
Every word that I couldn't tell you

〄 Sketches, unfinished thoughts wrote down on a paper. Depression. Fear. Death. ₊ Poetry, my entire soul in one book. ꞋꞌꞋꞌ You might feel my words more than you should, and if you find yourself in this book, I'm sorry. Copyright 2019 iDamass.

iDamass · Teen
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38 Chs




in the night of Terra

I was floating through the stars

I was drowning in galaxies.

"we are immortals", I scream writing,

I feel attracted by te Sun

I melt, smiling, numb,

knowing that my life won't disappear.

'cause life is beyond your eyes

I can see the love,

and only the one who understands my words will find happiness.

I watched with my own eyes the birth, dying,

and I breathe star dust, coughing,

I lit a candle, I closed my eyes and I whispered:

"What's dead reborns alive", and I blew it off and I died.



în noaptea lui Terra

pluteam printre stele,

mă scufundam în galaxii.

„suntem nemuritori", urlu scriind,

mă simt atras de Soare

mă topesc, zâmbind, amorțind,

știind că a mea viață nu dispare.

căci viața-i dincolo de ochii tăi

eu pot să văd iubirea,

și doar cel ce-nțelege vorbele mele găsește fericirea.

am privit cu ai mei ochi nașterea, murind,

și-am respirat praf de stele, tușind,

am aprins o lumânare, mi-am închis ochii și-am șoptit:

„ Ce-i mort tot viu răsare. " și-am stins-o, și-am murit.


To my 20 October 2018.

iDamasscreators' thoughts