
Ever The Contrarian

Mercury would have just been an ordinary dirt poor charecter if she wasn't a murderer. And if she wasn't a MC. But good things all end one day, and she might just end up at the head seat of emperor. Or her best friend might. Watch te drama go down! Please give me viewssssss art release every 5k My first book LMAO ~pls support a random author TT o TT I honestly have no idea what to write about this sooo yeah that’s the breakdown XD also this isn’t official, contains a few spelling mistakes (no not just a few a LOT) and is randomly updated by me. (By randomly I mean every wedsnesday) (But its completed now) So, yeah, that’s it. See you there :D! ~~~~ Pls help dis rando author ;-; I have dirt bank account and dirt writing skills but gold imagination ~~~~ Please give me viewssssss art release every 5k *read till at least the second chapter before you decide to ditch it pls* - EVERY WEEKDAY (daily updates monday-friday and maybe on the weekends too?) I HAVE A CHANNEL NOW !!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCR6DjAK9vpn_EeDtn4Wr2mw NOT MY ART I USE DIS GENERATOR --> https://perchance.org/ai-photo-generator

PilinyTheYounger · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Ever The Contrarian


"All alright, we're here. Try to take out as many soldiers as possible, since the emperor was already preparing for war. Don't kill any civilians or servants, instead point them towards the bunker Mags told us about so that they can take shelter. As for soldiers, try to hide the bodies as well as you can. We have the element of surprise, so we need to use it right. Everyone clear?" Mercury said, and nods followed behind her. "Okay. I have to go for the emperor directly, so can you back me up, Nox, Io? Make sure there are no soldiers that randomly burst in." Mercury asked, and both her friends nodded. Mercury tried to calm her nerves, but the hand that was holding her sword was shaking slightly. It's okay, just get it over with. she thought to herself. Everyone instantly slipped away. Since the elves and the guild had been on the run from the emperor, they were good at sneaking around. She couldn't even hear any footsteps. 

maybe I should learn that from them. Mercury thought, walking down the main hallway of the palace. Already, guards were shouting as guild members ambushed them, and as elves surrounded them in magic barriers. Mercury walked straight down the middle, feeling somehow separated from the battle. I mean, she technically was - but at the same time she also played the biggest part in it. Disappearing fast as a summer rainbow, the elves and guild members were all gone, and the hallway was empty. The guards were gone too, and a few were shoves behind vases or rugs. It looked like they were doing well. As she walked up to the big double doors, she took a deep breath and opened it with a creak. The royal throne room. here I go. Mercury thought. Her mind was weirdly clear ow - empty - she had completely accepted that her fate was going to go either way. 

In the middle, was… Baldy? A random yellow spot on his head that looked like an egg yolk and a fat double chin. Mercury blinked and then unsheathed her sword, pointing it sitrght as it grew wickedly sharp and gleaming. "Hey, Baldy, I don't know how you survived since I remember killing you, but I'll let you go this time if you tell me where the emperor is. This castle is under siege." Mercury said, pointing her sword straight and glancing around for any pressure traps, or hidden crossbows, but no. Everything was good. At least as far as her eyes could go. "Under siege, you say? I suppose that was my son's doing. Yes, it's about time I pass down this crown." Baldy mused, scratching his chin, and Mercury scrunched her eyebrows together. Ugh, her mindset had been to crystal just two seconds ago, but it was now wavering. "I don't have time for this, Baldy. Where is the emperor?" Mercury said coldly. 

"What are you talking about? I am the emperor." Baldy said innocently, and Mercury laughed. The corn did make sense, but egghead couldnt possibly be the emperor. "Yeah, right! If you were emperor, the empire would have collapsed by now. Baldy, don't play around with me." 

Suddenly, Baldy's face hardened like stone. He stood up and stepped towards Mercury. Mercury stepped back, suddenly slightly fearful. oh. this really was the emperor, wasn't it? Baldy smiled, seeing her expression change, but there was no emotion behind it. "Kill me."

Oops. Mercury's going deaf again. there must be something her her ears - did I her that right, Baldy? "Huh? Sorry, looks like I got something in my ear again. I can't have heard that right." Mercury said dismissively, scratching her ears furiously again. Yes, thats what I said too! "No, you heard me. It's time." the emperor (baldy) sighed, hands on his knees, and Mercuyr gaped at him. Huh? HUH? HUH? "Wait, Baldy, if you're really emperor, then why are you asking me…??"

"Ah, yes. You should sit down first. I'll explain everything." Baldy said, and he plopped back down onto his throne. Casually. Like he hadnt just blown up her head. Mercury cautiously sat cross-legged on the rug, and Baldy sighed again, even louder. "No sob stories, Baldy. Hurry up." Mercury interjected rudely, just as he opened his mouth to start, and Baldy sighed yet again. He just keeps sighing. "I always knew that my son would eventually come to kill me, but I was doubtful as to how it would happen, which is why I created the Guild of Ulteron to make sure no one got in my way. When you killed their leader-" 

"THAT WAS AN ACCIDENT!" Mercury interrupted, trying ot make sure not to get sentenced for felony murder, and Baldy nodded. He was pretty used ot her random outburst now. "When you killed their leader, the guild erupted into pandemonium. You can imagine it, can't you? anyway, they went rogue, so that guild became my biggest annoyance, that day you threatened to kill me, I was trying to salvage what was the rest of the guild. Safe to say, it failed. You've probably surrounded this palace, huh? well, Im sorry. But I have an entire imperial army backing me." Baldy said, getting up again to shuffle the curtains of a large floor-to-ceiling window and let Mercuyr peek through. 

Her side was losing. 

Mercury watched in horror as multiple elves went down. Right in front of her eyes, but she was frozen in spot. The guild members were still holding their own, but multiple were tied up and being dragged by palace guards. Oh no. The battle had been lost before it had even started. Mercury watched, glued to her spot. Unable to move. Her legs had suddenly grown rusty. "That's why you must kill me. This will all end if you do." Baldy said, weirdly calm since they were discussing his head on a silver platter. 

"Uh, that's fine, but… Baldy?" Mercury asked cautiously. "Hmm? What is it, child?" Baldy asked, and Mercury opened her mouth to speak. "Why… are you fine with dying?"

"Well, when I became emperor, I completely accepted the fact that I would one day die. Im fine with it. Don't worry though, Im not depressed or anything." Baldy said dismissively, tapping his head to demonstrate that he was perfectly sound in mind. Phew. Mercury exhaled. She didnt think she could bear it if there were any more sad backstories. Not that there were any in the first place. Im not good at sad backstories, lol. "Alright, then. But I genuinely don't want to kill you." Mercury said, internally breathing a sigh of relief, and Baldy smiled. "Ah, you'd be that merciful?"

"Of course. I killed you once, it was enough. Anyway, can you sneak out through a secret passage or something?" Mercury asked, scanning the room once again, and Baldy dashed over to the throne and pulled a lever at the back. Right on cue, dude! Instantly, a chute opened up right by the bottom of the steps. "Right, I have this passage. I'm tired of being emperor anyway, so I'll just live it out in a distant village somewhere." Baldy mused, taking off his crown and handing it to Mercury, who took it without saying anything. it was heavily jeweled and had a frame of gold. It was pretty much a dumbbell in Mercury's hand, and she frowned at it. It did look nice, but who would wear something so pompous all day?? 

"Toodles, darling! Best of luck!" Baldy said, waving one foot in front of the chute and finally hopping in with a wave. Gone. "Wait-" Mercury tried, but the chute closed right behind him. For a minute, she stared at the floor and then sagged to the ground. 

What the hell had just happened???