as they left.

Mother turned to me and kissed my forehead. 

"You captured that girl's heart, but it's not common for someone to take two wives you know." She said and hughed me tightly against her warm body.

"Aye that's true, but the Gods have made no law against it....she'll be mine as well" I spoke and she smiled nodded.

"Aye, I can see it already....come with me son, let's spend the day together before you gain your arm Ring." She spoke and we walked off.

Soon enough we left the town gates and continued along the path as we enjoyed the view, before long we headed into the forest and picked juicy berries and snacked as we walked.

Eventually we came to a clearing surrounded by dense trees and we both sat on the soft grass and snacked as she cuddled against me.

My hands began to wander around my mother's body and into her dress as I pinched her perky nipples and her sultry moans leaked out.

We quickly stripped and I laid on the grass as my Mother lined up my cock with her drenched pussy and slowly slid it inside.

Her soft wet pussy lips stretched out around my cock and her warm motherly hole invited me in as she moaned and pinched her own nipples as she took in inch after inch.

Her inner walls were stretched to fit me again and soon my cock bumped into her cervix as my tip seemed to be sucked by her cervix into her womb.

She looked into my eyes and dropped herself further as my cock stretched open her cervix and slammed into her Warm Womb, Mother Squirted and spasmed as she fell flat into my chest and I just held her tightly as my cock was massaged by her contracting hole.

She turned her face to me and I began to kiss her soft sweet lips lovingly as she began to recover from shoving my cock into her own womb.

A few minutes passed and she separated and placed her hands on my chest as she began slowly riding my cock as it slipped in and out of her sensitive womb.

Her delicious moans began to leak out into the Dense forest air and we both lost ourselves in pleasure.









Her moans Resounded for an hour until I was about to cum, she felt my cock throbbing and locked herself onto me and looked into my eyes. "FILL UP YOUR MOMMY~ OHHH~" She moaned out and I hilted myself inside as she squirted.

My cock began throbbing hard and spurting cup after cup of thick hot semen deep inside my mother as her eyes rolled back and her warm hole contracted wildly on my meat.

She lost all strength and went limp as I held her tightly in my arms.

She moaned In bliss as her big soft breasts pressed against me and I locked my hips to hers as her loving womb began to swell with hot cum as she squealed cutely.

Before long my balls were drained and she lay limply in my arms.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead before relaxing and laying there as my cock stopped the torrent of semen from gushing out of her hole.

Before long she fell asleep and I lay there with her taking a quick nap, we still had hours until the ceremony so I had nothing to worry about.

I decided to check my system so I called for it to open.



I gave my mother another Kiss out of gratefulness and she mumbled something in her sleep.....these points were hard to come by when I just hunted and fucked Althea all day.

I quickly moved to the ACCESORIES tab and selected something quite expensive, I'd already gotten one for Althea and now i needed one for my Mother.

I spent the fifty points and a beautiful bracelet appeared in my inventory.

I took it out and strapped it to my Mother's dainty wrist and it readjusted to her size, it couldn't be removed by her and it would curse any who tried to remove it against her will.

I got her an enchanted Bracelet since I wouldn't always be around and I needed my woman protected from anything should I not be around.....

I held her more tightly and after two hours she finally woke up and we began kissing immediately.

She soon noticed the beautiful bracelet and marveled at it....

"it's too much....for a mother like Me." She spoke with tears in her eyes.

I brought her close and hugged her. "You are not only my Mother but my Woman now....I forbid you from ever taking it off, it's a sign of our love.....and you are a wonderful mother, it wasn't your choice to ever let me go." I spoke and kissed her head and held her tightly.

After another hour of cuddling and chatting it was time to go back.

I pulled out and a torrent of semen came out of her hole, I quickly cleaned her and myself with clean cloths that I carried in my satchel and then rubbed magic scented oil on my mother to get the scent of sex off her.

After that we dressed and picked up all our berries and returned to Kattegat since it was time for the ceremony.

Mother walked a bit strange for the first fifteen minutes but got used to it after a while.

She held on tightly to my arm as we passed the gates and headed to the Great Hall, there was a man Blowing a War Horn to signal the swearing ceremony would soon begin.