

Ally is a dedicated veterinarian in an animal clinic located in the small town of Waverly. She practically knows everyone that goes in and out of that place; or so she thought until a new guy shows up. She can’t tell if she should be scared of him or not. Those glowing pair of eyes still burned in the back of her mind. Could he be what she thought he was? Devon took away her memories to keep her safe from the Vampires that were after him. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The only reason he came back into town was to see her. It was finally safe to reunite with the love of his life. Or so he thought, it was a huge mistake but now he can’t leave her again. The only thing he had to do wass make sure she stayed alive long enough for him to come up with a solid plan.

whitelion0914 · Fantasy
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6 Chs


Michael was pacing the room while shouting at Ally as she was furiously packing her suitcases with everything she could find. " You can't just up and leave me like this Ally, especially after all we've been through!"With tears streaming down her face she managed to get a few words to escape her mouth, she said: " I can't deal with this anymore, I refuse to just sit here and pretend to be fine and act like everything you have done, doesn't affect me in any way."Michael stopped pacing the room and came up to ally and held her quivering hands that were still trying to grab her clothing. " Baby I know I've made mistakes and yes, I know I've hurt you deeply but I promise I'm a changed man now. I have learned from my mistakes, I swear ill do better" Michael said with glimmering hopeful eyes. She took her hands out of his and continued to fold her clothes " You have promised me that a thousand times and not once have you kept it. I only stayed with you all these years because I still had hope and believed that you could change your ways, but as usual, I'm wrong and you haven't seemed to change ever since we've gotten out of high school. "Ally please stay" Michael plead and started to bring tears to his eyes so that she could feel sorry for him. Ally stopped packing and looked him dead in the eye " You know it hurts to give up on you like this but last night was the last straw. When I walked in on you with Violetta from the bar, that was it for me. I cannot believe I've stayed with you for as long as I have."