
Everyday Dimensional Amnesia

A fox like boy with two differently colored eyes and a bad case of amnesia. Join him on his journey as he is sent to another dimension as he fights off and out wits his enemy because much like a fox he is very cunning and clever. Be by his side as he gets stronger learning new techniques and some magic. Of course what would a story be if he didn’t already have some sort of uncanny ability? Discover this and who he is as you read. Btw I’ll be using a ton of different types of creature from all sorts of mythologies so stay tuned and see what happens when he fights some creatures that you’ve probably heard of before.

Stardew · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 18 Cali’s Feelings Part 2

After standing at Cali's door for a few minutes, Thomas knocked on it and said, "Hey,… you alright?" After a few minutes of there being no response, Thomas knocked once more and asked, "Are you asleep… or just ignoring me?" After waiting for a response, he says down with his back against the door as he said, "I'm not too sure what I did wrong, but I'm well aware that you were crying… and that for the most part… it was probably my fault." Thomas glanced slightly at the door for a moment and then back at the wall in front of himself as he sighed and said, "If you're upset about me getting hurt, I'm sorry." Just as Thomas was thinking of what to say next he heard Cali's voice, but it sounded sad, she ended up saying "You shouldn't be apologizing… that was mostly my fault." Thomas stared ahead of himself as he said, "That so… well, what's done is done, no changing that." After saying this it became quiet for a moment and then Cali nervously asked "Aren't you… upset with me… even just a little." Thomas shrugged and then put his hands in his pockets while saying, "Like I said, what's done is done… it's like that saying you hear people say every once in a while… I think it was… don't cry over spilled… whatever it was." Cali seemed to sob as she asked, "Do you even have any idea why I'm upset?" Thomas glanced at the door once more as he said, "Not really, but I'm attempting to find out." Cali then swung the door open, causing Thomas to fall on his back as she said, "I'm upset because you aren't… I caused you to get hurt badly… and yet, you don't even seem to care." Thomas laid there on the floor staring up at her tear filled eyes as she held on to the door crying as he said, "That doesn't seem like much reason to care… I mean, I'm still alive, aren't I?" Cali stared at him for a moment and noticed that he was still bleeding, causing her to flinch as she said, "See… I ended up doing it again."

Thomas then stood up as he said, "Don't worry about it… it'll all heal eventually." Cali stared at the puddle of blood where he was standing as she said, "We have to get you treated before you lose any more blood." Cali pulled Thomas in to the room and sat him on the ground as she said, "Please wait here a moment while I grab some disinfectant and bandages." As Thomas sat there on the floor he looked around the quite plain room, it was similar to Lily's apart from all the clutter, that and the smell was sweet, almost exactly like perfume. After a moment or two, Cali came back carrying medical supplies as she said, "These wounds… are pretty deep." Cali grabbed a swab and dipped it in to the disinfectant as she said, "This is going to burn… so you should probably bite in to something." Thomas began to take his jacket and shirt off as he said, "No, thanks, I'd rather use this as an opportunity to talk to you." Thomas glanced behind himself slightly at Cali as she was about to begin treating his wounds as he said, "Now then, why don't we start this story from the beginning, so I can understand it." Cali's face turned a bit red as she said, "It… all started when you left to do that shopping. Once you left I was talking to Scarlett and Lily… and at some point Lily shouted something to Jason… and after that all those men came after you." Thomas thought for a moment, but before he could think of his next sentence, Cali pressed the swab on to the cut, causing him to let out a grunt of pain. Cali seemed focused on this but got a bit distracted as Thomas asked, "And… what was it that Lily said?" Cali fell silent for a moment and stopped moving the swab as she said, "She shouted… that I… like you." Thomas thought for another moment and then glanced at her as he asked, "Well, do you?" Cali's face turned bright red as she said, "I… I do… but I feel as though you don't understand what I mean when I say that." After thinking for another moment, Cali said, "Alright, turn around, so I can get the two on your front." Just as Thomas turned around he saw Cali with a red face and tears rolling down her face, the sight of this caused him to flinch as he asked "Did I do something wrong again?"

Cali shook her head and wiped the tears as she said, "No… I just can't seem to calm myself." Thomas stared at her for a moment and then asked, "So… what is it… that I don't understand." Cali began to shed even more tears at the sound of this response as she said, "That… the way I like you… may be more… than a simple like." Thomas sat there thinking for another moment and then asked, "Is there… some other way to describe it?" Cali stared at him through her tears as she said, "It's… like a feeling… where I want to be around you… but at the same time… I would like to avoid causing you any more problems than I already have… and I fear that if I cause you any more problems… you might hate me." After a moment or two of silence, Thomas said, "If you're worried about me hating you than you can quit your worrying… although you might've caused me a few problems you've also helped me out quite a bit… in fact, you're helping me out a lot right now." Cali seemed shocked at this response but hearing it seemed to have made her smile a little and soon after she wiped her tears and said, "I'll try to keep the amount of problems I cause you to a minimum." Thomas smiled as he said, "Glad to see you looking happier." Cali nodded as she pressed the swab against him, causing him to flinch as he said, "Ouch! You know, … a warning would kinda be appreciated." Cali smiled softly while staring at his stomach and nodded as she said, "I'll keep that in mind if you ever get hurt again." After cleaning the wound Cali began to wrap him with bandages but as she started to do this Thomas asked "So what's this wanting to be close to me talk about?" Cali froze for a moment upon hearing this and immediately blushed as she said, "It's… it's like… what lovers do… you know, … stick around each other a lot."

Thomas thought for a moment but soon after gave up on thinking as he said "Yeah… I don't understand that at all." After Cali finished up wrapping his wounds, Thomas said, "Maybe you could teach me about this lovers thing." Cali completely froze, and her face became a blood-red upon hearing this, but after a moment or two Cali said "I… I don't know. Wouldn't it be better… to save that for another time or something?" Thomas shrugged as he said, "Not sure, you seem like the expert on this type of thing, so I'll just do whatever you say." Cali's face became an even brighter red as she heard this and her response was quite delayed as she said, "T-then… what if… we slept together." Thomas thought for a moment as he asked, "Is that really something lovers do?" Cali stood up and walked over to her bed as she sat down and patted the spot next to her while saying, "I-it's… it's very simple… all you have to do is come over here and lay down with me." After a moment or two, Thomas began to put his shirt back on, but Cali said, "I'd recommend leaving your shirt off, it'll be better for your wounds that way." Thomas stared at her for a moment and then dropped his shirt on to the ground and sat down beside Cali as he said, "I might get the bed bloody." Cali sat there nervously for a moment as she said, "T-thats alright, just lay down and get comfortable." After Cali laid down, Thomas stared at her for a moment and then nervously asked, "You're not gonna grab my tail or anything… right." Cali blushed and glanced away as she said, "I… originally wanted to feel it a bit… but if you don't want me to, I won't." Upon seeing Cali's disappointed look, Thomas sighed and blushed as he shyly said, "I-I'll… let you feel my tail… but only for a little while." Upon laying down facing Cali, he pulled his tail out in between them as he blushed and nervously said, "Please be gentle." Cali seemed nervous seeing him like this but after a moment or two of thinking she ended up just patting his tail a few times causing him to make a few embarrassing sounds, and after that, they both went to sleep not saying much else.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

I’m gonna try to post at least a chapter a week although I’d like to write more I have become fairly busy, so thank you for your patience and enjoy this freshly written chapter.

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