
Every word that I couldn't tell you

〄 Sketches, unfinished thoughts wrote down on a paper. Depression. Fear. Death. ₊ Poetry, my entire soul in one book. ꞋꞌꞋꞌ You might feel my words more than you should, and if you find yourself in this book, I'm sorry. Copyright 2019 iDamass.

iDamass · Teen
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38 Chs

Unrequited love


We never said a proper goodbye

And I know that you are long gone

But I have all these words inside

I never got a chance to say.

So I am saying them now

I know you will see them,

I know you will hear them,

I hope you feel them

The way I feel them on my skin

As if you never left.

They whisper across me

Like a touch I can't stop needing

One I'll never stop wanting.

Whenever I want to share something,

You are the first person I think of

And I still tell you,

Even though you are not mine.

You were never mine.

But my heart said otherwise.

I loved you in a way

I could never make sense of

And that never goes away.

I wasn't done loving you yet.

I'll never will be.

I continue to love you

In my dreams.


One of many poems that are entirely dedicated to someone close to me which I once lost.

20 October 2018.

iDamasscreators' thoughts