
Magic Is Real?!

He looked at me with those furious blue eyes, they looked like that were piercing through my body, he mumbled something that I couldn't quite hear he looked away and we went on with class. At lunch he left the building, me being the nosey neighbor that I am, decided to follow him. He walked off the school grounds and went into a alleyway, I continued to follow him. All of a sudden a pair of strong arms wrapped around my body and pulled me into a building. "Pretty things like you shouldn't be out in alleyways, Princess. You need to be punished." a man with a raspy voice said and walked closer to me. His long brown hair flowing down his back his slim rosey lips were curves to a scary smirk. He had tied me up and put tape around my mouth so I couldn't talk or scream. 'Im helpless' I thought to myself ' I can't even protect myself'. The man made flames in his hand, I was shocked; he started to burn off my clothes it was burning me too! I started to cry, where'd the flames come from? why is he burning off my clothes? why did I decide to follow Gajeel when I didn't know where he was going? all these questions were circling around in my head but the one that was the most scary was, what is he going to do to me? almost all my clothes was burned off I was in my underwear I some how thought it was a good idea to wear the most revealing set I owned to school... I'm so stupid. The man smirked like he was impressed at my body. The fire in his hand disappeared and his hand came closer to me, he put his hands on my hips I tried to wiggle away but he grabbed and pulled me closer. I tried to scream and pull away but he was too strong. His hands ran up my back but stopped at my bra, he started to take it off but all of a sudden a knife is thrown and goes right through the man's head. There is a shadow behind a corner and out comes Gajeel he looks at me with those piercing eyes he untied me and took the tape off my mouth, he handed me his jacket and was about to walk of the building. "W-wait!" I shouted he turned around "T-thankyou for saving me..." I said in a calm voice. "you will forget about this and that I ever 'saved' you, got it?" he looked very serious. "why?" I questioned."because I said so and you WILL listen to me" he looked me directly in the eyes. "no I won't" I talked back even though I was very intimated. "maybe I should have let you be 'punished' by that dude, would that be better?" he asked obviously annoyed. "no, but how did that man have fire coming out of his hands?" I wondered. "he used magic, he was something called a wizzard.im surprised you didn't know" he replied. "well how would I " I asked. "you weren't told? well I guess I'll tell you"...