
prologue : a letter


I have been brooding over this matter for a long time now. I no longer want to create troubles any further.

Though you are not able to hear me now, my emotions will definitely find the path to your heart.

You say, you are the most capable person who can make me happy. Yes, you are very well right. But you have to think If I am also capable of making you happy in return.

well, for me, right now, at this point of time, I will, not only fail to make you happy but also cause you great harms.

My love, it has always been your music And your mentality that attracted me the most. No way I am going to ruin these two assets of yours.

You always told me that it's not important if you get the person you love as your life partner .Loving doesn't mean to bind someone in a so called social relationship. rather, it means to free the person from every boundary possible.

I can honestly consider myself as a lot better listener and a lot better predictor than a singer. I haven't even learned it properly.

But look at you, my "Manik"

you are a great artist champ!

you are a great music director and a phenomenal arranger.

I know for sure that you would improve a lot too!

you have a grand future ahead. The brightest days of your life are still awaiting your way.

And How can I, being your utmost well-wisher,lover and lastly your unnamed "wifey"😊,let anything cause any bloody harm to it?

I know that if you were in my place, then you would have done the same thing as me.

And you know what, my music!?

I am really proud of the way I think!

you have got miles to go ahead. why stuck yourself here, awaiting for a doomed destiny?

I have understood my family well. though they might not be able to cause any physical harm to you or your family, they will surely succeed in ruining your social impression. And my love, for any upcoming diva like you, social status is very essential.

You once said to me that you love your fans and supporters heartily. It's quite obvious because you have earned them by your own capacity and hard work. these things are very special to you, I understand. After all it should be!

so, how can I let anything happen to that?

One day, these people will regret when they will lose me! But before the realizations struck, these kinda people commit crazy acts of violence and atrocity.

Trust me my love, I am not gonna let that happen.

and if we try to reunite again out of grave passion, we will lose ourselves, will lose the true value of our love.

cause you once told me,

"ray, you know what kid! the way I love you and you feel for me, is quite different than most other relationships. it has that brightest spark of firing passion and that mature stroke of aristocracy so that it can never become our source of weakness but rather it would reinforce positive energy in our lives. this feeling of ours would forever remain in our hearts and would always push us forward,even if we will be not together! "

hearing that, I was so taken aback that I started crying and asked you ,

"does it mean that we would not be together in future? I am not able to live without you babu!"

you then smiled and started stroking my hair-strangles gently.

"I am not going anywhere Ray! But I hope that you might recover from this fear of yours. Our love would never make you incapable of anything. It would give you so much positive vibe and energy to fight hard for your own place in this world that we would be proud of each other. you would say one-day that loving me was the best decision ever made by you! " I heard you reply while resting my head on your chest.

That day I didn't understand what you meant actually. But today I do. I no longer feel scared of loosing you.

I guess it's the toughest and most painful decision of my life that I now part my ways from you. I no longer want to corrupt your life.

thus, I free you babu!

it's true that I shall never be able to move on nor would I get over your existence in my life. But physically we have to bear this pain of Separation for a much greater good. l dream bigger for you champ! you have to fly higher! until you touch the stars.

remember, your mother has sacrificed everything for you. That's a much bigger cause than my presence in your life.

You have to do this! at least for the love you feel for me.

you know love! I have got to learn the way to live my life without you. I can't die and will not commit something as stupid as that of killing myself. I will live to see you shine tomorrow!

I will live to see these people raising their head,watching you in total awe.,but not able to touch you. The people, once who threatened your existence, will bow down before you in total respect. I would definitely live to see that day.

you are going to be a star my boy! I am gonna be proud of you.

as I have decided this, I now quit singing. I know that you dreamt about my singing career too! in a much bigger frame. but I can not help it. I have to change my proffesion from music. or else, If I carry this on, someday I will again feel weak for you. I will not be able to stop myself from going to you.

You wanted to fight for my career! thanks so much that you at least said that. I'm grateful.

but you are far better than me. and I always want things go well with you and you only .

I am sorry that I may not be able to fulfill every little promises that I made.

I may not be there beside you when you will seek cosy shelter in my chest in the nights of winter after a hectic day.

I may not be there when you will write a a new song or make a fresh tune too!

I may not be there in your studio, in front of the microphone, behind the glass window,singing the songs you composed as well.

But I will always be there.... you know, right there!

though not physically but spiritually!

"kaash aisa koyee manzar hota,

mere kandhe pe Tera sar hota"

good bye my man!

take good care of your music

love and respect,
