
Everlasting: Hope and Sorrow

When Mushou Homizaki's mom abandons him, he's adopted and raised by a loving family. Her desperate begging for his new family to remember his name goes ignored and Mushou becomes Miku, severed from his past. The death of Mushou's adoptive dad reveals the abusive nature of his new family and though he struggles to resent them, one summer reveals the truth about his past that could ruin what little peace he has forever but afterall those unforgivable treatment he had recieved, he still loves his new family because ofcourse, He Still Doesnt Know The Truth, Summer ends and Miku got into a New School, he thought that he will forever recieve a lovable and peaceful moment that he could forever treasure, until that day Update: Its been almost a year where my novel/story didnt get new chapters, ive been starting to work on wattpad lately and published 1 of my book, i will transfer them soon to here and will do a overhaul in this story like making the conversations to dialogues etc.

Kegayashi_Nenpo · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Soul of Agony and Veins of a wild Lantern

<p>"I-I saw...*interrupted*" <br/>"Hey!.. Miku!..come and have a seat with us!" his friends shouted<br/>"Okay! Im coming!" He replied "Dont get the wrong idea Ino....im still upset about what i've saw yesterday... lets continue this chat tomorrow" Miku said to Ino with grudge and terrifying voice<br/>"*Miku sitted* Miku, Why do you keep trying on being with that girl? shes terrible!, Starting this day, come and hang out with us and never sit with that girl ever again, shes getting too much of your time and we dont even have enough time to chill" His friends said<br/>"mmk, il do my best to never sit with her and spend my time with you guys" Miku said and smiled<br/><br/>*The lunch then ended and the afternoon class started*<br/><br/>Miku looks at the side to gaze upon the reflection in the window while his teacher discussing about an important information about their test next week<br/><br/>While Miku kept staring and gazing upon the window for 4 minutes, he saw a girl smiling at him, walking down the hallway nonchalantly. When something caught his eye, he immediately looked at the window, but alas, nothing was there.<br/><br/>Miku was then asked by his teacher "Miku, are you listening? why do you keep staring in the hallway its weird" but then miku just replied "Im so sorry Teacher, i was just not in my mind there for a sec, sorry for interrupting your class" Saying while his mind is full of thoughts of whos that girl he saw upon the window <br/><br/>After Class, he then immidiately got home without saying goodbye to his bestfriends nor hang out with them a little bit longer<br/><br/>Millions of thoughts came into his mind and thinking why an unannounced girl is smiling at him while the rest of the people in the class cant see her, is he just imagining things? or really shes just ghosing him? but either way, it made Miku terrified and it feels creepy for someone ghosting him in the middle of the wonderful day and in the class<br/><br/>but as usual happenings in his daily life, he writes down his everyday experience in his precious notebook, this proves that a useless doing in a important object can be sometimes useful and you can treasure it in your life.<br/><br/>*writing*"for todays experience, it is really creepy, i should have been mad for what i've saw yesterday and to keep my mood in a negative and terrifying way but i could'nt, im not sure about what to do if i should tell Ino about what i feel to her but maybe...i should just change my mind because what she was doing could make me lose my dignity and that was unforgivable but i will keep it unknown, though i dont know what my friends were telling me about why Ino is a terrible girl although i only know that shes worst than that, but one more thing i kept in my mind if what i've saw i've saw is true or im just imagining it, today while gazing upon the side window and was out of my mind, i saw a girl who's apparantly looking at me and staring at me in a different direction, although im sure shes not from the school because shes not wearing a uniform but im sure that shes a ghost because why am i able to see her while the rest of classmates and even my teacher cant? it made me a fool and now instead of just doing my business and i interrupted my teachers class wich made me a fool and did the worst thing of my life, i dont know if i should forget it but im sure this is not the end of it, she could be prolly show upon to me tomorrow but im still not sure, il just expect that some bad stuff will happen tomorrow and wish that all good stuff will happen tomorrow" <br/><br/>and so the night ended and he slept in peace as he forgets that ghost who he saw at the window<br/><br/>*morning and miku now headed to school*<br/><br/>Mikus aura is just as usual, being smiley and staying postiving to everyone is what makes him cool but as soon as he sees Ino, his aura will gradually change to something that humans cant even explain but hes sure that everyone will understand soon about why<br/><br/>as he was walking for the direction of his classroom, he saw Ino but its not only her, Miku also saw the girl from yesterday that everyone doesnt see but he can, he immidiately put his head down and closed his eyes that the girl will vanish but then Ino asked miku "are you alright?*Miku slowly turning his head up and looking at Ino* why is your head down, are you sick?or upset?" Ino said but as soon as she lend her hand on Miku, Miku then slap Inos hand and said "Its not your business, and im fine thank you and dont get near me, we still aint done" Miku said to her but Ino just thought miku is on a complicated situation and just didnt mind it but many saw what Miku did and said that was rude for why are you mad for someone whos even lending a hand on you who just wanted to help but miku just ignored it because they'll soon found out why but the good thing is that as soon as he decline the help of Ino and stood up, the girl was gone and Miku felt happy because it will no longer give him shivers and will focus on the class and will do his best for the upcoming test<br/><br/>when Miku entered the classroom, he was greeted by his friends<br/><br/>"Hey!....Miku!, come here theres something we need to discuss about" his friend said <br/>Miku then headed to them and said "what is it that you wanna discuss with?" Miku asked "You know that theres an upcoming test right and the teacher already told us the topics we should study and he even told us that we should study hard and pass since this will be the first test of the year.... i was thinking...if...like..uhmmm.... you could come in my house and do group study? i've seen you doing so well and maybe you could help us with some stuff we cant understand...please?" his friend said and begging so bad "Sure but what time and day?" Miku asked "Saturday! and around 1pm so we can have plenty of time to study" his friend said "sure, no problem.. il be there in time" miku said "Gotcha!*door opens* ooh, school is about to start, lets go to our seats now and do our best " His friend said and smiled<br/><br/><br/>Morning lessons ended and Miku is now heading at the cafeteria, while walking by the corridor, he saw the girl again heading to the bathroom, doubt no more, he hen followed the girls path, ready to confront her but as soon as he gets to the entrance, a guy appeared unannounced leaving the bathroom but as he look the guy, it was just a student that he doesnt know but he then focused back on the main objective and as soon as he entered that bathroom completely, the door shuts without being touched as if it was controlled by a remote, wind or some sort but no one knows if that door was special, Miku's heart started ti race, panicking as he was expecting what to happen and little did he know, he was alone in the bathroom, cave-silent and everyone is just having a peaceful lunch, as he was asking for help and trying to open the door but he wont budge, he keeps shouting louder and louder until he felt something touching his shoulder, he slowly turned his head back and the one who was touching his shoulder was none other than the girl whom he followed in the bathroom, his heart starting to race so fast and starting to get unconscious but then the girl started talking to him, the girl starting to reach his ears and then said<br/><br/>"Miku....remember me" the girl whispered<br/>miku's heart's starting to calm down as he the girl was trying to hurt him but the girl meant no harm, miku then started to talk back to the girl, the mouth are unsteady and the words are not pronounced clearly but good thing, the girl has a good hearing and what miku said was "w-ho...a-re....y-ou" and then the girl said "Remember me Miku, glad i found you" this time the girl didnt whisper it but said it infront of mikus eyes and then smiled after she said that, as miku started to blink, after it the girl then vanished, he searched through the room but no one can be found, he then tried to open the door and finally, it worked<br/><br/>Miku was drippin in sweat as he was leaving through the bathroom, as he was entering the cafetria grounds, his friends saw him and invited him to join, his friend saw no food on mikus hand but luckily he bought some food for miku because he knew miku would be late and to save his time rather than lining up so long just to get food, he bought miku a food once he saw him on the area and that saved miku so much and they ate lunch happily.<br/><br/>While Ino was at the opposite side watching miku eat, her nerves started to fire up as miku promised to have a chat with her tomorrow and todays the day they should be having a chat but miku never showed up and Ino was so mad at Miku as he didnt kept his words and that made Ino's blood boiling<br/><br/>The lunch ended but miku never confront Ino to continue their chat yesterday and Ino decided to forget it and just continue tomorrow<br/><br/>Afternoon Class Ended and they're now heading home<br/><br/><br/>Miku arrived at home and his mother told him an awesome announcement, "Hey Miku, i have an exciting news for you!" his mother said "woh...really!?...what is it?" miku giggled and exciting to know "your granpa and grandma is going to pay a visit tomorrow, they'll arrive as soon as you get home, dont forget to bring them goodies ok!" his mother said "yes! i will!" miku replied "il go to my room now and start to change clothes" miku said to his mom, miku rushed upstairs and headed to his room, as he was starting to look for some clothes to wear, he saw some weird object, showing at the very edge between of the 2 clothes like a hamburger, he then picked that weird object and as he inpsect it, it was a piece of yarn in a cool looking shape like a bracelet, he then thought it was pretty and decided to keep it and stored in his special box, after changing and as his usual habit, he then go straight to his desk and started to write on his favorite and special notebook<br/>"Todays day is pretty rough, i've encountered supernatural happenings such as a girl showing to me that only my eyes can see but the others eyes doesnt and some harsh dicussion with my friends and stuck in the bathroom with the ghost, my experience in the school is getting worser and worser, i hope todays school experience would be great but this kind of thought is stuck in me again, why did the girl told me to remember her, did i know her? or im just being mistaken as the person she knows in her life when she was alive but im sure im not one of them, il probably going to encounter her again and since i communicated with her for the first time...this time i will be braver, talk to her and confront her again and i will ask this million thoughts stuck in my head, im also happy for tomorrow because my grandpa and grandma is gonna pay a visit on our home tomorrow and im so excited! i miss them so much and i hope nothing bad will happen" <br/><br/>that ends his day and tomorrow will prolly be the best that he could ever imagine, not sure but hes hoping it will be<br/><br/><br/>Another day starts and its time for school,miku woke late and he do know that her mom wont wake him up and just wait for him to get up, miku was then rushing, hurrying to school and luckily, he made it in time<br/><br/>when miku entered the room, he noticed the girl sitting on his sit and again..only his eyes can see, miku felt a bit braver and calm since the day he comfronted the girl and when he was slowly walking to his seat, the girl noticed him and started to leave the room, and as they both started to get closer, the girl whispered in a matter or seconds..."Remember me Miku"<br/><br/>miku then turn his head back and as he turn it, the girl vanished and again, it left some thoughts on mikus head not knowing the reason, miku got into the school late and theres not enough time to chat with his friends<br/><br/>Morning Classes starts and Ino is planning on how to force-chat miku<br/><br/>"I need to think of a way on how to get close to miku again, he might probably saw what im usually doing just to earn money but i hope he didnt, i need to think harder of how to get miku continue chatting with me about the important matter that both of us need to discuss but that stupid friend of his keeps blocking our way and having miku chat with them instead of me, it makes my blood boil so bad and i need to think of a way to stop their togetherness atleast for today...hmmmm*scratching her head*ooooh i could probably have a private chat with him at night and have a friend of mine lead him to the place that he supposidly caught me. hmm.... thee day before he talked to me about the thing he saw about me and keep talking to me that i was a faggot, disgusting and a whore... theres only 1 place that i could be in that time and im sure it was night the day he caught me... i was at an alley that time..*thinking harder* oooohhh i know now what to do!" saying this on his head and had a big smile<br/><br/>miku saw Ino did a big smile and he thought it was weird to be smiling in the middle of a class but miku just didn't mind it<br/><br/>as usual on lunch time ,his friend always wants to have a chat with miku and brought him lunch "again" since he is late and Ino on the other hand felt a bit jealous but shes only thinking about her plan and will execute it no matter what happens<br/><br/>lunch time ended and together with the afternoon class and miku felt so excited since his grandparents will pay a visit on their house<br/><br/>Miku bought everything that her mother said and rushed home, as soon as got his house, he started shaking that was caused by his excitement and happiness and when he opened the door, his granparents were at the table, sitting down waiting for miku to arrive and have their first dinner since the last time they met and ofcourse, they had a little bit of chit chat<br/><br/>"Miku, i heard you've transfered school? are you doing well?" his grandma asked "yes! im doing great and i am so happy about my new school!" miku replied "Do your best miku and achieve your dream and goal in your life, education is a must, some says education doesnt decide your future but for me, knowledge can lead to success and i want you to be successful in the future...mk?" his grandpa said with a smile <br/><br/>miku felt motivated and promise that he will remember their words and will be successful in the future<br/><br/>their dinner ended well and they're now heading to their room to sleep except for miku<br/><br/>miku told her mother "mom, i need to buy something for tomorrow, il go to the nearest store and head back quickly, dont close the door mk, il be back faster than before!" his mom just agreed and miku left the house in the middle of the night<br/><br/>miku bought some stuff in the store and ready to head back home, miku started walking in the street and as soon as he gets to a side alley, a guy pulled him and lead him to a secret place, there he met...<br/><br/>"Stop!, dont touch me!, stop dragging me and let me leave!" begging for the man who was pulling him "i said stop!" <br/><br/>"is this him? my lady?" the man said to an unknown person<br/>"yes thats him, hold him tight so that he cant escape" the unknown person said and the man followed the unknown persons command and held mikus hand tight <br/><br/>"*he raised his head and looked infront* W-Wait...is that you....Ino?" miku said<br/>"nice meeting you again, miku-kun i have so many questions to ask you....answer them honestly ok? or else the worst will come" Ino said with a fierce personality<br/>"No i will not! leave me alone! let me go home Ino im begging you *crying*" Miku said<br/><br/>"do it my mens" Ino said to his mens<br/><br/>Ino's men then made Miku unconscious and not knowing that those where the final words came to mikus mouth and worried sick and doesn't know what to do because he cant get back home on the same day</p>