
The beginning of a great journey... (1)

Year 2998 A.D. (after the Dragons) Rave City.

In the middle of a large forest was the city of Rave, the second and oldest elven city in the continent of Evans, a large elven center with buildings that were in harmony with nature, it was very famous for having the largest library in Evans with the rarest books in the whole world, because of its importance and being one of the cities that survived after the war, it was protected by a magical barrier that protected it from creatures, beasts that lived in the large black forest or invaders from other places.

In the highest tower of the library, a bird of rare beauty flies in that direction, landing next to a beautiful woman quietly reading a parchment. A woman with long black hair, slightly tanned skin, she had very light green eyes. Her clothes were a pair of leather pants and a white blouse. And the bird, to attract attention, pecks her hand.

- Well, well, a messenger bird from Uncle Ran. - She takes the bird and strokes it on the head, the bird hoots happily and extends her paw to take the piece of paper stuck in it. When she opens it, she sees that it was written in haste by her uncle. -

- Nyara, I hope the bird gets here soon to deliver this message. I need you as soon as possible here in Tassy. I need your help with something important. Come immediately, and when you arrive we'll talk about it. May the Goddess protect you, dear niece.

- It seems that Uncle is in trouble. And it must be something serious to call me so urgently. - strokes the bird lightly again and the bird sinks happily Come on. - The bird lands on her shoulder when a lady with pointed ears and tired but cheerful eyes behind a spyglass approaches pushing a cart full of books. -

- Have you finished with the books Miss Nyara?

- Actually Cris, not quite yet! - She hands the 50 books and parchments to the lady. -

- Did you finish your reading early today? That's rare for you.

- That's true, but today I'm afraid so! I plan to travel.

- Now where to, miss?

- Tassy.

- Then I wish you a good trip!

- Thank you, I'll bring you a souvenir when I get back.

- Thank you, Miss. - She laughs and waves good-bye.

Nyara picks up a black cloak thrown on the chair, then puts it on and goes down the tower to return to the main library area. She greets some of the employees there, as she leaves the library she covers her eyes to get used to the brightness and takes a long breath to feel the fresh air of the city. The library is in the center of town where the movement was constant. In Rave it was forbidden to use carriages and chariots so as not to disturb the peace of the city. Most of the residents preferred to walk, and sometimes they preferred to ride horses or magical beasts.

Nyara leaves and takes the street next to the library in the direction of the northern suburb. Even with the cloak covering her face some people recognized her and greeted her or sometimes she was looked at by some older people with hatred which made her open a big smile and wave in response.

Wanting to get there very fast, she starts running without stopping. Avoiding pedestrians and obstacles, scaring many residents along the way just to get home early to tell her family the news.

He takes a shortcut through a narrow street to the old and noble part of town, a place where the noblest and oldest families of Rave lived. Children played in the street, ladies caught up on their chats, and other servants tended gardens. She goes to a large and ancient tree where a manor was built on its branches in perfect harmony with nature without doing any harm to the tree. Entering the house, she is greeted by an old lady with a smile on her face, who appears to be 80 years old. Nyara hugs her, kisses her face and hands her her cloak.

- Welcome Miss Nyara. -She curtsies briefly-

- How many times do I have to tell you to just call me Nyara. - She pouts, but then smiles. -

- It would be rude of me to treat you like this.

- Valeria, you changed my diapers, we're already too close for you to call me Nyara. -Valeria is embarrassed but laughs as she remembers.

- Are you staying for lunch miss?

- Yes of course, are my parents home?

- Yes, they are. They're in the main wing of the house.

- Thank you. - She goes up the stairs.

Nyara looks for her parents, finds them in the main room sitting by the fireplace, her father reading a book and her mother embroidering. She had always admired the beauty of both of them, being elves "who are already beautiful by nature". But she always found them different from the ordinary, as an aura of beauty and goodness emanated around them. Her father Araton had long black hair and always had a serious face, but she knew he was melted butter when he was alone with his family.

Her mother Calien looked like an angel, with blonde hair and blue eyes, a serene face and a voice that envied even mermaids, and her body showed signs of advanced pregnancy. Nyara loved her parents very much and enjoyed seeing them proud of her.

Her father might not have looked it, but he was in the past of the great war was a great general, right arm of the king and he was feared for his sword skills, strategy and wisdom. Often adventurers would appear to challenge him or ask to be trained, only he would refuse. His mother may have had a fragile appearance, but she was the greatest arcane archer ever, his mother decided a long time ago to leave all the security and protection and family in Rave and decided to go to war where with her spectacular bow skills she could defeat 100 soldiers without much effort and her troop formed only by archers was feared by the enemies. And in the war the two met when one saved the other's life. Her mother is the first to see her, she opens a smile, Nyara approaches and stops her mother from getting up.

- Hi mom and dad. Mom you don't need to get up, you should take good care of my little brother or sister.

- Hello daughter, welcome. I'm fine, if it were up to your father I wouldn't leave the room. But tell me why you came back so early from the library, is something wrong? - The mother looks worried, the father stops reading and looks-

- Calm down mom, everything is fine. I got a message from Uncle Raniel. - She reassures her mother by kissing her cheek -.

- What did the message say? - asks her father, coming closer to her and kissing her on the forehead.

- Well, Dad, he just said he wants me in Tassy as soon as he can. Here. -He takes the letter from his pocket and hands it to her and reads it. After reading it seriously, he looks at his daughter. -

- What are you going to do?

- Well, I was going to ask if I could go?

- Nya, Nya, you're no longer a little girl of 10, you're already an adult. And when you were 10, you did whatever you wanted. - says your mother, laughing. -

- I know more... I wanted to know what they would think. - She says, a little embarrassed as she remembers what she did in the past.

- If your uncle needs you, it must be important and looking at your face you want to go, my daughter. Isn't he?

- Yes, Mom, I want to, besides, it's the first time I'm traveling only for Evans.

- When do you intend to leave?

- As soon as possible mom, maybe tomorrow. I will go on the Logan, it is much faster than a common transport.

- Then we can not waste time. I will help you pack. Come on, help me up.

- Thank you, Mom. - She helps her mother up carefully. - Careful mom, take it easy. -

After seeing the two of them leave, the father returns her to read the book, following the corridor they go up towards the dormitories stopping in front of a door made of oak where the mother opens the door and reveals a room.

It was a large room that Araton and Calien made for their beloved daughter to be more comfortable, a large room that contained everything she liked, several bookshelves full of books scattered around the room, on the left wall there was another open room. It was the study and laboratory area, with shelves of weaklings of various sizes, and in the center of the room was a cauldron. Nyara moves to the right side where was the double size bed and a wardrobe that her mother approaches and opens.

- I guess, depending on the trip, you won't be able to carry much luggage.

- I'll take it in my magic bag. - She takes from one of the closets a small coin purse.

- Magic bag?

- Yes, I invented it, but it's not a simple little bag that can hold several things inside, it has a lot of space. It's better than those space rings. - She opens the bag's mouth and it grows without looking like it's going to rip.

- Impressive, daughter, you always surprise me.

- It's good for storing items, I've tried it with fresh food, it's not much use, it will spoil anyway and taste funny. I'll take clothes, books, some herbs, first aid and other things.

- Then I'll take care of the clothes and you get your things, I don't understand your mess.

- It's not messy, it's my kind of organization, Mom. - The mother laughs and continues to put away the clothes while Nyara gets the books, but after two trips she stops when she smells something and turns to see her mother facing the corner and her arms are shaking. - Mom, are you crying?

- No, I'm not.

- Mom, don't try to fool me, you know my nose is very good. - She approaches her mother.

- I hate this nose of yours at this hour. - She blows her nose with a handkerchief handed to her by her worried daughter.

- Mom... Don't cry, everything will be fine. I'll be back as soon as possible. If I know my uncle, it's just to give some lessons while he is traveling.

- Yes, I know, I'm just being overly sentimental, it's the hormones. - She strokes her daughter's face affectionately. - I don't know, daughter, but I think your uncle wants something more serious with you. I know you'll do well, you're a great girl with great power. But promise me you'll be careful?

- I will be careful mom, and I hope it doesn't take too long because I want to see the birth of my brother or sister. - She touches her mother's belly and is smiling.

- I have a feeling this one is going to be a lot more adventurous than you and your brother.

- Well, well, well, Mother, I haven't done much. And if he does, he'll have two older brothers to take care of him.

- Nyara, at the age of 10 you were already summoning fire elementals and burning down the house. E... - At this point someone knocks on the door and Nyara sends her in, and one of the maids appears and bows briefly

- Lunch is served, ladies. - She bows again and leaves.

- Good mother, I think that's enough to take.

- Take some money. Going on a journey without money is not a very safe thing to do.

- I will, Mom.

- When you arrive at night, get warm, you never liked the cold.

- Yes, Mom, I will.

- And if you get hurt don't be stubborn and take care of them...

- Alright Mom, I will, I promise. Now let's get going, Dad should be waiting for us.

Next chapter