

Ace, Ty, Trevor, and Theo are reincarnated into a new world of where Descendants roam the magical realms, however, they will be reincarnated into the same body. How will they face the challenges as one? Will they manage to keep their secret, a secret? Will they aim to change this world or will they be corrupted by their past? Dive in as our protagonists attend one of the eight academies, as they collect petals and study the different elements under the Primordials. As they adventure through the different realms and explore the lost art of summoning.

Hedtea · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Magical Practice (III)






Although they were a bit shaken, they carried with their day. One of the first things they did was change. Ty and Theo went to sleep in their own mental space and Ace and Trevor came forth.

The first order of the day was to burn the body of the stranger they killed after searching his body and striping him of his clothes as they were better than the ones they were wearing even though they could not fit on them yet. They had seen how it withered in Theo's and Ty's memories and so they knew where it was.

Ace started by heating up her hands to the point that the morning water vapor around them was steaming. Caleb put his hands on the mummified body and after a few seconds the body caught fire and burned in less than five seconds leaving only a pile of ashes behind.

After she burned the body she tried to connect with the fire magical sigil, and to her surprise, she managed to. The magical sigil was an empty triangle pointing upwards. It was fairly simple but really powerful. After she shared her discovery with Trevor, he tried finding the ice sigil by rotating the triangle 180° but ended up discovering the water sigil, he then rotated it pointing east and discovered the light sigil, pointing west was the shadow sigil.

They had seen these symbols before on Earth, and with exactly the same meanings, could it be that someone from this world went to Earth? By following this hypothesis, he then discovered the air sigil which was the fire triangle with a line passing through, the earth sigil which was the air triangle pointing downwards, the ice sigil which was the air triangle pointing west, the lightning sigil which was the air triangle pointing east and also managed to find the toxic sigil which was the nature sigil rotated 90°.

With this in mind, they would advance very quickly in the magical aspect, the only limiting factor now was the size of their body as they had not found a way to grow up in a flash, yet.

Caleb went to the riverside again, this time he would not be hunting but practicing magic. Ace and Trevor decided to share the body while they reached the river and when they arrived they would rotate, share on the way back, rinse and repeat for the entirety of the month.


During the first month of practice they had managed to have a certain control over their elements. The tree was impressive now. It had a huge statue of the four friends fighting a dragon in full armor and throwing spells based on each of their first month's elements. Ace was throwing a flaming sphere while Trevor an icy spear, Ty was holding the dragon in place with vines and Theo was standing behind the battle and throwing rays of light at the dragon's eyes. It was an impressive statue to say the least.

The best part was that they could somewhat do what was pictured on the statue but with much less power. Trevor had focused his month first on creating ice, then he started shaping it and went from a small ice ball to a small ice toothpick.

Ace wanted more destructive power so she tried to do a fireball but after only a month she ended up covering her palm in fire which did not harm them as it was their own magical power.

Ty surprisingly was the one who progressed the fastest. He managed to not only carve a lot of impressive things from the wood of the tree but also sprouted vines out of seeds he convinced them to always carry with them.

Theo was more focused and managed to break down light in it's components and create rainbows or some light strings as he called them. They were thin lines of light that were under his control.

The hardest decision was to pick a new element as they didn't want to compare to each other because they knew some had more talent with certain elements. At the end, Ace chose she would start with water, Trevor opted for toxic, Ty for lightning and Theo for shadow. This meant they would also change their schedule and Trevor and Ty would practice during the day and Ace and Theo at night.

They managed to bring some wooden buckets of water to the tree thanks to Ty's control over nature. He had made some equipment out of wood but it was not really practical, his vines however, made it easier to carry everything. He also was a gym rat on Earth so he started training with his wooden weights because as he said "my body will not stop me".

Time moved fast as they were all enjoying the magical training and before they knew it, the second month had passed and summer in the new world ended. They only knew autumn came because of the change in color of the woods. The trees here were not the same as the pines on Earth that never changed color.

The landscape changed from green to purple and pink and the leaves started to fall. If not for the fact that their tree house was now covered and inside what looked like a normal tree from the outside, they would have been exposed as the natural foliage would soon stop providing cover to the tree top.

During the second month, Trevor and Theo had managed to progress the fastest while Ace and Ty were a bit stuck in their respective elements. They again changed their elements but this time there was no way to prevent duplicates as the space sigil was still a mystery. Ace trained with earth, Trevor with air, Ty with fire and Theo with ice.

They kept rotating, time flew by, and suddenly they had been in this world for their first year. They didn't really know when Caleb's birthday was as his family never celebrated him but they knew when they came to this world as Ty had made a wooden calendar with an Earthly year, surprisingly they were the same length.

They had progressed by leaps and bounds and soon they discovered how to use the dryad's bow.