

The setting of this book is based in Nigeria. Tom bring an average kid in his early twenties was sent out to look for work at Dennis place but on getting there he got the opposite of what he intended on getting. Maliu being a madman sat at the gate of chief Michelle where he suddenly picked up a piece of paper and mistook it for a newspaper. Madzi is a drug dealer and a hustler on the streets, commonly known as “ mad zee" by her friends.“mad zee" was however sexually abused by the street lord kilham. Tom went in search of money for the treatment of his sister's health. Zeelah has been struck down with appendicitis and was admitted in the hospital. Zeelah is Tom's younger sister and the only daughter of Mr and Mrs fuoye. Mr and Mrs fuoye had little to feed their children,but with the little they had it wasn't still enough to feed the family. So Tom went into the streets to search for job just to make sure everyone is okay being the first born of the family but he got the opposite of what he intended on getting.

Florence_Gbadeyan · Urban
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8 Chs


Narrator:( Back in Dennis house with chief Michelle)

Dennis: Michelle! Michelle! So how is it going on your side now? Any news from the governor?

Chief Michelle:( laughs) yes ooo! I have and he made me rest assured that this year is our year, we are getting in this year

Dennis:( excited) yes! Finally I would be part of the politicians that would eat from this country's wealth and mineral resources.

Chief Michelle: ( laughs) but we seem to have a little problem

Dennis: what is the problem?

Chief Michelle; Nothing much, just that , that madman seems to be knowing too much these days and he needs to be silenced

Dennis:( smiles) well that's a little piece of cake for me to handle tho, consider it done.

Chief Michelle: Thank you very much my trust worthy friend

Dennis: you always welcome.( Smiles) now! Before I forget, let me call my boys incharge and tell them we have an animal to kill

Chief Michelle:( smiles)

Narrator:( later at noon, Dennis sent his boys out to put an end to maliu's life but they encountered something different).

Maliu:( talking insanely) you see Ronaldo and Messi cannot make it to the finals ( he sighted Dennis boys) looks like we have august visitors here

Guy 1: guy! Wetin be this? Abeg make we do wetin we wan do fast fast commot for here abeg

Guy2: guy! Calm down , you see for you to catch a madman, you must act like a mad man

Maliu:( looks at the both boys closely) I'm not a madman, I'm right in my sense but I can't accommodate mad people around me ( he jumps out of the uncompleted building )

Guy1: don't let him escape ooo! We must finish him up!!

Narrator:( The both guys made an attempt to catch maliu but it was all in vain as maliu headed straight to the market place where he normally beg for food)

Narrator:( back at chief Dennis house)

Chief Dennis: I'm sure by now, the madman's blood would have been all over the uncompleted building( phone chimes) hello! Howfar?

Guy 1: chief we're sorry sir but this task is too hard for us to handle, maybe you should try someone else .

Chief Dennis: What are you talking about, I said you should eliminate someone you are saying the case is too hard , what nonsense!!!!

Guy 2: baba abeg no vex! But na true talk my gee give you ooo you know say eliminating people na our priority but boss man, I no go deceive you, this madman know say we wan kill am and he outsmarted us

Chief Dennis: can you hear yourself ! A madman outsmarted you and you call yourself professionals! Don't worry! I would get someone else.( He hangs up the call).....

Narrator:( just in time, Dennis wandered about in his compound about how to eliminate maliu and then a thought came to him)

Chief Dennis: yes! Let me call Tom, he would be the best person for this job after all he is only a madman and not so eone in complete state of mind ( he picked up his phone and dials Tom's number).

Tom:( plucking ewedu at home with his mother and sister when his phone rang out from his pocket)

Chief Dennis: hello!

Tom:hello sir good afternoon sir!

Chief Dennis: Afternoon Tom! Please can you come over to my house immediately I have a job for you!

Tom: you have found a job for me sir?( Happy)

Chief Dennis: ermmm....yes!! I do and come quickly so I can register your bio metrics for the job

Tom: okay sir! I'm on my way sir!

Mrs fuoye:( cuts in) who's that?

Tom: mum, you won't believe it but it's chief Dennis , he said he got me a job

Mrs fuoye: A job?

Zeelah: brother mhi, are you sure is not one of his dirty tricks again?

Tom: Ah! Ah! Zeelah , I'm not sure but I don't think it can be and who knows maybe there might Still be a little good in him, besides you know how much I need a job so I can take good care of you and the whole family. Once I get a new job, papa would stop going to the farm and we would no longer live here

Zeelah: Just like my dreams

Tom: exactly.....so mama,( he faces his mum) let me quickly hurry down to Dennis house and see the Job he has for me

Mrs fuoye: okay my son but once you notice any discomfort, make sure you call me, okay?

Tom: okay mum( he hugs his mother and pecks her cheeks).

Narrator: ( Back at Dennis house, Tom was made comfortable with a bottle of champagne which he took in haste)

Tom: Omo( drinks a glass of champagne)this tastes better than the stream water we usually take at home. These rich people are enjoying ooo! Just a matter of time, I too will start earning big and I would make sure I add one of this to my bar.

Chief Dennis:( Descends gently from the glass stairs) Tom! Tom! Tom! My very good friend and to_be business partner

Tom:( feeling himself) yes sir!

Chief Dennis: good ... Now back to business

Tom: okay sir

Chief Dennis: I'm very sure that in maths, you would have been taught elimination and substitution method

Tom: very well sir! In fact I'm very good in maths sir and even in further maths but sir ....the job you got for me, is it a teaching job?

Chief Dennis: yes, it is a teaching job but in a private way

Tom: wow! Okay sir I will be glad to do it sir!

Chief Dennis: okay then, the job is for you to eliminate maliu

Tom( frightened) sir!!!?

Chief Dennis: Are you deaf? I said you are going to eliminate maliu

Tom: Ah! Please sir! I can't do it ooo! Ah! I should kill someone? I can't ooo, I have never killed someone in my life before sef

Chief Dennis: is maliu a human being? C' Mon he is just a mere mad man and if you kill him no one would hold you responsible

Tom: Ah! No sir , I can't ( he shakes his head in disagreement and headed for the door).

Chief Dennis:( threatens him) if you leave now I would call your mum and tell her of how I had a nice time with your sweet virgin sister

Tom: Ah!!!

Chief Dennis: yes! So you have to do it( he brings out a pistol fully loaded and told him to watch a video of how to aim for almost four hours)

Narrator:( At exactly 7:00pm, Tom went into the market and started trailing maliu u til he trailed him into the uncompleted building where he( maliu) he usually sleep at night).

Tom:( At the uncompleted building at exactly 9:00pm still trailing maliu, making sure that maliu goes to sleep )

Maliu: ( yawning) I live in a mansion , where garden of Eden was, I lived with Adam !

Tom:( frightened as he points his pistolat maliu) I'm sorry maliu, bit I just have to do this ( he sets his gun and was ready to aim)

Maliu:( fast asleep)

Tom: ( gunshot) Jesus ! I killed someone ( he ran in a haste into the uncompleted building and found maliu lying in a pool of blood) Jesus! I have killed him( he checked maliu if he was still breathing and he ran away after finding out that maliu was dead).

Narrator:( As Tom was heading home, he was stopped on the way by security guards).

Guard 1: hey! Stop there! Where are you going to?

Tom: Erm.....( Short of words) I'm coming from chief Dennis house and I'm heading home.

Guard 2: chief Dennis house by this time, but chief Dennis house is headed east and you were coming from west .

Tom: Erm! Erm! Erm.....I'm not lying

Guard 1: search him! He's lying

Guard 2: ( searches Tom and found a pistol on him) Ah!! So you are the one that shot that pistol the other time

Guard 1: can you see that he's a criminal, oya move( he garbs Tom by the trouser and took him to the poilce custody).