

The setting of this book is based in Nigeria. Tom bring an average kid in his early twenties was sent out to look for work at Dennis place but on getting there he got the opposite of what he intended on getting. Maliu being a madman sat at the gate of chief Michelle where he suddenly picked up a piece of paper and mistook it for a newspaper. Madzi is a drug dealer and a hustler on the streets, commonly known as “ mad zee" by her friends.“mad zee" was however sexually abused by the street lord kilham. Tom went in search of money for the treatment of his sister's health. Zeelah has been struck down with appendicitis and was admitted in the hospital. Zeelah is Tom's younger sister and the only daughter of Mr and Mrs fuoye. Mr and Mrs fuoye had little to feed their children,but with the little they had it wasn't still enough to feed the family. So Tom went into the streets to search for job just to make sure everyone is okay being the first born of the family but he got the opposite of what he intended on getting.

Florence_Gbadeyan · Urban
Not enough ratings
8 Chs


Narrator:(very early on Monday morning, Tom woke up from bed and went to brush his teeth to get ready for the day's work but he had to do this gently without getting his sister and parents awake).

Tom:( In a single room apartment with half rooftop and an old couch where he slept on). Yeah! Another morning indeed ( he stretches, looks at his family who slept on the cemented floor,made a deep sigh and got up to take his tooth brush).

Zeelah:( cries out loud from her sleep) my tummy! My tummy! My tummy! Mama! Papa! My tummy ooh!

Tom:( hears the voice of his sister and rushed to where she was but only to find out that she was already being attended to by Mrs fuoye).

Mrs. Fuoye: ( weeping) Ah! God what do I do again! Zeelah's abdominal pains has started again, God I'm fed up!

Tom:( looks at his younger sister who was on serious pains) mama! Let's take her to the hospital maybe the doctor would know what is wrong with her.

Mrs fuoye: ( still sobbing)Ah! God.....

Mr. Fuoye:( cuts in) woman! This is not the time to start crying because I believe that what this girl needs right now is medical attention and not tears from your eyes.

Narrator:( soon they all made arrangements and immediately took zeelah to the hospital where she was admitted after being tested to have appendicitis).

Dr. Steven: ( addresses the couples on the issue of their daughter's health) Good morning ma and sir! Based on the test carried out on your daughter, it shows that she has appendicitis and I'm sorry to tell you that we can't give out any treatment or medication without payment.

Mrs Fuoye: Ah! Olorun Tani mose ooo! Ah! Appendicitis! Ah God( God who did I offend)

Mr Fuoye:Erm! Madam! Oje madupe! You'd better be thankful! Sheybi it's appendicitis?

Dr. Steven: ( looks at them both and laughs) A very serious one and without the required amount we can't begin any treatment on her.

Mr Fuoye: Erm! Doctor don't mind her jare! So how much are we talking about here?

Dr Steven: We are talking about the sum of five hundred thousand naira(# 500,000.00). But if we see about two hundred and fifty thousand naira (#250,000.00) we can start treatment on her.

Mrs fuoye:( cuts in) five hundred what?( She bangs the doctor's table with her hands).

Dr Steven: five hundred thousand naira (#500,000.00) ma'am. We are speaking of your daughter's health here and health is wealth. Morover, health is more important cause when there is life, there is hope

Mr. fuoye: ( Bits his finger) Ah! Doctor see I don't want to lie to you, let me be frank with you, I and my wife, we hardly have a square meal to eat in a day not even to talk about feeding my family.

Mrs fuoye:( weeping profusely)Ah! God my village people have finally gotten me Ah! it is finished! ( she turns 360 degree) doctor! please( she kneels down) any help you can render to us doctor please we won't mind please help us!

Doctor Steven: The only help we can give you is by carrying out a medical test on zeelah and that was what we did for free for you but right now, I'm sorry there is nothing we can do for now, you just have to get the money but if you can see like two hundred and fifty , we won't mind starting up the treatment.

Tom: ( Stands in the doctor's office with his parents, lost in thoughts) Ah! God what do I do ( He suddenly remembers his appointment with Dennis and quickly took permission) Mama! I'm coming back, I want to quickly get to Dennis maybe he could help us with any amount

Mrs fuoye: Ah! Dennis? Why?

Tom: mum! I know that he's up to no good but we can't say, what if there is still a good in him mum and what if he's able to help ?

Mrs fuoye: okay dear, but once you know that he's playing his games on you just leave; okay?

Tom: okay mum.

Mr Fuoye: ( faces his wife) let's go back to the house and see if we can call anybody or ask our neighbors if they can help us out

Mrs fuoye: okay dear! Let's go

Narrator:( They all left the doctor's office and went in search for the amount of money requested by the doctor).