
Chapter 1

*Asterisks means the character is thinking inside their head. I can't get italics to work for some reason.* Enjoy!


Killua smiled at Gon as he attempted to blow out his birthday candles in one go, The karaoke bar was pretty nice to give them a discount on the cake. After all, they were both eighteen now and both had plenty of money. Not that these people knew that they were professional Hunters.

"Hoy! You can do it Gon!" came a loud yell from the entrance.

"Don't encourage him Leorio, we'll be lucky he doesn't blow down the building."

Gon looked up from the cake, "Oh, Kurapika! It's good to see you. Me and Killua thought you weren't going to make it."

"Mm, Neither did I. I only have today though. The Nostrade family wants me to be back as soon as possible.

Leorio ran his hand through his hair, "Gomen, I don't have much time either, I have to get back to my clinic."

"Really? Bummer," said Killua, leaning back on a chair.

Gon didn't seem to mind though, "That's great Leorio! You've finally opened up your own clinic. Which means we have to go all out, right Killua?"

Kurapika noticed the mic in Gon's hand, "you can sing Gon?"

"Sure, anyone can sing"

"Huhuhu, you guys don't stand a chance. I had to go through some music auditions for a mission once" said Killua grabbing the microphone, "if anyone of you can beat me I'll buy you a rolls royce."

"Ehhh, I want tickets to the-"

"You have to beat me first," killua said zooming up to the stage.

"You're on!"

Kurapika and Leorio looked at each other and sighed. Some things never changed. Then Kurapika watched as Leorio pulled the forgotten cake over and started eating it.

A few hours later a somewhat drunk Gon could be heard as Killua attempted to make an escape.

"One more time Killua."


"Just one more, I almost had you."

Yeah right Baka. "Want a bucket of water dumped over your head again?"


"Okay, I'll be back. Don't do anything stupid baka"

Finally! Killua headed for the door outside. This room had really started to smell an he needed out. As he passed the couch he noticed Leorio was also half drunk and Kurapika nearly asleep. *just like old times.* he smiled to himself. Gon stumbled to the water cups.

*Well, almost.*

Outside was dark aside from some street lights. He checked his phone and noticed a missed call.

*Whatever, I'll call them back tomorrow.* Killua looked up to the sound of a black limousine rolling up next door. From the restaurant next door emerged two well dressed people. One was on the phone, his deep voice echoing out, "I'll be back." he said, leaving the women to stand by the car, while he walked off around the corner. His coat tails whipping around in the breeze.

The woman turned around and Killua's arm that was about to grab a bucket, paused for a split second. Her hair was jet black-the color of obsidian- and hung in soft curls just below her waist. She had a sharp jawline that melted into a small chin. He glanced at her eyes but looked away almost immediately, but not before noticing that her eyes, the shade of lavender, were blank and emotionless. They weren't looking at him but through him. *Dead eyes* he thought. He ducked his head, filling up the bucket. Remembering when his eyes were like that.

He watched as the man from around the corner reappeared, opening the car door. The two wordlessly slid in.

Gon's voice broke the silence, "Killua, why are you out here?" he said. His eyes were tired and red. "You still owe me a match"

"Baka, I'm not singing anymore. You're going to lose your voice if you keep at it. "

"Ehhh? Why not." Gon asked drunkenly.

Instead of answering Killua poked Gon's forehead and walked inside.

*It's not my problem.*

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