
Every word that I couldn't tell you

〄 Sketches, unfinished thoughts wrote down on a paper. Depression. Fear. Death. ₊ Poetry, my entire soul in one book. ꞋꞌꞋꞌ You might feel my words more than you should, and if you find yourself in this book, I'm sorry. Copyright 2019 iDamass.

iDamass · Teen
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38 Chs

Left long ago

my lady left long ago

when the sun used to be awake on the sky

when the rain used to kiss my skin once a year

her cologne is still on my desk

and her clothes in the bags

on the hallway.

she left everything with me

when she decided that life is useless

and my love wasn't enough for her.

roses grow on her grave

and die as soon as they bloom

she never liked roses

they were sweet poison

so ironic, 'cause she was too.

my lady used to paint her dreams

on the blue sky

and wash them away with raindrops.

the strangest person alive

made so much sense to me,

and for some reason

my life depended on her strangeness.

the most intelligent woman I've met

yet acting so stupid

mediocre and dumb.

so caring but selfish

she made me addicted

just to leave me in the end.

my beautiful lady

took the sun away with her

she stole my stars and ran away with them

and left me nothing but memories captive in these walls

that I see everywhere.

they get out like ghosts

and haunt me in my dreams,

everytime I open my eyes

I can smell her scent

and I can feel her touch on my head

but when I turn around

I am all alone in my bed

I still got memories.



To my 20 October 2018.

iDamasscreators' thoughts