
[Lonely & Lonelier]



Moissanite relaxedly watered his oh-so-beloved plants with slow but meticulous movements of his wooden watering can. It was a boring job for many, some have tried to help the lonely man in his work quite a few times in the past, but the whole process of taking care of flowers was far too boring for most of them.

Still, Moissanite appreciated the thought. It was heartwarming to see his peers try to alleviate his loneliness. But really, they were far too tense! He wasn't lonely! Not at all... He was... just a little unsocial...

...Okay maybe Moissanite could use a partner here and there but he wasn't LONELY LONELY! Just... a little bit maybe... Yeah, he's fucking lonely, so what?! It's been hundreds of years since his beloved Red Diamond had been taken from him and now, he couldn't so much as bring himself to patrol with his peers.

He was a failure as both a brother, a friend... and a lover.

But, enough about Nite's past failures, now, he had things to do. Like watering his beloved plants! These beautiful, colourful but silent things were the only reminder of the people that have been taken from him and those he shares this island with. At some point in time, everyone has a favourite flower. Then, god forbid, should they ever be taken by Lunarians, Nite would make them a grave and plant their favourite flowers around it.

However, should a Lustrous be taken without telling them their favourite flower, Nite will give them the one he believed represents them the most. However, such a case had yet to happen and luckily, a lot of people often came to visit him, albeit briefly. They were mostly there to pay respects to the ones no longer with them, but Nite appreciated the fact anyone came at all as a blessing.

"NIIIITEEEE!" ah, and here comes one energetic clutz of a Gem, clad in her usual tight uniform but this time carrying a wooden clipboard.

Phosphophyllite stumbled and fell into some of the flowers, although Nite only chuckled at her bad luck before helping her stand back up to her feet. A brief mint-coloured blush covered her cheeks, she was embarrassed to have made a fool of herself so early on but carried the conversation forward nonetheless.

"Nite! Have you seen Cinnabar?"

Moissanite rose an eyebrow when Phos mentioned that name as he, in fact, had not seen the elusive beauty in a good while, "Lil' Shinsha? Can't say that I have in a while. Why? Do you need something from her?"

"...Lil' Shinsha?" why that specifically was the only thing that Phos took from that sentence Nite didn't know.

"Yeah, it's what I called her since she was born. She was very clingy when she was little. I kinda miss her. But what again, what do you need from her? You won't find her around here, especially not around the garden."

The last part of Nite's sentence was a little painful for him to say, as he truly did miss Cinnabar's company. The poor, unfortunate Lustrous was very lonely since birth due to the poisonous nature of the liquid mercury she could excrete from her body at seemingly random intervals. The liquid metal would block light from entering their bodies, therefore making it hard or even impossible for them to stay conscious. The infected pieces had to be chipped away and the risk of losing memory was low, but still present.

This alone made Cinnabar an outcast, and Nite was incredibly sad with such a development as he had looked over his lil' Shinsha ever since she was first born on the Shore of Nauscency. Unfortunately, not even he was immune to her poison, and his constant presence in the garden of flowers that were VERY fragile to the poison of liquid mercury made Cinnabar's presence all that much more scarce.

"If you need something just tell me and I'll take care of it. It's dangerous for you to-"



Nite was surprised by being abruptly cut off by the much younger Gem and even BONKED on the head with the wooden clipboard in her hands. Phosphophyllite pouted as she placed her wooden clipboard under her arm and puffed her chest out proudly.

"I shall recruit lil' Shinsha as my assistant! You can stay here and take care of the pretty flowers! Just... tell me where I can find her? Pretty please?" the male almost gawked at the ditzy girl but sighed in exasperation and slight resignation from trying to understand Phosphophyllite's chaotic personality.

She was cute, in a way. A breath of fresh air for sure. But goddamn it was she a fucking clutz and a half.

"Sigh, I'd recommend looking for her by the shore around the time the sun begins to set."


And so, the mint-haired sweetheart ran away with a bright smile and a clipboard in her hands, leaving Moissanite to once again tend to his flowers all by his lonesome. He stared at Phosphophyllite's retreating form for a good minute before sighing, again.

"That girl will be the end of us all at some point..."

Little did he know that this one musing would be the one to come true the most. And the one he'd come to hate with all his heart and soul...




"...Is that a sunspot?"