
Everlasting Nothing and the rebirth of the Morningstar

Summary: Based on an old story I read about Jack and Castiel being all that exists watching the universe die. In this one its happens because Jack no matter his Power is not God, he may have the power of God and Amara but he’s not God so after a lot of begging Chaos gives the two a choice to go back in time and make certain Chuck gets what he wants or allow the universe to collapse. Heartbroken Jack accepts. Not completely evil Chaos changes the way Chuck is at the cost of a new threat and stronger and smarter supernaturals.

Jason_Kelly_9462 · Movies
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Jack's mistake

Crossover Star Wars, Mass Effect

Surrounded by a Black mast on a small one-tree 2-person island in heaven Jack and Castiel the only surviving beings of this universe look at each other Castiel asks '' Are you sure about this''?

Jack looking at Castiel '' Yes, this is literally the only thing that can stop the Nothing ''.

Nodding Castiel steps back as Jack releases his power out into the void.

Waiting a few moments, and just when the two thought they would be ignored a Rip appears in mid-air out and walks a Man of Divine looks and power with waves of power burning off him the Man eyes glowing slightly with hidden power speaks '' Tell me, boy, how does it feel knowing this happens because of you and your Winchesters ''.

Gaping Castiel and Jack look at each other then Back Jack asks '' How did we make it happen ''?

Chaos with a smirk answers'' Simple you strip God of his Power but God was still God and there's a reason that God and the Darkness exist beyond creating and destroying. The two-run a 'Verse' or a multi-universe which keeps the Nothing from releasing an evil far greater by taking my son's and daughter power you left the verse open to the Nothing as such you are the reason this world will die, which will cause the destruction of ten other verses ''.

Instantly the two pales as they learn Chaos was the father of God, Darkness and the Empty Jack falling to his knees '' Please, don't allow my world to be destroyed ''.

A look of outrage comes to the face of Chaos then he growls '' Why should I you harm my son and even now my daughter was so heartbroken by your … Dean that she allowed herself to be absorbed which broke the scale removing God's and now your power to resist the nothing ''?

Deep in Jack Amara shifts as she learns why her father always said it's forbidden for the two to merge then her heart aches for Dean again.

Jack licks his lips '' I'll do anything please ''. He says in a begging voice.

Looking at the two Chaos looks behind him towards the other forces who nod turning back Chaos growls '' Fine, I do this you will obey Chuck's every word if he asks you to kill you kill...''. '

Jack and Castiel with tears in their eyes nod making Chaos sigh a little as the various sparks inside him tell him this was wrong and cruel that Chuck did deserve to be punished sighing Chaos says '' But, I am not that cruel so know this I'll Change the Mind and Emotions of Chuck. So, he's no longer sees you all as stories or toys but exchanges you Jack will merge with your Father Lucifer and Lucifer will gain you emotions and Power and Soul. Know that Lucifer truly loved you but his Essence or Soul was broken and corrupted by the cage, The mark, and God that he literally had no choice but to act the way he does as such when you merge Lucifer will have all your power... that you had before as a Nephilim plus his own but his soul will heal meaning he will have a chance to change, Exchange for all this the balance will be kept so Chuck and Amara will change they will be Million times stronger and only each other and the Empty could harm them. Nothing else also the world will be a lot worst as I will be creating threats to everyone also it was a bad plot to make you so powerful so if you are ever reborn you will be a lot weaker the old you will only be 5% stronger than the old Lucifer. You Castiel will merge with Lucifer too and to help this world I offer Lucifer a Gift Full of knowledge and Power of his DC and Marvel selves and I gift him the Full knowledge and the power to create, Manipulate and heal all Angels, Monsters, and Purgatory, Pagans, Demons, Hell, Heaven, Archangels and Angels and awaken and revive anyone and anything in the empty do you understand''.

Eyes wide Jack and Cas look at each other than the two-nod making Chaos smile as he goes to reserve time Jack asks '' Why Lucifer ''?

Understanding what they were asking Chaos waves his hand causing an illusion of Pillars to appear Chaos answers '' These pillars are one of the doorways to that great evil and Lucifer is the light that holds them back when one of the Lucifer's that make the Light Pillar dies or is trapped the Pillar of light weakens and the Evil is able to corrupt beings like God which for the record was what happen Chuck got corrupted when Amara and Lucifer became trapped in their cages, I will just be healing and removing the corruption from all 3 but know not even I can remove the evil as such when I remove it from the 3 the universe must balance and so the evil and corrupted being will be turned into a Powerful divine being that is as powerful as Chuck and Amara and the two can't merge nor can Amara win as long as Dean is being corrupted by that same evil Dean and Amara must be together... well this has been fun bye ''.

Jack yells '' WAIT''.

But Chaos vanishes from their sight as the two scream as Light turns the two into their purest form and the two were thrown back in time humming Chaos wanders where to send the two either when Lucifer just escaped the cage the first time or right after Lucifer escape the apocalypse world.

Flipping a coin Chaos smiles as it lands on Heads.

Pleased, Chaos looks at the Nothing for a moment when he speaks '' Child make a minion ''.

Snapping his fingers time was restarted causing the Nothing to scream as it was Banish out of the verse.

Amused Chaos watches as the Nothing left with a single bit of essence left behind waving his hand Chaos places the Evil being inside of that essence causing it to take shape and turn into a green energy growling with rage the being teleports out as Time completes it's now 2009 as its teleport Chaos placed the Being asleep and traps it in a cage that's weak as Lucifer's.

Pleased with his work he makes it so that the thing was releasing power out into the world.

Turning Chaos walks back toward the rip pausing for a moment Chaos snap his fingers again giving Lucifer the power to use all forms of Magic as well as Knowledge of every spell, potion, and ritual ever created and the power to create runes with his grace pleased he walks into the rip right as the sounds of Wings appear and Michael and Raphael look around having sensed a being of immerse power blinking the two look at each other in confusion suddenly green energy slowly sinks into the two causing their eyes to flicker green as the corruption bonds with them.


The Cage

Blinking awake Lucifer gasps as knowledge, Memories burn into his mind along with his power growling a little Lucifer shakes his head as he waves his hand over his grace for a moment looking, he watches as the toxic and subtle nature of his grace was burned away leaving him with the grace he used to have frozen his mind whispers to him '' All Hail Lucifer Samael Morningstar the Archangel of Light, Desire, Sin, Music, Punishment and Celestial Justice the King of Hell and the Lightbringer Favorite son of God and Prince of Darkness, Creator of Demons and the Seven Sins and Creator of Free Will and the sun and stars... Twin of Michael, The Firstborns''.

Eyes burning with power Lucifer growling eyes of Red Malice shifted eyes full of Heaven Light and fire (Picture when Heaven Blasted Amara pure Light but filled with fire) his wings once burned turn Pure White then into Bat Wings but Pure Red and his body shifts into a Body of Nightmares with horns and a Tail and Burned skin with Fire Burning off him and red glowing eyes going back, He turns into a Glowing being.

Sighing, Lucifer looks at the cage walls and the floor suddenly he gasps as knowledge of how to make, escape and craft the cage and how to Create and manipulate the Angel and Archangel metals burn into his mind.

Grinning Lucifer runs his hand down his body making it so anybody he's in merges with his grace becoming a custom Vessel that's able to hold him without being burned out waving again he makes it where he can't be forced out nor could anyone else take control from him, doing it again he makes it where like the cage his grace and essence will Heal from death as well as any wound and should he lose any grace, he will regain it instantly. Doing it again he makes himself immune to Angel Wards and Sigils, doing it again he makes himself immune to all magic, Doing it again he must himself immune to Holy Fire.

As the runes settle inside his grace Lucifer smiles now, all the weaknesses that Archangels and angels have been removed and the only vessel better for him would be his true vessel which makes sense as Sam's soul was made from his Trident and the trident focuses and enhances his power same with Dean being Michael's sword or Adam being Raphael's bow or Gabriel's custom vessel being his dagger funnily Gabriel saw through Dad when he asked for our weapons and Gabriel was the only one who gave him his secondary Mace.

Smiling a little Lucifer left his thoughts remembering how only Lucifer knew Gabriel's true Symbol of Power.

Looking at the cage walls Lucifer frowns seeing 30 Seals being gone Lucifer sighs in boredom for a moment shrugging Lucifer waves his hand removing his presence completely from the cage and then he teleports out.

Nick's house

Crying over his dead family's body Nick slowly gets up going to make a phone call when a bright light appears around the house freezing Nick listens to its voice and asks '' You'll bring my family back ''.

'' Okay, yes''.

Shining with Light the Light beams brightly then it disappears.

Lucifer blinks his new human eyes stretching for a moment Lucifer smile to himself as thanks to the runes he was able to stretch out fully inside a private dimension instead of being compressed.

Waving his hand for a moment a Bright Light burns out of his hand then right after it burns out, he smiles as he hears the sound of a baby crying then he waves his hand again.

Then satisfied Lucifer switches with Nick Lucifer smiles inside Nick as Nick runs up the stairs heading right to his son his Baby's room.

Lifting his son from his crib Nick falls to his knees crying as he holds his baby who quiets down inside Nick's Mind Lucifer speaks '' Nick as a gift I used the money in your account to invest in over 30 Companies you're account now has 300 million Dollars inside it with more being made daily plus, you have a 250 million dollar mansion being built in Oakland on 4759 Oakland Road, Louisa, VA | Louisa County, VA with 10 more Houses being brought out and furnish the way you like the second I placed an order on 100 Bodyguards for your family they will be here in 10 hours and I will enhance them to the point that nothing can harm them but me and my brothers and place some wards around your new house but after all this, I will take over but until then you have 4 Months left with your family before I take over for good make it count. Oh, and it was a demon name Abraxas and two human cops that were involve in their murder I will grant you the power to get revenge but that's in 3 Months until then spend time with your family ''.

Feeling the presence settle Nick smiles in happiness as he carries his son downstairs to where his Wife sits stun at being alive.

5 Mins later

Sitting at the dinner table Nick stares at his wife who was staring at Nick and her son gulping Sarah licks his lips and asks '' Do you expect me to believe this ''?

Nick opens his mouth when Lucifer retakes control and allows his eyes to glow making Sarah jolt a little staring a little in awe as Lucifer annoyed and not wanting his vessel to be hurt places feelings of Understanding and love deeper in Sarah, then he places the blood of the Pagan God Hercules in the Bloodline of Sarah and the Child activating the two Sarah and the Boy were now as strong as a Vampire ( The Vampire Diaries strength) with faster speed and reflexes and slight increase in Stamina.

Allowing Nick to retake control Lucifer smiles as Sarah no longer had the attention of taking her son and running.

Sarah with tears in her eyes '' If I ever had any doubts that you love us this remove them oh, Nick ''.

Getting up she hugs Nick careful of her son.

Inside Lucifer's mind he starts thinking what he should do about Demons.

Feeling a sense of Responsibility to Hell and Demons Lucifer sighs as he recognizes a difference in himself before he cared only about proven himself right now, he could recognize he went too far and that not every human should die but he was right that Humans would destroy the human.

Thinking he nods firmly at his gameplan to become the punisher and go after the tainted souls of Monsters, Angels, Pagans, Demons and Humans while Leading Hell into a new era where Demons and Hell are more powerful than ever and take care of Heaven and become King over Heaven and Hell and remake the way both Hell and Heaven work as well as Angels, Demons, Pagans and Monsters and fix the problems of the earth by Terraforming the Planet Mars and Moon Titan and create space Stations that are able to hold 300 Million comfortably with Life capabilities like the video game Mass Effect.

Quickly he realizes that if he doesn't have something to cull the universe Mankind will outnumber the world.

Searching with his senses he felt life on other planets and Galaxies focusing his power he creates a new Energy he calls Mass energy and makes the worlds and history of Mass effect real then he makes the Force real along with the numerous species.

Feeling his grace recharge in an atom second, he grins as he quickly understood where before it would take him 3 months to do anything of this magnitude now, he could do it just like that 'Snaps his fingers'.

Working deeper he sends a pulse to Hell turning into a 300,000 Layer Realm with Princes, Knights, Lords, ruling over layers of hell with Princes ruling 50,000 Each leaving 150,000 Layers, the Knights each serve under the Barons, Lords and Princes under the Princes in power were the Lords the Dukes, Marquess, Earls, Baron ( Kings of the Crossroads and such), they ruled 90,000 Layers all divided between them with the remaining 59,000 ruled by the Numerous Fallen angels who followed Lucifer with the remaining 1000 the worst of the worst hells Rule By Lucifer who rules the very middle realm which was full of the worst Monsters, Demons, Angels, Pagans and Humans that have ever existed in the Middle of it was a Single massive forest where a Massive River of clear water runs out into Hell's Oceans, and Seas with a Moat surrounds a Swamp and a Massive 21stories Castle with 8 Towers, Stables, Basketball court, Pool and Hot tub, Barracks, Council Building, Market and the main bank of Hell lay with a Clear sky that burns Blue in the sky next to multiple stars lay.

The Castle and Overlook tower is where Lucifer Lives and rules from the Council Building is where Meetings our held with Lucifer's 300 Member council.

As Lucifer power spreads out Lucifer awakens and places every angel and demon who died following him in hell which connects to a layer of hell allowing those demons/angels command over their layer with the few Rulers of the Plane able to control everything in it.

Giving hell another pulse he makes it where every Demon/ Angel who falls in Lucifer's service are reborn in hell unless killed by an Archangel or Ruler in Hell, With free rein those Angels who die against Lucifer are placed in Lucifer's Cells which holds the souls, of the Angels, Demons, Humans and Monsters who go against him and slash or are the worst soul where they are tortured by Mazikeen Lucifer's newest created demon a Lilm made from Hell and Lilith's Blood and Hell's Chief Torturer, Lover, Bodyguard and General equal to Raphael in Power and Gabriel in cunning and Tactics.

Feeling a small drain that instantly heal Lucifer changes Demon Kind so that they can are forced to heal the vessels they take and that they would take Dead Bodies and heal them of the decay. Exchange Demon Kind gained the power to shapeshift into 3 select forms of their choice with some geared to one thing or another some like the succubus able to shapeshift into anything. Plus, many demons gained a Demonic form and Weapon/ Armor made from Ores of hell.

Doing it again he made it so Souls are the currency of hell but it's based on right punishment which will be turn into either gem, a Metal or Ores inside the caves and mines of Hell which must be Mined and earn through battle,

But, Torture just to torture would cause a demon or otherwise to lose Power and money with the chance for a rich demon to sell enough damned Coins to create a new realm and they would be able to rule it.

Placing more power in demon kind he made it where the non-Title demons could be killed by humans with Demon/ angel blades the Barons the Humans need an Angel blade bless in Holy Water, Knights need either a Seraph angel using their blades (Foot soldiers angels) or A Human/demon with the first Blade and the Mark, Earls need Seraphims (Corporals, LT the High-ranking Soldiers) , Marquess need Dominion/ Throne Angels to kill them and Princes could only be killed by Archangels or the Colt ( Which was made using Archangel metal and bullets gifted/ bless by Gabriel) ( The Colt can't kill Archangels, Leviathans, Alphas, Four Riders, Pagans ( God and Amara are of course on the list. But the colt has to have Bullets made from metal that Gabriel bless or Holy water infuse Bullets made of Angel Metal and Iron with a enchantment calling on Gabriel's power)

Pleased with the changes he just made Lucifer grinned as he feels his brothers and sisters starting to rumble in fear and outrage as they could feel my power but they don't know where.

Deciding quickly, he decides to wait on Heaven as he doesn't rule Heaven yet.

Sending a pulse of Power, he upgrades Vampires to be more like how they are in the comics of Marvel, Buffy the vampire slayer and The Vampire Diaries combined, Werewolves like the Underworld (so on so forth), Then sending what would have been 80% of his grace he created ley lines criss crossing every world with life and binds the pagans to the ley lines giving them power and removes the weakness to the woods that made them with another pulse he created pocket dimensions for each Parthenon with worlds inside for each Parthenon only the Norse had multiple worlds as they had their nine realms.

As he was sending his power out, he felt 4 Hands of God connecting with them for a moment he used 70% of their power to create the various Realms of the dead for each then he places the gods of the dead in each and placed bindings on Reapers to take souls from the veil, heaven and hell by 1/1000 with families not chosen staying in the afterlife they are now and placing the families chosen in that new Parthenon's afterlife.

This way each realm would receive souls.

Feeling the remaining 30% power he gives himself a power boost which gives him 8 wings now equal to Michael's number making him Michael's equal in power then he uses the remaining 29% power to change Purgatory to where the dead are reborn after a few minutes and Pagans go there in death along with their monsters along with 4 Doorways which are always open allowing the dead to walk back into the world.

With 3% power left Lucifer had it absorbed into himself allowing the Power to recharge.

Leaving his thoughts and power Lucifer looks back out at the world watching as Nick and his family leaves his house heading to his new one with over 50 cars following behind and in front of him.

Reaching out into each he upgrades them to a level where they could take Marquess Demons and Seraphims Angels in the thousands before they get weak along with Upgraded Strength, Senses and Speed.

Giving Nick the company the Security was hired Lucifer hides deeper in Nick sensing his family starting to close in.

As, he does he tells Alastair, Lillith and Ruby to stop trying to free him as he already is instead, they are turn Sam and Dean Winchester to our Side without harming them or anyone they care about nor can they threatened those they love or the innocents, and all demons are to stop going after innocent souls they are to go after those with souls darker than White.

Feeling 3 feel pump Lucifer grins knowing the 3 were excited at the new challenge he gave them and since Lillith is Princess of hell Ruby a Knight who specializes in Seduction, Sex and Magic and Alastair a Baron Lucifer knew that the 3 will be excited at the chance to do something new.

Smirking he felt Ruby's lust for Sam grow as she learns who he truly was he knew Ruby was a Whore in her human life who grew to Love Lucifer when Lillith made her a sex witch while she was alive.

Amused at what the changes will give heaven Lucifer starts focusing on making Archangel and Angel metal for himself and the few Angels and hopefully future followers of himself.

December 4 2008

(2 Weeks after the events of Nov 20 2008 2 weeks since Lucifer escaped)

10: 30 AM


Standing outside a diner in Wisconsin Dean on the phone says

'' I don't know Bobby this is the fifth case where Demons have been going after Monsters both the human and supernatural kind ''.

Inside the car Sam was shaking his head as the Phone on Speakers answers

'' I actually agree I have been getting reports that this is worldwide and that Hunters have started to find out who the demons were after and just letting them go''.

Dean sighs and says '' Bobby, I agree I almost saved a child rapist last night and no more I will hunt but if the supernatural we are hunting are going after people/ monsters like this then I will just let them go with a warning that they don't after innocent people ''.

'' Agreed, but I can tell you this is not a seal they seem to have just stopped going after them ''.

Chuckling Softly Dean and Sam look at each other than smile then Bobby says '' Well. Just do the case in Wisconsin then head back we need to start researching ''.

'' Yes, Sir '' Dean says as he turns on the Impala and the two drove out.

As the two drive down to Ladysmith, Wisconsin

Sam and Dean try to make out what hell was planning.

Driving into Ladysmith's cobblestone hotel and Smith Dean pulls into a parking lot saying '' Get us 3 Rooms next to each Sam ''.

Raising his eyebrows Sam nods and walks into the hotel while Dean starts taking out their stuff.

3 Hours later

Sitting in the door room the two grin as their 3 rooms had a single bed meaning their 3rd room was being used as the Case room.

Sitting at their desk Dean asks '' What do we have ''?

Sam pulling up a Case folder on his computer and grimace '' According to Bobby Michael and his partner Damon rode into town 1 week ago and 4 days ago was the last contact with them we only know who they were after ''.

Hearing the sounds of footsteps Dean holds up his hand '' Yes, the Vampire gang do we know how many guns they have sold ''?

He says in the same tone as Sam raising his eyebrows Sam goes to speak when he hears the footsteps walking away and a sigh of relief from outside the door Sam says '' He, was after a Vampire nest according to his phone call it's not a nest it's a coven of 20 to 30 Vampires who have made allies with a coven of Witches and Werewolves ''.

Grimacing Dean sighs '' We need Back-up call a few hunters ''?

Nodding Sam replies '' Already done Bobby has sent a call out to 24 hunters around here they have each agreed to come down they will be here in 2 days until then we should make our presence known ''.

Nodding Dean rubs his face at the threat that was in this small town bringing out his laptop Dean says '' I'm going to find out what's around''.

Nodding Sam gets up heading to the shower as Dean finds a Restaurant near them.

Lucifer Pov

Inside Nick Lucifer watches his vessel spend his remaining time with his human family as he watches the desire of humans Lucifer felt the sin and desire of Lust burn inside him.

Instantly he knew once he took over, he was going to have sex. Watching them he also knew he would be kind enough to shapeshift and allow the two to be safe with no evidence of his involvement with this family.

While, Nick was spending time with Humans Lucifer was sending his grace out to learn everything he possibly could by collecting the dust in the air and learning the history and knowledge of this world as well as speaking to Demons and gathering allies in Pagans and Monster kind.

With the few Angels that were starting to disobey in heaven being sent a lifeline to his own grace allowing them to keep their full power and for them to be reborn in Hell instead of in heaven.

Yep, one of the changes he decided to make Angels of heaven are reborn in heaven and Fallen angels reborn in hell.

It just takes longer for angels in heaven then it does in hell.

Plus, those connected to hell were 2x as strong.

(In this world angels already have a hierarchy with Angel metal for each rank connected to their grace meaning Cupid angel blades won't work on a stronger angel. And angel blades get weaker when the owner dies meaning a seraph blade would weaken to a principle blade, A Seraphim blade to a Seraph blade, Throne (Bosses of the Principle angels who are the admin, Headmaster, Scribes the scholar side of Heaven) to a Seraphim, Dominion blade to Throne (Dominions are the Leaders of Heaven's army and the numerous departments heads they are Archangels second Zachariah is a Dominion) only Archangels can use Archangel metal for others it's a lump of metal capable of killing Alpha and lower monsters, Demons and Pagans useless against angels. Castiel is a Seraphim angel they are the squad leaders and commanders basically the field commanders, Dominion are the office commanders the ones who decide where to send troops, Logistics things of that nature. )

Sensing an angel about to fall Lucifer whispers '' Hello, Uriel (Seraphim angel) why do you serve God''?

As he starts whispering into Uriel's mind he grins as he realizes he was now 'The devil on Uriel's shoulder' amused at his thoughts he starts his campaign on angel kind starting with the angel Uriel.

Unknown location

Sitting on an open expanse of wild forest and mountains sits the trickster Loki looking out into the world frowning Loki says '' How, is this possible the cage hasn't been open... then why do I feel Lucifer's power''.

Sighing Loki looks left and right then a thought pops into his mind '' What if the cage is weakening... but if it is that means this was supposed to happen and even if we when there would be no way to put him back ''.

Feeling his heart break at the realization that the fight would happen Loki waves his hand summoning 3 women and whispers to himself '' Might as well party while I can ''.