

Saturday, October 10th 1970

The streets were empty. It had merely finished raining as a woman without shoes ran down the damp road. Her figure illuminated as the orange street lights passed by. She had looked frantically for an approachable house - a figure of security.

"Help!" She yelled.

"Somebody help me!"

Nothing. Blood dripped from her torn dress. She held her hand to her bleeding frame as she ran into a stone covered driveway. Approaching the door, she slammed her fists against the metal frame in terror. Knocking, screaming. Yet still nothing. The lights were out. The quiet family peacefully sleeping inside.

"P-Please! You got to help me! He's coming."

Mrs. Elisa Winston slept inside with her snoozing husband. A loud bang jolted her body upwards, frantically looking around the dark room. She rubbed her eyes and looked over at the small clock that sat on her bedside table. The white numbers wrote 3:41AM. Elisa pulled her share of the covers back up while closing her dry eyes preparing to sleep again. Another large thud arose and she turned to her husband and shook his right shoulder.

"Hans... Wake up." She hastily mumbled.

"Don't tell me it's morning already."

They both looked at each other with question as loud banging came from the kitchen. Hans Winston worriedly stepped out from the warm bed and emerged into the dark hallway. Elisa waited for a few seconds until she ran into their sons room. She closed the door behind her and looked at her soft child sleeping in his small blue bed. The woman had her back against the door while nervously chewing at her fingernails. She ran over to the small window sat beside her sleeping son. Nothing unusual was in vision to her.

Hans slowly walked down the dark stairway as he heard muffled screams coming from their kitchen door. A little frightened, the large man grabbed the metal poking stick from the cold brick fireplace. Sweating more on each step, he finally arrived to the door. The sounds had stopped and he nervously peered out the small opening of the door. There was nothing and no one in sight. He innocently assumed his tired mind had thought up the screams, assuming the bangs was just a hungry raccoon. Locking the door behind him, he placed the metal rod beside the door frame.