
Evil Conqueror System

A young man found himself in the void after death, but he was not alone. In front of him was a screen, it offered him a deal, to conquer worlds for a demon god and receive power. Thus he began...

GodofMagic · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs


Levi sat on the bench till night arrived, as the streets got quiet and no one seemed to go around, he stood up. His appearance attracted a little bit of attention but it didn't bother him, he knew picking white hair was going to do that.

He looked around as he put on a black scarf to hide his face, 'It's time.'

He approached the door of the bank and casually walked as if the door wasn't there, the glass shattered as the metal part of the door bent but could not hold him back, he walked inside as if there was no door.

He looked back and smiled, 'This feels great.'

A loud alarm blared in the bank but he didn't seem to care. He dashed forward and jumped over anything that was on his way or broke through them easily.

In mere moments, he stood in front of the bank vault.

He forced his fingers inside the steel wall of the steel door and easily bent them then forcefully pulled, with a very loud screech, the steel was torn. He threw the part of the door easily on the side, it landed with a heavy thud.

He gasped as he saw the gold bars and cash just sitting there. He took out his hoodie while making sure his scarf was in place and used it as a bag. He took as many gold bars and as much cash as he could fit and began walking out.

He could hear the sirens and police coming so he hurried up and ran out of the bank. He ran very fast in the streets and found a dark alley, there he simply flew up and vanished into the night sky.

The darkness of the night was a big help as he flew northwest. He sped up a little more than usual reaching 300 mph easily and yet managing to hold his balance.

It was still nighttime when he saw the destination he had aimed for, 'Vegas, here I come.'

He landed in a dark alley and walked out, then he began searching for suspicious-looking people. To his surprise, he found none.

'These parts of the city should be swarming with gangs and muggers, why is it so empty?' He wondered.

He suddenly came up with an idea, 'Maybe if I hold some of the cash in my hand, it will attract some attention.'

He took some cash in his hand, anyone could see it and it was quite a lot of money. His other hand held the hoodie that was being used as a bag.

'This bait should attract some fish...' Just as he thought about that, he heard lots of gunshots.

'Maybe there is a gang fight so everyone is out?' He quickly ran toward the direction the sounds were coming from.

A few minutes later, he reached the site. He saw dozens of police cars parked nearby. The sound of gunshots did not stop the whole time.

Just as he decided to walk into the alley that the shooting was going on, a policeman stepped out of one of the cars and looked at him.

"Sir, what are you doing here? It is dangerous." He asked him and the moment he saw the cash in his hand, he grew suspicious. He aimed his gun at Levi.

Levi watched the man take out his handcuffs, "Drop that bag and show me your hands!"

Levi couldn't help but sigh, 'Should I kill him? But I will lose some merit points... every little amount counts... I came here to find some gangs and take over not to kill people yet so...'

He tried to persuade the cop, "Listen, you got family right? Turn around and get in your car, pretend you didn't see me." He didn't care that much, to him it made no difference if someone lived or not, they were going to be Demon God food anyway. His face was covered with the black scarf so he didn't need to worry about people seeing his face and the white hair was not that strong an evidence since some people also dyed their hair.

He turned around but the cop was not persuaded at all, he only grew more suspicious.

"You hands or I will shoot! Stop!"


Levi felt a slight tap on his back, he stopped walking. He turned to look at the cop with a frown, the cop froze.

He crouched and took the bent bullet from the ground and looked at the man, "You dropped this?"

The cop began firing rapidly.

The bullets hit him in the chest, he felt as if someone was constantly tapping lightly on his chest, it tickled a little.

The shooting came to an end as the cop took a step back in fear, "Ho... How?!"

Levi shrugged, "Finished?" he asked casually.

Before the cop could say anything else, he flicked the bullet he was holding from the beginning toward the cop.

Blood and brain splashed behind the cop as a fist-sized hole was created in the middle of the cop's face, his corpse fell down on the ground with a thud. The bullet went on and vanished between two buildings into the sky.

Levi looked at the ground and frowned, 'I didn't want to put that much power into it, it seems I don't have complete control especially when I want to use super strength... This made an unnecessary mess...'

He then lightly blew on his fingers to get rid of the scent of the bullet and walked toward the shooting sounds, as he entered the alley, he saw the police were fighting with a drug gang.

Dozens of bullets moved past him and some hit him but he didn't pay that much attention. He observed the situation. 'The sides are at a stalemate. I need the gang to win...'

He seemed to decide something as he returned to the cars. He put down what he was holding and stretched a little.

'Let's do this.'

He walked toward the corpse and casually lifted it with one hand then put it inside the same car the cop had walked out from. 'The bank one will eventually be forgotten since I won't attract that kind of attention again but murder will remain a mystery especially with a hole like that. I need to burn this in a car clash...'

He then grabbed hold of the car and began taking it back, when he and the car were as back as they could go. He began running and thus the car sped up and in an instant, it crashed into another car. The 2nd car instantly flipped over due to the unstoppable force and fell on top of another.

Levi let go and walked further back and looked at the cars, 'The sounds should attract the police and force them to retreat, if an explosion happens, it will be ideal...'


The car that had flipped over exploded and the other 2 followed soon. The corpse was also inside them. 'Great.' Levi nodded to himself and picked up his stuff then walked away.

A few seconds after he left, the police quickly returned and saw the situation. Just as he predicted, they began retreating. He watched from atop one of the buildings that he had flown on. He surprised that a woman burst into tears as she kneeled in front of the burning cars.

'That's a little sad... However, I don't feel anything and I shouldn't. These people are nothing to me, I have my quest and I need to fulfill it for power. Failure is not an option.' He thought as he watched the police retreat.

'I will burn this world before I spend another second in that void.' He thought with conviction.

'If I complete this quest, I will be free and with the power that I will gain from merit points, I can do whatever I want and go wherever I want. Compared to that, killing billions of people is nothing.' And with that, that very small hesitation vanished from his heart.

He turned to look in the direction of the gang. Their hideout was there. He felt some excitement rising in his heart as he got ready to get to work.

'Time to take over and start a criminal empire...'