

The setting of this book is based in Nigeria. Tom bring an average kid in his early twenties was sent out to look for work at Dennis place but on getting there he got the opposite of what he intended on getting. Maliu being a madman sat at the gate of chief Michelle where he suddenly picked up a piece of paper and mistook it for a newspaper. Madzi is a drug dealer and a hustler on the streets, commonly known as “ mad zee" by her friends.“mad zee" was however sexually abused by the street lord kilham. Tom went in search of money for the treatment of his sister's health. Zeelah has been struck down with appendicitis and was admitted in the hospital. Zeelah is Tom's younger sister and the only daughter of Mr and Mrs fuoye. Mr and Mrs fuoye had little to feed their children,but with the little they had it wasn't still enough to feed the family. So Tom went into the streets to search for job just to make sure everyone is okay being the first born of the family but he got the opposite of what he intended on getting.

Florence_Gbadeyan · Urban
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8 Chs


NARRATOR:( Seeing what chief Marcus did, gave a big impression on Tom's mind that good people still exists and he decided to escape from home with his sister to stay in the uncompleted building so that when chief Marcus comes again he would help them and save them of what they were going through).

Tom:( gets a piece of cloth to spread on the bare floor so he and his sister can sleep on). don't worry sis , let's just hope that the chief comes again .

Zeelah: I hope so too brother

Tom: yeah..

Narrator:( while living in the uncompleted building, some thugs came into the building but landed in the second flat. From their discussion, it shows that they were robbers).

Tom:( eavesdrops as the robbers were planning their next target )

Faruq: ( the leader and gang head) guys! Calm down we are sharing the money accordingly

Timi:( second in command) yes boss! Hey ! Tunji , you hear wetin boss talk ooo!

Tunji: I don hear

Stella:(chief Dennis maid) boss man ! The next target na my boss ooo

Tom: ( sees Stella and was suprised)

Faruq: And why did you say we should rob your boss?

Stella:Boss man, my boss no do well ooo at all, he like to dey cheat on people too much .

Faruq: but he has money?

Stella: a lot of money that Is enough to feed 10 people's next generation to come

Tunji: agba that's a lot of money mehn....( Smiles)

Stella: I swear.....

Narrator:( As they were discussing and Tom was eavesdropping, he suddenly kicked a stick and the stick got the gangs attention)

Faruq:shhhh.....( He calls for silence) we have an intruder.. hey!! Tunji check who's there

Tom:( on the run)

Tunji:( looked out and didn't see anyone) no one sir!

Faruq: okay( but still not comfortable as he went with his gangs and checked the whole building then he found Tom and his sister). Bring them in!!!

Tunji:( drags Tom by one of his arm and his sister he carried on his shoulder).

Faruq:hey!!! Shu!!!! Don't hurt her, can't you see that she's a girl

Tunji: I'm sorry boss

Faruq: you know how much I respect women nau so you should use your initiatives

Tunji: I'm sorry boss....

Faruq: so what's your name by the way

Zeelah: ( frightened) I'm ...I'm...zeelah

Faruq: zeelah! That's a nice name tho . So what brought you here to this uncompleted building.

Zeelah: it's a long story sir.....( Sobs)

Faruq: ( feels sorry for her even without hearing what she has to say).

Tom: she's .....she's my sister.....younger sister

Faruq: so this means that both family are on a run from home ... Woah!!! But what makes you run away from home?

Tom: it's a long story sir , we have been seriously humiliated.

Stella: ( tries to recognize them) ah!! I know this guy and his sister na!

Faruq: really?

Stella: yes nau! They do come to my boss for help and instead of my boss to help them, he would first take advantage of them and then help them. Sheybi it was my boss that disvirgined his sister.

Faruq:( highly disappointed) what? Your boss did what?

Stella: he enter am boss

Faruq: ah! (Looks at zeelah with pitful face and took zeelah away from the others to have a private chat with her ).

Zeelah:(frightened)please don't hurt me sir!

Faruq: I'm not going to hurt you, but you would just have to do as I say. Listen to me, chief Dennis house is going to be attacked tonight and I'm going to use you as a bait would you do it? At least to get revenge for what he has done to you.

Zeelah: with all pleasure sir!!

Faruq: ( comes out with zeelah) she's in

Stella: nice one ! Babe no panic ooo because that man na idiot

Faruq: yeah so just play normal and cool

Stella: okay?

Zeelah: okay.

Tom: I'm also in because he made me kill someone

Faruq: who?

Tom: maliu

Stella : oooh yes that's true I knew when he called some boys to carry out the operation for him but it failed so he called you and threatened you to do it if not her would tell your mum how he disvirgined your sister.

Tom: yes all true

Faruq: good. Now this is giving me more reason to kill the man instead and not only to rob from him.

Stella: boss calm down no over think am

Tom: is there anything going on that we are meant to know?

Stella: my boss was responsible for faruq's mother's death and sister. He sexually humiliated faruq's sister and made a video recording of her nude and he sent it to his mother . This made his sister kill herself after facing so much shame and his mother also died of cardiac arrest.

Tom: ooh ! I'm so sorry about that

Faruq: ( remembers the past as tears rolled down his checks) you don't have to be , the deed has been done already but what is left now is vengeance.

Tom:( wipes his tears) yeah..

Zeelah: yeah....

NARRATOR:( Later that night, Stella led faruq and the rest of the gangs to her master's house ).

Stella: ( right in front of chief Dennis house , she opens the gate for the rest of the gangs to enter).

Tom:( inhales deeply)

Zeelah: There is no peace for the wicked.

Tunji: yes ooo..

Faruq: affirmative. Now let's go in. Stella you lead the way then Tom and his sister would follow up then we the rest of the gang can stay at the back.

Stella: okay boss.

Narrator:( The order of the arrangement was successful, Stella led the way and it gave an easy access into Dennis house ).

Chief Dennis: Ah! Ah! Stella! Are these your family members or you brought friends to just say hi or greet me?

Faruq:( laughs) it is often said that the evil doer would never know what evil he had done but the person he did the evil to would always remember. In every evil deeds that you do always remember that the long arm of the law awaits you someday...

Chief Dennis:I still don't understand the meaning of all this parables that you are saying ooo.. Tom you are also with them and you too zeelah . You know what I can do ooo and I'm very sure that you both are aware of what I'm capable of.

Faruq: ( cuts in) what exactly are you capable of? Destroying people lives and yet you say you are trying to help them?

Chief Dennis: hmmm...( Looks at him closely) young man, have we met before? Do you know me ? Have you ever come to meet me for help before that I don't assist you.

Faruq: oh! Please save the pretence! Guys it's time

Narrator:( just as they were about to beat up chief Dennis, his back up boys came from the boys quarters and held all the gang captives).

Desmond:(a hefty bouncer) boss man, are you okay?( He looks at chief Dennis)

Chief Dennis: yes Desmond, I'm fine jare. Thank you for coming to my rescue, please hold them down for me while I put a call through to the detective).

Desmond: okay sir!( He hold them down and gave a heavy blow to faruq who was still proving stubborn)

Faruq:( knocked out).

Chief Dennis:( on a call with the detective) hello detective

Detective Kolawole: hello chief , I assume all is well?

Chief Dennis: no, not at all sir.

Detective Kolawole: I'm sending my boys over to your house immediately

Chief Dennis: please do, there are so many hoodlums here that I need to get arrested

Tom: ( furious) you would never get away with this , I promise you.

Chief Dennis: ( laughs, bends down and looks closer at him) you can't be faster than your shadow and you can't catch a air.....I'm unstoppable. So it's either you succumb to my treatment or you suffer from trying to get free from me...( Laughs).now before the arrival of the detective , I want to quickly do something interesting ( he brings out his phone and connected it to his smart television in the sitting room then he played the video of his sister to everyone ). How do you like the look of that Tom ? Zeelah looks so hot right? Come to think of it, if she wasn't your sister, won't you have had a one night stand with her?...

Tom:( furious and about to hit chief Dennis but he was stopped by Desmond)You son of a bitch! You would never get away with this I promise you.

Chief Dennis:( laughs) I told you to be careful with me zeelah, didn't I?

Zeelah:( silent)

Tom: I really hate you right now more than I hate my enermy

Faruq:( still unconscious)

Stella:( quiet )

Chief Dennis: And as for you Stella, for leading this hoodlums into my house and causing havoc your work in my house is hereby terminated. This is your salary allowance here in this evenlope

Detective Kolawole:( opens the door and found them on the floor)

Chief Dennis: yes , thank God you are here,( he disconnects his phone from the tv) these are the hoodlums that came into my house to disturb my peace. Arrest them all and you see these two( he points to Tom and zeelah) toture them well until i'm ready to release them.

Detective Kolawole:( calls for his boys to enter into the house and they arrested all the gangs and put them in the black maria).

Narrator:( while all these was going on, Mrs fuoye was and her husband were worried if the sudden departure of their children).

Mrs fuoye: ( worried)

Mr Fuoye: ( comes out of the kitchen with a bowl of garri in his hands) woman! Better don't kill yourself with over thinking. These children are not kids anymore , they are old enough to hustle and am very sure that with time , we would hear from them so just put your mind at rest and don't give yourself hypertension please!

Mrs fuoye: ( inhales deeply) hmmm.... I've heard you ooo, if that is what you are going to say .

Mr Fuoye: ( moves closer to his wife to calm her down) my wife, you know I love you alot, and I won't want you to kill yourself with hypertension, I'm very sure that they are fine wherever they may be.