
Etrial: Forged Acceptance

Death is a part of life. Axel can accept that and yet when he is sent to a new world, he does whatever he can to defy and save the things he cares about no matter what it takes even at the cost of his own. He would even go so far as to save the world from a crazed human being willing to destroy universes to achieve immortality.

DivRG · Fantasy
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Chapter 4: New Beginnings

I jolted up, awaking from my sleep but once again, I was disoriented trying to grasp my surroundings. Quickly realizing I was sadly in a blank white space again. Without a word my head bobbed down thinking the worse outcome has happened.

I swore to myself thinking I really just died again not even a few moments after getting reincarnated. Just as I was coming to terms I heard a loud yet clear beep echo through the area. Looking up the message screen which popped up before I passed out was once again in front of me. It had materialized itself as a digital black border with white lettering.

Quickly I read the message provided from the screen.

[The user, "Axel Takeshi", has been recognized as the owner of this systems protocol]

[Any question may now be asked by said user]

In an instant, seeing that I could ask question, I began with the most important one to me.

"Am I alive still?" I asked. The system dematerialized and popped again.

[The data shows Axel is in fact still alive, as of now you are in a dream like state until complete registration of the system has been completed]

I let out a sigh of relief, glad that I hadn't wasted my second chance. Looking back at the system I asked my second question.

"So how exactly do you work, all I know is that you are kind of like a guide that will help me out but in what way," I wondered.

[The system will provide a status board which is also given to every being within this world, further questions and explanation can be elaborated once the status window has been asked to be opened]

"Okay, open the status window, I want to get a hand of how this works."

In a moment, the system message disappeared again and a status window replaced it.

[Axel Takeshi: (Human/17)]


[EXP: 0/25]

[Atk: 2/99]

[Def: 3/99]

[Agi: 6/99]

[Vit~Dex: 8/99]

[Int: 8/99]

[Luck: 5/99]

[*Further information is stored in separate windows: (Equipment), (Abilities), (Inventory), (Titles), (???)]

I quickly got a grasp of what exactly I was looking at. Their seemed to be 6 stats being attack, defense, agility, intelligence, luck, with vitality and dexterity counting as one. What confused me the most was the fact it said level two even though I hadn't done nothing. Almost as if the system had read my mind a new message appeared answering my question.

[Axel had discovered the species goblin as well as the class "Arch Mage" before the system had been integrated. Small achievement as such will passively give minimal experience. As such, you had gained enough experience to level up once and was gifted an experience point. Point can be earned through other events as well. Small achievements will not be notified but larger achievements will be notified to Axel as they are completed]

"I see, can I use that point and put it into attack?" I said questioningly. The attack stat being such a low value didn't sit well with me, especially after being attacked by a goblin. 

[Level Up! (Atk: 3/99)]

The thought of leveling up all these stats sent a shudder down my spine. On another note a white message appeared right next to the status window much different from the systems normal color.

[The system had been completely implanted into Axel's soul, you may now awake]

[Wake from your sleep? YES/NO]

Feeling assured and more oriented, I gained the confidence to talk to the system more strongly. Especially since their was more things I needed to ask.

"I just have one last thing I wanted to check, could you open my abilities? I remember you saying that their were separate status windows."

All the other old messages quickly disappeared replaced by a new one. Only the white message stayed giving me the option to wake up.


[{Perception} || You are able to gain insight on items and objects within a certain level || (0%)]

[{Sixth Sense} || A sense which is able to warn the user about blatant bloodlust || (0%)]

[{Enhance} || Gain a temporary boost in ALL stats (+1) || (0%)]

[{Polyglot} || Speak and understand all languages]

[{Water Magic} || You have affinity with water magic and can use it || (0%)]

[{Lightning Magic} || You have affinity with lightning magic and can use it || (0%)]

[*Abilities with (_%) means the proficiency of the ability can be raised and can be further evolved]

Examining my abilities I realized Rein may have given me a few extra abilities like perception and sixth sense. I silently gave him my thanks glad he didn't recklessly leave me with just magic.

[Does Axel have any further questions]

"No, I'm good for now" I said, "You can wake me up now, just in case my real body might still be in danger."

[Once awake you can still ask questions and the system will appear to try answer with the best of it's ability]

On command, the white space began to fade into darkness like a digital cascade. I took one last look at the abilities window and system messages but it was all replaced with a simple statement.

[Pleasure working with you, Axel]

I just wanted to get something out their, Ill try get 2 to 3 chapters out every month depending on how busy I am, Thank you for your support.

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