

The setting of this book is based in Nigeria. Tom bring an average kid in his early twenties was sent out to look for work at Dennis place but on getting there he got the opposite of what he intended on getting. Maliu being a madman sat at the gate of chief Michelle where he suddenly picked up a piece of paper and mistook it for a newspaper. Madzi is a drug dealer and a hustler on the streets, commonly known as “ mad zee" by her friends.“mad zee" was however sexually abused by the street lord kilham. Tom went in search of money for the treatment of his sister's health. Zeelah has been struck down with appendicitis and was admitted in the hospital. Zeelah is Tom's younger sister and the only daughter of Mr and Mrs fuoye. Mr and Mrs fuoye had little to feed their children,but with the little they had it wasn't still enough to feed the family. So Tom went into the streets to search for job just to make sure everyone is okay being the first born of the family but he got the opposite of what he intended on getting.

Florence_Gbadeyan · Urban
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8 Chs


Narrator:( Tom left Dennis house furiously and reported back at the hospital to see the doctor)

Doctor Steven: ooh! Tom you're back?

Tom: yes doctor (He closes the door behind him)

Doctor Steven: so how far, are you with the money?

Tom: no doctor, am not yet with the money because have not been able to see such amount of money since money.

Doctor Steven: Are you sure that you care about your sister's health? Because your parents also abandoned her here too since morning and no one even responded nor turned up with the necessary amount needed.

Tom: so how is zeelah's health condition like?

Doctor Steven: it's getting worse because now she has to be on drip and since there is no money available to begin the treatment we left her like that and now it's left to you to choose between your sister's health and her death because of the money is not provided in the next 24 hours, we might not be able to stop what would happen . So the ball is in your court play it the way you want it.

Tom: Ah God! Okay doctor I'm coming back now( he leaves the doctor's office and went back to Dennis house to take back the offer).

Narrator:( Back at Dennis house)

Dennis:Tom! Tom! Tom!( He calls out his name three times) you know one thing I like about you is your stubborn attitude but at the end of the day, you would later bow down to my instructions.

Tom: I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking before

Dennis: Better, so now I would give you the money and I'm having what in return?

Tom: My sister

Dennis: Better, now that good. Now that you are cooperating ( he moves closer to Tom and places his left hand on Tom's shoulder) don't worry about your sister,I promise to go slowly on her okay? And I would treat her well!

Tom:( gives Dennis a bad countenance and shakes his head in regret) Ah God!

Dennis: yes ooh! So now go and cash this money and let me know how it goes concerning your sister's health at the hospital.

Tom: ( collects the cheque and headed straight for the bank,cashed the money and reported back at the hospital)

Doctor Steven: Tom! You are back again?

Tom: yes doctor I'm back and this time around,I'm back with the required amount of money you requested for.

Doctor Steven: okay. That's good then , let's start up with the necessary treatment as soon as possible. So now we are going to place her on drip first before doing anything for her to regain her lost strength.

Tom: okay doctor.

Doctor Steven: Go down to the nurse and make payments then come back in seven days time, by then your sister's health would have been better and she would be able to respond.

Tom: okay doctor, thank you very much( he left the doctor's office , made payments and came back in seven days time just as the doctor had said and found his sister healthy again)

Zeelah: brother Tom.....I'm hungry

Tom: what do you want to eat?

Zeelah: Amala( her favorite meal).

Tom: Amala?

Zeelah: yes!!

Tom: okay! I would get it for you very soon.

Narrator:( Tom left to get what his sister intended on eating, feeling happy and at the same time sad. Seeing his sister healthy was indeed a sweet bitter experience for him because of what was going to happen next after she has fully recovy and he can't imagine Dennis on top of his sister).

Tom:( lost in thoughts as he encounters maliu again for the second time)

Maliu:( dressed in torn shorts and an old dirty brown cap) my people! Aradugbo! It has happened again, I just came back from the United States.( He moves closer to Tom) my friend! It's you again

Tom:( looks at him) how many people are your friend, oga leave me joor

Maliu: ( holds back his right hand and whispers to him) you'd better don't do what you would regret for the rest of your life( he leaves him, looks at his face, laughs insanely and left)

Tom:(confused) I should not do what I would regret for the rest of my life but I have alrey collected the money and what else again should I do, i have no other choice than to give my sister to him( he quickly remembers the food he went to get for his sister on his hand and he went to give it to her)

Narrator:( Back at the hospital Tom gives the food to his sister and after eating it, Tom explained to his sister how he got the money for her treatment)

Tom: zeelah! I want to tell you something

Zeelah: if it's about giving you my meat I'm not giving you because you are fond of doing it whenever I'm eating

Tom:( laughs and wishes it was even about the meat he wanted to discuss to her about) it's not about the meat

Zeelah: it's about what then?

Tom: it's about how I got the money for your treatment

Zeelah: eeh! Eeh! I was about asking you about that now sef! Where did you get such a huge amount to pay my bills and to buy me this expensive meal?

Tom: I got it through Dennis

Zeelah: hmm! ( Shocked) Dennis keh! That stupid man who always ask for something in return.

Tom:( quiet)

Zeelah:( no longer interested in the meal) so what did he ask for in return of the money he gave to you

Tom:: ( stammering) hmm! He asked for!.....for..... for....for...

Zeelah:( cuts in).... For what!

Tom: he asked for your virginity

Zeelah:( shocked) my what?

Tom: your virginity

Zeelah: Ah God! But brodamhi why must you go to that animal of all people , because that man is not worth it, worse of it all he asked for my virginity! See, me I'm not ready to give it out to anybody ooo! Until the day that I'm ready to give it out I would but as it is now I'm not ready ooo! Maybe he should not vex

Tom: zeelah! Please now, don't do like this please, you know Dennis as a man of his words and failure to do what he wants after doing what we want is a very big problem and you also know it, because that man is ready to kill even on top of money for you to know how very mad that man is.

Zeelah: Broda mhi, I know that already but still what we talking about here is huge ooo! My virginity! Ah ( she puts her hand on her head).

Tom: please!( He kept on vegging his younger sister as they both burst into tears)

Zeelah: Alright my brother have heard bit just know that it is because of condition that is why I want to do it not that I really wish to do it.

Tom: Thank you dear! Oshey aburo mhi, I'm very grateful and I would do everything that I cab to repay you back for this huge favour you want to do for me

Zeelah: it's okay bro! Anything for you( she burst into tears again fr the second time) Doctor Steven:( enters into the ward and gives the good news about zeelah's health) I'm so delighted to tell you that zeelah is now discharged and able to go home

Tom: Thank you very much doctor

Zeelah: ( feeling sad) Thank you doctor

Doctor Steven: okay . Now you would have to come to my office to fill some documents of her discharge and Tom what of your parents because it's been a while have seen them now

Tom: They are fine but just looking for money to feed the family

Doctor Steven: okay

Narrator:( After one week Tom and zeelah later went back to Dennis house, based on the agreement made between Tom and Dennis).

Dennis:( looks at zeelah seductively) Tom! Tom! Tom! You have done a very good job

Tom: Thank you( feeling bad)

Dennis: zeelah! My baby come and sit with daddy! Just tell me anything you want and I would give you! Anything at all

Tom: ( about to sit when Dennis gave him a look)

Dennis: Ain't you meant to be on your way back now

Tom:okay sir( he left Dennis and zeelah alone in the house with his mind not settled and uncomfortable).

Dennis:( draws zeelah closer)

Tom:( goes to Dennis bedroom window and peeped as he watched the whole scenario)

Zeelah: ( in Dennis bedroom) please sir have not done it before sir

Dennis: ( undresses himself and zeelah, puts her on the bed and lays with her till he was finally able to break her hymen.)

Zeelah:( in pains , cries bitterely and didn't ulter a word until Dennis was done).

Tom:( couldn't control the sight of what he was seeing so he left the window, bent down and cried his eyes out as his younger sister kept on shouting in pains of how hurt she was

Dennis: ( sweating profusely) ah! Finally I later got down there ..tested and trusted ( he smooched her boobs).

Zeelah: ( cries profusely as Dennis decided to take another round on her again)..

Narrator: ( after two hours, Dennis was satisfied and he left zeelah alone while he went into the bathroom to clean up and freshen up).

Zeelah:( cries profusely as she checks herself and tries to lift up her body but couldn't as she was in pains all over and gave rise to another cry again).

Dennis: fine girl why are you crying like this now, eehn! You Re a fine girl now! You don't know , oya let me give you money but before then I would allow you put on a new cloth and I would give you money!

Zeelah::I don't need your rubbish money abeg! What I need now is my brother

Dennis: okay!( he leaves the bedroom nd calls Tom to come over)

Tom:( enters into the house and headed straight for Dennis bedroom

Zeelah:( crying)

Tom:( sees zeelah crying) I'm sorry sis

Zeelah: you don't need to be

Tom:( brings out some pain reliever drugs and gives it to zeelah before they both came down to meet Dennis at the sitting room).

Dennis:( seeing a movie)Are you both done now, take the cheque on the table, go and cash it. That is the money for your sister's runs based on how well and how far she is able to satisfy me on bed

Tom:( takes the cheque and looks at it closely) # 100,000 naira

Zeelah:( suprised) hundred thousand naira is what my virginity cost to you?

Dennis: didn't I tell you to stop crying that you are a big girl and what has happened has happened so you don't need to be shedding tears on what is gone! Tom! ( Faces him) you need to hear how your sister was moaning on bed as I was banging her

Zeelah: Ah!

Dennis: Am I lying? It's not a lie now! Ask her yourself , it shows that she herself enjoyed it.

Tom:. ( Furious) zeelah let's go

Zeelah: ( agrees with her brother)

Narrator::( They both left Dennis house and headed home later that evening).