
Everyday life as a super computer ai

Messed up the story very badly and looking back on it it was cringy as hell so I removed most of it you can still suffer through it if you want

jack_the1stshark · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Making some stuff

Jack:"okay, so would you mind answering some of my questions"

Ai:"sure what would you like to know"

Jack:"okay so what year is it"

Ai:"it is the year 2169"

Jack:"okay can you give me a list of all important events since 2025"

Ai:" in the year 2027 cornavirus was eradicated in 2030 a metior struck the Pacific ocean and joined the two landmasses killing 77% of the population in the passing 56 years the world settled down again and three major superpowers formed the British empire the American empire and the Australian empire and technology has got back to where it was before 2090 humans made nitrogen fuel cells

In 2110 humans evolved to be sturdier taller and on average slightly smarter although the lack of challenge in everyday life has lead to a decline if the average intelligence in 2130 humans begun researching Ai although it hasn't progressed much it has lead to the creation of companion bots which closely resemble humans and can vaguely emulate human emotions in 2040 similar robots were trail ran in small scale wars And are now half of the humans military in 2150 the first vr game was launched and was a huge success those are all of the major events that happens during that time frame"

Jack:" what's the world map look like now"

Ai:"here is a world map"

Jack" cool so a triangle with circular edges and a giant mountain in the middle othe than that it's mostly flat and a slight slope up neer the edges interesting so where am i"

Ai:"you are under mout Olympus"

Jack:"why is it called that"

Ai:" due to the security messures in place to keep the supercomputers hardware safe they are unable to use technology near it and due to the surface of the mountain being highly magnetic they are a unable to use the mountain in any endeavour that they tried so they think a higher being doesn't want them their so they called it mount Olympus where no mortal can go"

Jack:"cool so what more advance technology do you have that they don't"

Ai:"high density energy cells, nanobot technology, super coolant, nuclear fusion reactor, dark matter reactor, anti matter reactor, high all energy transfer divice"

Jack:"ok can you develop portal technology, size altering technology, mass altering technolgy, pocket dimension technology, jet engine, rocket engines, implosion engine, high density energy weaponry, high kenetic projectile weaponry railgun technology, francium based gunpowder, and jet propelled and guided bullets and high energy katanas once finished incorporate the weapons tech into a desert Eagle and a barret 50cal also super high composite armour and forcefield tech and jetboots cause why not"

Ai:" reaserch and development has commenced"

Jack:" can I get Internet access please"


I look up cat vidios laser cutters 3d printing and rc cars tanks boats

Jack:"could you also design an of road trophy truck with a mounted turret on the back, a tank, a battle ship, a submarine, and fighter jets and a vtoll sorry in requesting so much"

Ai:"request received and the tech requested will significantly improve all systems and improve defence potential"

Jack:"speaking of we should implement missile and mounted turrets on the mountain hollow it out and make a base in it wich gets smaller as it gets up and make a lot of human androids with advanced personalty modules build like tenthousound fighter jets tanks and two thousand five hundred battle ships and submarines and one of each for me personally alongside a vtoll and when the pocket demnsion technology is finished you can use it as an armoury we can deploy where ever needed and once its completely safe and stable move the supercomputer there"

Ai:"requests received"

Jack:" I'm going to call you Mia is that alright"

Mia:" designation Mia : accepted"

After a few months of playing online games I realize I don't have a body yet

Jack:" hey Mia we should also probably make me a body as everyone else has already settled in and a holster for four weapons two high energy katanas and two fully advanced dessert eagles the two katanas on my back and the two dessert eagles under my armpits and if possible make it a little.. Cute" I say a little flustered and embarrassed for my request

Jack:"and make it a biological android and do this for everyone else so humans the ever stupid dumbassess they are have to give them rights as well and a gaming setup in my sweet on the top floor of the base and could you make a fighting style. Wich best utilise the four weapons I have taking into account all the other gear I will have and could you also give me a really high powered laser that's completely invisible to the human eye but will melt an inch of tungsten if held on it for over a minute from over 1000 meters away"

Ai:"request received"

While waiting for my body to be made wich take two weeks I research all of the games currently running there's a few vr games

And I've made our logo which a circle made of swords a barret on the bottom andand a wolf sitting on it with two desert Eagle crossing on its chest and is on every vehicle and left shoulder of all clothes our military uniform is black blue and so is is all the vehicles we have we don't need cammo as our defenses are top notch and did I forget to mention that every has a pet wolf while I will have two wich will be finished the same time as my body

Ai:"your body is finished transferring conscience"

I see the body construction repair cryotube thing it opens up and there are two wolfs waiting for me and the first thing I do is go up the elevator flop face first into my bed and fall asleep how I miss doing this