
The System is Full of Duds

It took a few minutes for Char's anger to ease. Begrudgingly, he looked at the panel.

"I only gain 1 sign-in value a day, when can I ever redeem something decent?" He asked, his brows furrowed in annoyance.

[There are additional ways to earn balance] the system replied.

Char raised a questioning eyebrow in anticipation;

[Exchange 1 year of lifespan for 10 points. This is the only additional way currently possible for you. Momentary host lifespan: 2 years]

Char punched the panel in front of him, yet his fist caught no more than air.

"Just tell me if you want me to die" he grumbled.

He decided to continue what he had been doing; Eat every second day, redeem once he had over 10 points. After all, he did not have the patience to wait for over 100 days to redeem a higher tier reward.

23 days passed and his wounded fist healed almost completely. Char once again wanted to redeem a useful tier reward.

[Host balance: 12. Apply environment factor strengthening for 1 point?]

Char, still groggy from sleep, jerked his head back, instantly awake. He had decided to apply the strengthening and had saved up 2 extra points. The cost decreased?

[Host's wound has healed] was the only explanation given.

'Well, this is a good thing anyways' Char thought, shrugging. With that, he redeemed.

[1 point applied to strengthen environmental factor. Maximum strengthening reached: probability of environment related reward 90%. Reward received: lowest level qi perception. Spend 1 point to apply?]

Char immediately asked: "what does it do?" in an impatient tone. He suspected it had something to do with this cultivation nonsense. And, since he did not have a technique, he figured it would be quite useless to him.

[Grants slightly heightened ability to sense qi. If one does not have cultivation, grants ability to faintly sense qi, if it is abundant enough]

"Completely useless, just as I thought" spat Char. He had been on the island for over a month now and both times he staked his hopes had turned out to be duds.

[Use 1 point to apply reward?] The system nagged.

"Yes! Why don't you rob me of even my last point!" Char shouted indignantly.

[Reward applied successfully]

Char only shook his head. His cheek were sunken, the muscles on his arms and legs had significantly regressed and his torso had become worryingly slim.

Yet all this time, he had not gotten anything useful from this cyber-like friend. Besides food of course. But, what was the point? Why is he given a chance to live, yet live so terribly? And why was he sent here in the first place?

Char knew he would not find the answers. It was for this reason that he had deliberately avoided these questions. However, after yet another disappointment, his questions could no longer be bound.

The system, a ready dispenser of information, would also remain eerily quiet to any questions pertaining to such a category.

Dejected, he lay back down on the sand. He had made as comfortable a bed as he could, using it often and without pause to spend his dull days.

In fact, he was so aggrieved that he did not even notice as faint white lights appeared and gathered towards him.