
Euphonia (Dracula Ascending)

I swear , by life and blood , that I will have my revenge . I will ascend, and the Gods will fall . so says I Dracula Morning Star Now it is time for my reign of darkness.

Emmanuel_Enigwe · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Nereus goes to war

The servant pleaded with the pharaoh tearing up telling pharaoh to let her follow the boy that she is the only one who understands him and without Nereus she is not supposed to live on earth. "Hey look young lady don't test my patience else you will actually be executed not through war but physically" pharaoh angrily expressed. This time the servant had started becoming angry and was just about transforming when another maid servant held her hand and gently her out of pharaoh's presence into a secret place and then transformed into Raphael. "I have a message from the main energy for you he said he is very proud of how you carried out the mission and made Nereus change from a mere mortal to a God the main energy and main voice wants you to withdraw from this mission since you successfully completed your task the boy is now a man and the rest of the process has to be lonely in order to prepare him for his purpose" Raphael explained. With a sad face the messenger agreed but went to say goodbye to Nereus before he left with Raphael back into their Universe.

Pharaoh kept young Nereus in the hands of the chief commander in the war front telling him to guid the boy and protect him at all cost. The first fight Nereus was so afraid, the way he looked puny in the midst of muscular men with beard and base voices scared him. But the commander encouraged him "BOY! be strong you hear me now look at me, no one here can match up to your abilities not a single person you are a thousand times stronger than the strongest person here which is me so keep your head up I'll protect guid and coach you" said the commander as he raised his head and shouted to the rest of the army men. "Today we wash our weapons in blood and we war for the betterment of Egypt for our children that tomorrow there would be a better Egypt where there is enough rest for our sons and daughters. Each of you hear are heroes and your names deserve to be written in the stars for today you show great love for your children what greater love is there than sacrifice" the commander explained as he commanded them to raid into their enemies capital city (Egypt was at war against a kingdom called Moaz). Due to the rushing of the soldiers to their enemies there was a stampede. Nereus was hit from behind in the process and went unconscious. He woke up lying next to the commander. "Easy boy easy you are safe I'm with you now" the commander comforted Nereus as he rubbed his hair. "We won yesterday against the people of Moaz and have their king captive tomorrow he will by evening he will be taken to Egypt for pharaoh to decide his fate. But tomorrow we fight against the Amons the pharaoh would be sending more troops and chariots so prepare boy" the commander told Nereus. "Commander can I ask you a question?" Nereus asked. "Go on boy" the commander granted him permission. "Why do we have to fight and kill innocent people who have done us nothing to have a greater future does it mean we can't live in peace and still have a greater future, isn't this creating a generational hatred and even after many years some of the survivals would avenge their love ones" Nereus asked and explained. "You are still young boy you will understand when you are older" the commander replied as he continued "now quickly have some sleep we attacked the Amonz early at don where everywhere is quiet and no one is prepared for war" the commander explained. So Nereus went to sleep. In a few hours the commander woke him up dressing him in his amor and sat him in his chariot. This time the commander made sure he stayed close to Nereus through out the war and made sure he was safe.