
Everything I Want Will be Mine (Danmachi)

She was just chilling on her chair in the office one day on earth while being the #1 underground boss in her country next moment she lets her assassins kill her because she is bored..... "Where the hell am I all I see is nothing." "Hello their child I have been watching you up from above" "Ok so all I know right now is that you are not god because god would never want to meet someone with so many crimes on them." "Fufufu you are absolutely correct lets just say I am a more evil god and I have come here to help you fulfill your wish." Find out what she does on her new journey in another world. (Spoiler Alert its Danmachi). As she battles mortals and gods to keep all she wants intact. The cover is of the image of what the MC looks like ================ I am not a good writer and never claimed to be a good writer was just bored and decided to start writing this. Anyways have fun ready hope you enjoy

Clutch_Russ · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 10 Punishment I Think?

It was now my fourth day in Danmachi and like the last 2 days I was on my way to the dungeon again as I was walking there I passed by The Hostess of Fertility only to see Syr standing outside.

"Hi Karma I hope you are having a good day I made this lunch for you so you don't get hungry in the dungeon."

"Oh thank you very much Syr I didn't know you knew how to cook." as she was getting ready to answer Chloe interrupted her.

"Nyah~ she is a terrible cook but she made this out of her love for you nyah~" as she said that Syr looked at her with a deadly stare

"Ohhh I see then I will try it out maybe next time I will let you try some of my cooking as I have been told that my cooking is to die for."

"I will be looking f-forward to trying that food anyways good luck in the dungeon come back safe." As soon as she said that I walked up to her and whispered in her ear

"Thanks for the meal cutie I will be sure to repay this however you like." giving her a kiss on the cheek and walking away.

'She wants me she wants me she wants me she wants me she want me SHE WANTS ME' is all was thinking about at the moment until Chloe woke her up from her thoughts

"Syr stop daydreaming you will see her again soon nyah~ now hurry back inside before Mama Mia yells at us."

"R-right away Chloe."

As I was making my way to the dungeon I was thinking about what I said to Syr.

'I am so dumb I have never cooked anything that amazing in my entire life sure but food like Mama Mia's I cant even compare to that. Shit what do I do Scarlett is there anything in the shop to help me in the cooking department.

[Yes there is boss hold on just a moment and I will bring it up for you.]

[Soma Yukihira Cooking Knowledge]

[Cook just like the great Soma Yukihira making everyone want your food with the knowledge given to you]

[Cost: 5,000]

Shit that is so many points after I bought Mental Defense I was down to only 600 but I did go to the dungeon again after 'Scarlett how many points do I have right now?'

[Boss you currently have 2,100 points]

Okay so only need three thousand if only I find that Jack Bird again wait hold on the dungeon gets incredibly hard after reaching floor 5 'Scarlett do you know how many points the monsters on floors 5-8 would give me?'

[Boss they would give you around 10 points]

OMG, that is so much better than staying on the first 4 floors I hope Rose isn't too mad about me doing this but maybe she will punish me for it. Ahhhh just thinking about it is making me wet. Alright, Karma focus you can have those perverted thoughts about Rose punishing you after you leave the dungeon.

I entered the dungeon for the 3rd day in a row yadadada you get it all the floors are easy for me I made my way down to the 5th to see if the monsters there will give me any challenge and guess what they didn't they were actually surprisingly weak to me maybe because I was using my magic which was really strong and using the stealth spells I have learned to make life a little bit quieter for me so I don't attract too much attention. I started practicing some lightning and wind magic against these guys. I know it feels surreal as a level one but yes I am using these monsters as practice dummies. I fished around 5 hours later which should definitely bring me to over 5,000 points as I slaughtered so many monsters. 'Scarlett, how many points did I manage to get?'

[Points: 8,560]

Wow, that is so many points 'alright buy Somas' cooking knowledge and put it in my mind right away Scarlett'

[You got it boss buying [Soma Yukihira Cooking Knowledge] this might hurt a little bit boss bear with the pain]

"ahh" it was quiet since I didn't want to attract any attention it did still hurt a little bit I got over it fast because well it is me we are talking about.

After that, I made my way up to the surface thinking if I should open an eatery and have it open whenever I feel like it and not have it open every day making it like a special event as if you are there and we are open than congrats if you come when we are closed tough luck. Oh well, that stuff for the future anyways since as of now I am not powerful enough what if I get kidnapped I must grow my power before I start my empire in the world.

As I was lost in thought I made my way to the guild and entered it spotting my mommy *cough* I mean Rose since she has not agreed on that yet.

"Hi, Rose I missed you how are you today I said with a smile here are all the magic stones I brought today as I said that I pulled out my satchel and gave it to Rose."

"Good Evening, Karma I will get this checked out right away for you and I will be right back." You might be wondering why I didn't ask her to take me to a private booth well the answer is simple I want her to see what I killed than call me to a private booth and give me a punishment for all my wrongdoings Ahhh mother please don't punish your daughter to hard. As I was lost in thought Rose came back and was trying to get my attention but I was just there in my own world with a silly smile on my face. After she tapped me on the shoulder I finally woke up from my daydream.

"Ahhh I am sorry Rose I was lost in thought about what seems to be the issue and why do you look so angry."

"I would like you to follow me to a private room Ms.Karma" she said in such a serious tone I shut up and just followed her silently after she closed the door."

"Now Ms.Karma will you please tell me which floors you went to today."

"I stayed on the same floors as always Rose the 1-4 floors where else would I go I would never disrespect your order."

"It is not good to lie to the person who you want to call a mother Ms.Rose I will ask you one more time which floors did you visit today?"

"I am telling the tru-"


"Mmmmhhh" before I could finish my sentence Roses' hand came down and smacked me right in the ass and I released a little moan.

"I went down to the 8th floor Rose please don't punish this daughter too much for disobeying you" Still trembling from the pleasure from that slap.

'Dammit it has been so long for me one more slap and I would have cummed and made a mess in this room I really have to get used to pleasure again fast but right now I must control myself.

"Sigh as long as you are safe now take the vails and get going I'm sure you have somewhere else to be."

"Yes of course Rose I will be on my way home now." As I was getting to walk out the door I heard a voice from behind.

"If you lie to me again Karma there will be more punishment for you." As she said that I swear I say smile sadistically at me I think I am starting to unlock her S side baby steps Karma baby steps.

As I was happy about my progress in my relationship with Rose I started heading back to my soon-to-be wife after I am a master crafter oh I wonder what she will say after I kissed her and ran last time.