
Etrial: Forged Acceptance

Death is a part of life. Axel can accept that and yet when he is sent to a new world, he does whatever he can to defy and save the things he cares about no matter what it takes even at the cost of his own. He would even go so far as to save the world from a crazed human being willing to destroy universes to achieve immortality.

DivRG · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: It's a Witch, It's a Dragon, No It's... a Boy?

Rein began pacing around me taking confident steps as he began to swiftly write on the scroll, "Axel Takeshi, age 16, cause of death: car accident.. parents are Akio Takeshi and Marie Weaver, met each other and worked as marines, moved to New York shortly after marrying in Japan, and also sadly died in a car accident as well."

Rein took a quick pause staring at me and game me a solemn smirk, "I see you don't seem to have much luck around vehicles."

I rolled my eyes, slightly pissed off at what Rein had just said. Seeing this Rein shrugged off my glare as if he never touched a sensitive topic.

"Just saying," he mumbled, "maybe you shouldn't stay remotely close to roads from now on."

"Maybe you should stay quiet and stop being such a stuck up god," I retorted. Rein raised his hands up in defeat continuing to pace around me.

"You have been allowed to keep your memories, the language in the world your going to be sent to is almost entirely identical to the one in your world, but there are different languages and new words, but we can fix that. Also, I hope you don't mind but your peak age is 21 so your age will be set as such once you enter the world."

Hearing this I was slightly taken aback. I raised a hand at Rein alarmed, "woah, woah.. wouldn't it be fine if you keep it 16 or even 18 or something? This will give me a few years to learn about the new world and if you send me at the age of 21 it's basically wasting the age!"

Rein gave it a minute of thought before coming to a conclusion. "Fair enough, 17 it is, boys like you need to be young to capture a lady's eyes, I understand we can't all be this good-looking."

I looked at Rein, vaguely flustered, "Wait, what?" Rein let out a hearty laugh enjoying my reaction.

"Moving on, the Obysiare decided to give you a system, similar to a game system, to get stronger with.. be warned though, it would be best to keep this a secret from those you meet in the next world."

"I'll keep that in mind," I replied. In my thoughts I was glad that I was given the system. It made things much easier for me.

"Lucky you," said Rein looking slightly surprised as he scanned the scroll, "you've also been permitted to have 2 magic powers, so choose wisely. You can choose from the basic magics fire, water, earth, wind, lightning, and nature. There are evolved forms of the magic like ice, magma, lava, light, dark, and time but you aren't allowed those yet."

"Couldn't I just choose an evolved form?" I asked hoping to gain favor.

"No, that's like giving a baby a gun, and no matter what you say, you are only allowed to choose basic magic," stated Rein sternly.

I groaned, slightly annoyed.

"Fine, in that case, I think I'll go with lightning and water, it seems like a good combo."

"Then it's decided," said Rein, "That's all, now to the main part."

Rein clapped his hands together letting go of the pen and paper mid air. As if on cue the scroll had rolled up and a red seal appeared on it. A machine then materialized next to Rein, it had a faint aura emitting a light glow against Rein's body.

It looked like one of those system panels you would see in a movie scene when their about to launch a rocket. He waved his hand in my direction while whispering an incantation of sorts.

I shivered as a surge of energy vibrated through my body as particles of light began to form around me. Closing my eyes trying to shake off the feeling, suddenly feeling a comforting warmth. The moment I opened my eyes, I was in a sort of magic circle with different symbols written around the border. I let out a slight chuckle of wonder, feeling anxious I let out a heavy breath.

"Wow, a magic circle, very original," I exclaimed sarcastically trying to ease my worries.

Rein shook his head as if to say 'not funny' and inserted the scroll into a hole within the control panel of the machine. Briskly, he pressed a series of buttons on the panel.

"The only thing left to do is get your location set and you should be ready to go.. another warning, I've been entrusted to watch over you but to not get involved, so be careful," noted Rein.

Rein looked up at me grinning as he finished, "Alright then, we're all done!"

"I know this has been way too quick and sudden but I'll watch over you, so good luck!" Rein waved as a loud crackle escaped the machine.

"Thanks," I said giving him a slight nod of acknowledgement.

The magic circle lit up like a wall of moving water, and a low hum was emitted around the area. Tiny white particles began to circulate around the circle slowly speeding up. The light began to grow brighter soon creating a wall that moved like a torrent wave. It rose and fell silently. I was entranced by the light.

In one moment, I began floating trying to grab hold of anything and everything went white once again. The scene began to warp and in the next moment, I found myself falling from the starry sky... half-naked.

Alarmed I began to flail my body trying to sprawl myself out.

I let out an utter scream of terror swearing in my mid and Rein. Where the hell did he teleport me to I wondered.

The only thing that came to mind was to roll up into a ball. I managed to gain control trying my best to prepare for the impact. I began to feel as if I was speeding up quicker and of course logically I was correct.

The ground was quickly approaching. Once again I closed my eyes as an ear-shattering boom echoed through the air almost deafening my ears, the soft thud of impact indicating I landed.

Slowly, I opened one of my eyes looking distraught. How the heck did I not die. I opened the other to clearly find I was in a decently large crater.

Slightly confused, I wasted no time and swiftly got out of the crater hoping that Rein would have an explanation for what had just happened. I glanced back at the crater. It was at the very least 9 meters wide and 4 meters deep. I silently stared at the surrounding assessing what my next move would be, only in my underwear under the night sky.

If you guys wanna know why some things are very vague at the moment you will soon get info little by little.

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