
Every word that I couldn't tell you

〄 Sketches, unfinished thoughts wrote down on a paper. Depression. Fear. Death. ₊ Poetry, my entire soul in one book. ꞋꞌꞋꞌ You might feel my words more than you should, and if you find yourself in this book, I'm sorry. Copyright 2019 iDamass.

iDamass · Teen
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38 Chs


Still alive.

He didn't plan to suicide, he doesn't want to die yet. It would be so lame to die in the middle of the game. Play it or lose it.

No one came to visit him since he was found unconscious on the floor and then taken to the hospital.

Maybe Andrew gave up on him too.

He opened his eyes and removed every cable that was meant or not to keep him alive.

Chlorine, sanitary alcohol, blood.

Shaking as he take a step, dizzy. " Is life that hard or are people just stupid?". Human nature is so strange for him, like he's not a human too.

The room was untouched. A stained wall, pages everywhere, a lot of objects thrown here and there, a legit disaster. He didn't know what to feel.

Sad? Because he's so tired of playing this game? Happy? Because he has the chance to win?

Is the prize worth it?

He sit on the armchair, looking at the beautiful stained wall. He made such a masterpiece.


The stain looks like his eyes stare back at Johan. A very cold gaze.

The broken mannequin looks like his dead body.

Johan stands up from the armchair, falling on his knees beside the broken mannequin. "What the hell did I do?" he sob, holding the plastic hand. "Wake up, please! I need you here." he lay beside the plastic figure, huggig it softly. "Do you see me from heaven? Is it beautiful there?" he ask and smile softly.

His mental health is deteriorating drastically.

"Lit up a candle, I want to see you when I die." he close his tired eyes, stroking mannequin's hand. "Of course... If you also want to see me."



To my 20 October 2018.

The second one in short-story.

iDamasscreators' thoughts