
Everyone Else Has a System

“Destiny is a matter of Choice not Chance, It is not a thing to be waited for but a thing to be Achieved” ..................... The story sets in a mana blessed world, Planet Vermillion, where every being possesses a System. At the edge of his life, Zero, a man without a System, finally loses everything and embraces his death with a tired yet relieved expression. As if by fate, the owner of the system approaches Zero through a screen and gives him a chance to connect with the System, however Zero denies it in exchange for a chance to change or undo all the mistakes he has done in his life. The owner of the System accepts Zero’s wishes but at a certain price and sends Zero back into the past. Still without a System, but with the knowledge of the future and various skills honed over the years, Zero begins his new journey to change everything he could. Save everyone who needs to be saved and kill everyone who needs to be killed. However, the more he moves forward, the more he realises that the ‘truths’ which he had known in his previous life are much more complicated than what they seem. Balancing his previous beliefs and the new found mysteries that could shatter his perspective, he still keeps moving forward despite things getting more chaotic with every step. As if fate itself wanted him to fall, an unknown disaster approaches him from behind and a familiar screen comes in front of him [Ummm… Zero. It might be a bit late but… Looks like I have messed up big time] ................. Extra Chapters at the end of the month: 20 Golden Tickets= 1 Extra chapter 50 Golden Tickets= 2 Extra chapters 100 Golden Tickets= 3 Extra chapters 200 Golden Tickets= 4 Extra chapters 300 Golden Tickets= 5 Extra chapters 500 Golden Tickets= 6 Extra chapters Extra Chapters within 12hours: A Magic Castle= 1 Chapter A Spacecraft= 3 Chapters A Golden Gachapon= 5 Chapters .............. Discord: https://discord.gg/NC22pTJvZe Insta: alt_simplistic

Ethel_Imaginations · Fantasy
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314 Chs

Special Skills

Special Skills.

These are things that you acquire after attaining a certain level. At which level exactly? Well, it is not fixed. Some people acquire it early, while others take ages to acquire it.

Though getting it late isn't really a bad thing either and that is because the later you get your special skill, the better the chances of it being a powerful skill.

Although there are some cases where a person can have more than just one special skill. In this timeline there is a certain person, who has 7 special skills, while in the future timeline, after the 3rd Cataclysm, people with about 10-15 special skills were considered being the weakest of the bunch.

Special skills can depend upon your system and based on your luck can give you anything from a large pool of mana to life saving skills. Also, there are no special skills that are considered useless.


"[Reverse Charm: Attack mode]"

Charmer shouted as he looked at Zero, and Soon William took his place, pushing him back. Observing the scene, Zero couldn't help but make an annoyed expression, but before he could do anything, the fight between William and Charmer had already began.






Multiple fists exchanged and a high-profile fight began between them. Looking at the fight, Zero couldn't help but look at William in a new light. Earlier, he could make out that William was strong, but to think that he was this strong, Zero didn't really anticipate this.

'Just who are you, William?' Zero questioned in his mind before looking at Scarred Owl, who was already at his limit. He was trying his best, but despite him doing his level best, he still couldn't take control of the situation.

'If I remember currently, Scarred Owl never got any special skills. Well, I hope my memory doesn't betray me. Now the next question is to figure out how to get out of here,' Zero thought as he looked around.

The saintess, Sera Rose, was there healing the rest of the people. She had a profound expression as she cast multiple healing skills at once. There were two more healers who were constantly chanting their spells on Sera.

'Mana replenishing spells? Not bad,' Zero smiles as he sees those two healers healing Sera. Next were 7 people who were protecting the girls. Clair was one of them. Together, they formed a circle and pushed back the frog monsters from all sides.

Those at the vanguards were skillfully moving towards Scarred Owl. The rest of them were supporting the vanguards by preventing any surprise attack from behind.

And finally there was Willam, who was fighting against Charmer.

'Observing his highly skilled hand to hand combat, it does not look like he would be needing my help. So, once we take over this area, the next step is to escape through the supposed exit that exists somewhere around here.' Zero began thinking as he recalled the infrastructure of the place.

After racking through his memories, Zero finally found the exit as he looked straight up and a wry smile formed on his face.

'Only those who could make a jump to the roof can escape from here, huh?' he thought as he looked at the never ending top which was around a kilometre above. It was especially made to prevent prisoners from escaping in special situations like this.

'Well, at least I know where the exit is. Now, let's wait for the situation to calm down,' Zero thought as he looked in front where the vanguard had finally reached up close to the Scarred Owl.

Scarred Owl, looking at the situation, couldn't help but start running back as his expressions turned worse as time passed. As for Charmer, his skill has already reached its limit and William easily pushed him down, knocking him unconscious.

William gave a smile at Zero as he saw Zero observing him. Zero smiled in return before looking ahead at Scarred Owl, who had already reached the other corner. The frog monsters have all been killed. Even the strongest one of them had been neutralised.

"Hmmmm… looks like I underestimated them. They really are more powerful than I anticipated," Zero thought out loud as he looked at everyone smiling at their victory. He had a really amazed expression as he observed the others.

"These are the ones who had more willpower than others. They survived in this hell, clinging to whatever little hope they can muster to live. Of course, they would be stronger than your average person. I guess you too can make mistakes, huh? After watching you managing everything, I really thought you were invincible or something," Zero heard a voice coming from behind and found William looking at him with the same smile he had before.

Looking at him properly, he really had a defined face. Long black hair that reached his shoulders and a sharp jawline. With his black hair, he looked like a seasoned warrior.

'However, based on his build, he should be a swordsman. Is he hiding his true power?' Zero thinks, once again confused at his behaviour. Also, if he is really this strong, then how come he is in this facility?

'And how come I have never heard about him before?'

"Please! Spare me! No! No! AAAAAA!!!!!" Snapping Zero out of his thoughts, the screams of Scarred Owl were heard by him. Zero looked at the scene and found all the people jumping behind as they looked in the same direction where he was.

William's smile vanished, and a serious look appeared on his face. The one who killed the Scarred Owl wasn't an ally. It was another enemy that appeared out of nowhere. Sensing the danger, everyone turned silent as they looked at the dead body of Scarred Owl in the corner and a strange being standing with his claws inside the heart of Scarred Owl.


Then another man came in front of them. He was a handsome man with a bright smile on his face as he looked at the group. Based on the 'thing' behind him, it would be appropriate to say that this guy was a puppeteer.

'Why is he here?' Zero thought as he looked at that man and the expression which Zero was making made William subconsciously take one step away from Zero.