
Everything is just a Simulation

you've had your ups and downs, happiness, accomplishments, heartbreaking scenarios. you experienced a whole life, only to find out that everything is just a simulation. everything was just... fake. how devastating it'll be?

grimmyah · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

on his death bed

the voices doctors conversing, patients talking to their relatives can be heard outside. you can also hear wheelchairs being pushed and beds dragged with patients either conscious or unconscious as they head to the operating room.

this is xxx hospital, the busiest hospital in province.

yet despite how noisy the outside is, his room is quiet. was it his room, or his heart?

the smell of disinfectants and medicine would fill your nose as you enter his room. the sound of heartbeat monitor beeps per second, signifying that the patient is still alive... barely alive in his case.

the silence of the room was broken by a guy. shaking as he walked slowly towards the bed, as if what he's seeing is unbelievable.


the guy held the patient's hand carefully, seemingly treating it like it's something fragile... one mistake will break him.

"im so sorry... i came in too late"

his words travelled and was left unanswered. how can he make such a grave mistake?

a guy wearing white scrub entered the room.

"are you his relative, sir?"

"yes yes... i am" wiping his tears as he faced the doctor, afraid of showing his vulnerable side.

"he suffered a traumatic brain injury as a result of car crash. he's in coma and im afraid i can't tell you when he'll wake up. for now..."

it was as if his ears shutdown on itself. his brain stopped functioning as he heard those words. his lover is in comatose state? he can't accept this.

especially that he have something to do with it.