
Alex Mercer

During the infected wreaking havoc across the Yellow zone, the Prototypes went around and consumed them.

All of them had received the Tendrils while only Chris didn't have a Shield.

They had also gained another ally called ATHENA, she gave them useful information about special infected called Evolved which are similar to Prototypes, however not as versatile as they cannot just transform into anyone they've consumed and unable to change their powers.

The Prototypes decided to split up and take each Evolved down.

Heller decided to take the one down called Gallagher.

Mark chose to take down Roland.

Chris went to kill Reginald. (Biobomb Evolved)

Bonnie headed to Penelope (Whipfist Evolved) to kill.

And Arla aimed to kill Karen Archer.


Meanwhile, somewhere in the Red zone.

'Seems they've finally tried to hunt down my Evolved' Thought Alex as he'd exposed them to the open for the reincarnators to consume, thereby speeding up their evolutions which may have taken months had he followed canon.

'It won't be long now until their time has come and the other living Prototypes that I've accidentally created will be good biomass.' He had pondered of how he should go about consuming them, as he finally settled on consuming them one by one until only one was left.


Heller was currently inside an infected lair underground, he encountered multiple Brawlers and two Juggernauts, but he dispatched them quite easily.

"Well, if it isn't Heller." Shouted a voice at him, Heller looked at the source as he found a middle aged man with receded and whitening hair with each arm ingulfed with tendrils while the hands are the upper half of the blades of scimitars.

Heller then revealed his tendril ingulfed claws as he leaped at Gallagher, Gallagher sidestepped and slashed at Heller's torso, it wounded him but regenerated soon after. Gallagher attacked him again as Heller's arms turned into shields and deflected his attacks, while also dazing him which allowed Heller to slash at him as backed away after being wounded.

"Not bad." Gallagher complimented as dashed again and Heller met his charge, Gallagher's blades met Heller's claws. It produced a metal hitting metal sound as Gallagher was pushed back into bending his back backwards, Heller suddenly removed one claw from the clash as he stabbed Gallagher in the stomach, dropping his arms which allowed Heller to rapidly stab Gallagher over and over again as he was consumed.

After consuming him, Heller didn't gain much knowledge from him as all Mercer ordered him was to kill Heller, however he did gain a new power as his right arm elongated and turned into a Blade.

"Hell fucking yeah." Heller said with a tinge of anticipation, hoping for him to be enough to kill Mercer.

Suddenly Evolved surrounded him, "Come fucking get some." Heller taunted.


Mark was currently having a difficult time right now, as three Juggernauts attacked him at the same time, he had then developed a plan and ran away as the infected chased him down.

Mark arrived at a military base and began wreaking havoc in it to attract more soldiers or super soldiers, unfortunately a super soldier colored yellow appeared instead of a blue one.

"What...?" Mark questioned as he'd never seen one like this, it began running towards him as it attacked him. He put up his shield power as it broke in three hits, "Shit! He's alot stronger than the others." Mark said under his breath, suddenly the infected chasing him caught up and the super soldier and infected began fighting each other.

He waited as he watched the super soldier punched a guarding Juggernaut and break open the guard as the super soldier punched through the body and killed it, it charged the other one and killed it as well after breaking it's arms. The last Juggernaut however was on equal grounds to it, the super soldier couldn't break the Juggernaut's guard but the super soldier was too agile compared to it.

Mark waited until they exhausted each other as he kicked the super soldier, it dropped to the ground as he grabbed it's neck and snapped it. He then switched to the Juggernaut and used his tendrils to wrap around it's arms as it was too exhausted and weakened to destroy the tendrils, Mark then consumed it as he gained Hammerfists. He was suddenly kicked from behind and launched into a wall as he saw a blonde man with a scientist coat with the same arms as Gallagher.

"Impressive, didn't think you'd be able to kill them. However, you will now die." Roland said cockily and charged at Mark, unfortunately strength beats speed so Mark smashed his hammerfists on the ground as Roland was launched into the air while trying to recover back, however Mark keep smashing the ground while Roland couldn't do anything as spikes began appearing in the ground, impaling him as Mark consumed him.

After this action however, he passed out on the ground.


Chris spotted Reginald as he sowed destruction in a military base, he kept biobombing people and so they kept dying. Chris transformed into a Blackwatch soldier and acted like a target for biobombing, Reginald went behind him as he flipped him over, transformed his hands into Claws and consumed him.

He then received Reginald's biobomb ability, "Well that was easy." Chris said.


Bonnie was currently confronting Penelope on top of a building with helicopters flying around, Penelope suddenly reached for a helicopter and launched it towards her, she leaped and landed on the falling helicopter as she jumped again, unfortunately Penelope launched her Whipfist to her.

Bonnie luckily used her shield as she grabbed the Whipfist and followed it back to Penelope as she kicked him in the face, temporarily dazing her as she consumed her.


Arla was currently fighting four Brawlers as she counterattacked at the Brawler which attacked her, another attacked her as she cut off the arm which tried to slash her. and consumed the Brawler. Another Brawler followed up as she shielded herself and deflected the attack, bashing it with her shield as it was dazed and consumed it once again. She consumed the other two Brawlers by dodging and counterattacking, Arla then heard an explosion near her as she spotted a woman with medium long hair in a scientist coat, same as Roland's.

"Wha-" She was cut off as Karen separated her hand from her body and kicked her away through a building, she grunted at the pain from having her hand cut off, it then regenerated quickly.

"To think you'd try to hunt me, when I am the hunter!" Karen declared, she charge at Arla again and raised both her arms aiming for a heavy hit.

Arla quickly dodged as Karen's blades stuck on the ground, Arla then slashed at her rapidly, effectively consuming her as an orange gas appeared around her arms.

She spread her arms on both sides as two Brawlers appeared, "Huh?" She said, surprised of the Brawlers appearing.

Suddenly, a two figures killed her Brawlers.

"What!?" Arla shouted as she was grabbed by a man with arms being Tendrils.

"You were unlucky to have been the first target." The person, who was identified as Alex Mercer said.

Alex then stabbed his middle claw of the Tendrils into her neck as she began turning red.

"AHHHHH!!" She screamed as she was then consumed by Alex, having her screams die out as Alex's eyes briefly flashed red.

"Time for them to be returned to me." Alex said as he departed to the next unlucky target.


Mark who had just woken up as a figure landed beside him and hit him with the figure's arm which extended to hit him, he quickly managed to put up his shield power as it bounced off.

He then made it disappear as he gazed at the figure, who appeared to be Alex Mercer.

He hurriedly transformed his hands into Hammerfists as Alex did the same, Mark tried to smash him with an downwards attack. Unfortunately, Alex had been using these powers for a far longer time so he'd be alot more experienced in fighting against it.

Alex easily blocked it and sweeped his legs as Mark fell down, Alex then smashed his right hammerfist into Mark's stomach and kicked him away.

Mark managed to recover as Alex turned his right arm into a Whipfist as Mark couldn't react, Alex then was able to grab Mark by the neck.

"To think this is where I die." Mark managed to blurt out before Alex consumed him.

Alex's tendrils then briefly colored orange.


Chris and Bonnie were currently in the church with Father Guerra.

"Where are they?" Questioned Bonnie, they had been waiting thirty minutes already.

Suddenly a hole in the wall appeared as Alex walked in, Blade in his right hand with a Claw in left.

"Mercer!" Chris alerted, as Bonnie immediately transformed her right arm into a Whipfist while her left became a Claw.

"¡Él está aquí! (He's here!) We need to run!" Guerra suggested, doubting to be able to take him on right now. Motioning towards the door, they all began to run.

Evolved suddenly blocked their way, they looked back to see dozens of Evolved beside Mercer.

Two notable Evolved appeared as well, such as Sabrina Galloway, and Koenig.

"No need to worry, only I'm your opponent. If you manage to defeat me, then the other infected will disappear as well." Alex said, as if to give them false hope.

The church then collapsed as the two reincarnator Prototypes protected Luis Guerra, they had been surrounded by Blackwatch soldiers and with equal amounts of super soldiers to the Evolved.

"ZEUS! Your terror upon NYC will finally be brought to an end!" Announced Alexander Cyrus, he was heavily guarded alongside Colonel Rooks.


Dana had been driven to desperation to stop Alex as she finally gave in and helped Blackwatch, she was inside a building not far from the church watching from the computer, she specifically requested to see the battlefield from a helicopter's perspective.

"Dammit Alex, this isn't you... What had happened to you?" Dana said with sadness in her voice, to think that the caring brother she had was no longer there.


"What a big surprise." Alex said with a smirk, he transformed his arms into Tendrils again as he commanded all of the infected to show themselves. Alex had made all the special infected from the Red zone and Green zone to arrive in the Yellow zone, that is why Blackwatch sent it's soldiers into it as well.

Infected popped up underground, and surrounded Blackwatch.

"Shit... We may not win this one." Said Cyrus as he failed to cull the infected, seeing that the infected were far more numerous in number than they had expected.


Heller was fighting the Evolved until they retreated, he grew suspicious of why they'd run as he finally hurried back to the church.

He witnessed an army of special infected, "Holy shit..." He said as the battle began.

Bodies were flying around, with most being Blackwatch soldiers and some being Brawlers, super soldiers and some very rare Juggernauts.

The fighting came to a halt when most of Blackwatch was annihilated apart from Cyrus, Rooks and some super soldiers.

He saw in the previously old church as a bunch of rubble with Mercer and dozens of Evolved in the middle with Alex holding Guerra in the throat while Chris and Bonnie were heavily breathing and dropped to the ground.

"Father!" James shouted as he tried to save the priest.

He experienced the sight of Guerra die right before his eyes.


"Let's get this over with, shall we?" Alex said as he slashed with his right arm which turned back into his Blade and Claw powers

He ran towards Chris as he raised his just formed Claws up to block Mercer's downward slash, however the force behind Mercer's attack caused his feet and back to bend.

Bonnie tries to get Alex off Chris by using her Whipfist but Alex turned his Claw arm into Musclemass and grabbed her Whipfist as he pulled strongly, which caused her to launch towards Mercer.

Alex kicked Chris away as he slashed at Bonnie, she fortunately shielded herself in time but it broke when the Blade hit the Shield twice.

She was sent flying onto the ground, both Prototypes down on the ground but suddenly Guerra shows up with his shotgun pointed at Alex.

"No te acerques, bastardo. (Don't come nearer, you bastard.)" Father Guerra said as sweat trailed down his face, with his finger ready to fire.

Mercer slowly walked towards him, while his arms turned back to normal.

"Que dios me bendiga. (May God bless me.)" Guerra prayed as he pulled the trigger, but it did little as Mercer suddenly grabbed him by the neck and raised him up the air.

"Father!" Shouted Heller from a distance as he ran towards him.

Alex then threw Guerra right in front of Heller as tendrils suddenly appeared from his body while it stuck to debris, it then pulled it towards him as his body was squashed.

"Father..." Heller whispered with sadness almost equal to when Colette died.

"MERCER! YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Heller screamed with all he could muster and rage filled his mind, he then charged at Mercer with his Blade arm ready to slash him sideways.

Alex blocked it with his own blade arm as he pushed Heller's own aside and slashed his back with his left arm back into a Claw.

"How scary." Alex taunted while casually walking around.

"WHERE'S MAYA!?" Shouted Heller after recovering from Alex's slash, he asked as Amaya being the only family he has and the last person he's cared about.

"Where? She's right here." He said as his body became ingulfed in tendrils, his figure becoming smaller and turning into a girl.

"Daddy?" He imitated her voice, mocking Heller.

"RAAGHHH!" Roared Heller as the last vestiges of sanity he had left was replaced with pure rage, he began rapidly attacking Alex as he transformed back and blocked Heller's attacks with ease.

Alex finally had enough as he blocked a slash from Heller's Blade, sliced off Heller's Blade arm and finally his left arm as well. Leaving an armless torso with legs and a head.

"Fuck.... you...." Heller managed to say before his head got decapitated and was consumed.

Alex, after gaining the resilient DNA of Heller had managed to adapt and evolve twice as fast as before.

He then moved on to the collapsed Prototypes as he grabbed both their necks, as both of them were ingulfed in Tendrils.

"HAH!" Shouted Alex as his eyes turned into a glowing orange, Tendrils turned colored orange and a trail of orange appeared every time he moved.

His eyes and tendrils returned back to before after he limited the amount of biomass he could use.


Meanwhile in Cyrus' and Rooks' location, a bunch of Brawlers surrounded them as four super soldiers try to guard them, however the Brawlers don't attack them and just stare at them.

"What the hell are with these infected?" A super soldier asked.

"Don't know, but someone's likely planning something for us." Another one answered.

'Could it be Heller managed to kill him? These infected seem like they lost their hive mind.' Thought Cyrus until he saw the Brawlers parting to reveal Alex walking slowly towards them.

"To think that you'd be willing to show yourself, Major." Alex mocked Cyrus as he'd been hiding until this time.

"What was your plan? Did you plan to become a user of the Blacklight virus?" Alex asked with an amused tone, he'd didn't think someone would be such a risk taker to use a virus that may not even work.

"Fine, you caught me. I've risked everything for this but it failed." Cyrus confessed as he gave up.

Alex then grabbed him and threw him underneath him as he punched him three times and slammed him with the underneath of his fist.

He moved on to Rooks and consumed the super soldiers also.

Suddenly, a man descended from the sky with a familiar face.

Captain Cross had arrived.

'This must've been the parasite then huh? He must've only received the disguise, super strength, speed, agility and devastators but it doesn't have my powers.' He analyzed from what he'd seen in game as the Supreme Hunter had only some of his powers while it's strong point came from the powers of Greene.

"Did you think you were enough to kill me? You only have some of my powers after all even if you have evolved as well." Alex taunted, as the clone suddenly ran towards him to try and kick him.

"Once I consume you, I'll be strong enough to destroy Blackwatch." Cross said.

"How disappointing," Alex mocked as he turned his arms into Musclemass as he grabbed the leg and slammed him to the ground, raised his leg and performed an axe kick that went through it's torso.

"It must've gotten impatient and tried to kill me at my strongest, it must think me to still be weak." He concluded as he consumed it without allowing it to return back if disturbed like in the game.

NYC had finally fallen as Alex got out with the most biomass, his infected ready and his virus adapting and evolving at a much faster rate.

The time to spread across the world was now.

Next chapter