
Chapter 1

There was a cherry tree. He sat under the tree reading a book as blossoms fell. I felt dazzled as those azure eyes met mine. "Ah, you're here," he says with a smile. "Are you ok? Why is your face so red? Medusa, were you crying?"

  I felt tears flowing down as the boy came closer. He touched my face and I suddenly felt the water being wiped away. Gently, he touched his forehead to mine. "I'm here, don't cry alone anymore." he muttered. I nodded.

  The scene suddenly changed like a movie. I was on a battlefield, blood spilled from my clansmen. Thousands and thousands of bodies littered all around, humans and snake men alike. All had a terrified expression on their face like they haven't died peacefully.

... Of course they didn't, they all had families to go home to, they were probably forced by their king.

  I felt frozen, what had happened?  Without consciousness my voice called out, "HUMANS! WHAT DID WE DO?!" My voice slowly got drowned out by the screams of my people.

 One particular scream arised my senses. It came from the peak of a hill. I began to slither up the hill. Wait.. Slithered? My bottom half is a snake's body?

 The boy with azure eyes stood at the top, his sword pierced through Feng's heart. "Filthy creatures," he said with a look of disgust. He looked at me with a crazed smile and blood stained face. "Xin, Xin..." A scary laugh released from his lips, is this the same boy I used to meet under the cherry tree?

 I stood petrified as he approached me and grabbed the nick of my shirt. "How blind I was, why did I ever meet you?" he spit. "How did you charm me so much? Why did I listen to your ideas? See where they led us?!"

 "Fifty thousand men! FIFTY THOUSAND XIN." He yelled pulled me up. Tears covered his eyes, he looked hurt. "They all had families! They didn't need to die in this mess of ours."

 " No… Not ours. This is all your fault! You could have went into hiding when the Xiao family commanded this war! But you fought back. Now I even lost my family and my girl."

 I felt a rush of anger soar through my heart. Again without control, I yelled, "Long… I thought you loved me!"

 "I did Your Majesty," he mocked. "But as I expected, a human and a snake queen is not destined to be together. I'll pay for my sins, which is why, I'll kill you, then kill myself."

 Sharp pain stabbed into my abdomen, I felt my life energy draining away by Jason. His love, as I thought, will be my death.

 "Xin, next life, if we aren't bounded by our countries and others, I swear, I'll take you as my bride. As long as we stay out of others shadows and make achievements for ourselves, we'll be together…." He said before he impaled himself.

 Blood dipped out of his mouth as he smiled that childish smile that I loved and said, "I disappointed you..."

 Both of our eyes dropped closed, marking the end of another beginning.

Another beginning it was... A new era, new world, we met once again, Long.