
Ethereal Saga

Ethereal Saga, the story of Alex, a American teen boy who wants freedom and adventure hates the life he has, gets thrown into another world, and goes on a adventure across beautiful landscapes, this is not a story about a powerful hero, this is a story about a boy who wants to find freedom.

Chase_Kittrell · Fantasy
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Chapter 3: The Journey Home And The Path Forward

**A Happy Return**

After many long adventures and countless experiences, the team decided it was time to head back to the kingdom. They trekked through beautiful landscapes, with the sun shining brightly and a gentle breeze accompanying them. Alex had never felt so happy. Every step through the lush valleys and over the rolling hills filled him with a sense of fulfillment and joy.

Their conversations flowed freely as they walked. They reminisced about the adventures they had, the friends they made along the way, and the incredible sights they had seen. The journey home was just as magical as the adventures they had embarked on, with nature putting on a splendid show of its vibrant beauty.

**Back at the Kingdom**

Upon reaching the kingdom, they headed straight for the tavern where they had stayed before their adventures began. The familiar sight of the wooden structure brought a warm sense of homecoming. They settled into their usual spot, the air filled with the comforting sounds of laughter and conversation from the other patrons.

As they relaxed, Elandor brought up a pressing concern. "We need money. Our adventures are thrilling, but they're not always profitable. If we're to buy a house on the outskirts, we need to lay low and work for a while."

Alex, ever the eager adventurer, protested. "Come on, we need to go on more adventures! There's so much more to see and do!"

Lyra smiled sympathetically. "We do, Alex, but we need to be practical. Not all adventures pay well, and we need a stable base. We can't keep relying on the odd job here and there."

Thrain nodded in agreement. "She's right, Alex. Let's gather our resources, work hard, and prepare for future adventures."

**Laying Low and Working Hard**

They decided to stay in the kingdom for a few years, taking on various jobs to save enough money for a house. Alex dedicated himself to honing his skills. He trained tirelessly in both magic and swordsmanship. Despite his initial interest in magic, he found that he had a natural affinity for the blade.

He practiced relentlessly, training with Lyra and Elandor, and learning new techniques. He worked odd jobs around the kingdom, from laboring in the fields to helping merchants with their goods. Each coin he earned brought him closer to his goal.

One evening, after a particularly grueling training session, Alex turned to Lyra. "I'm getting really good with the sword," he said proudly.

Lyra nodded, a smile playing on her lips. "You are, Alex. In fact, you're good enough to become a knight."

Alex shook his head. "That's not what I want to do. I want to adventure this world and see every part of it."

Lyra chuckled. "Well, alright then. Just know that you're capable of much more than you realize."

**The Katana**

Alex had a vision for a unique weapon. He sketched a design from his world, inspired by the Japanese katana. "I want to make a blade called a katana in this world," he explained to Lyra.

Lyra looked at the sketch, her eyes widening in surprise. "That's a beautiful design, but it will cost a lot of coin."

Alex grinned. "I'll work harder. This is something I really want."

True to his word, Alex took on even more work, saving every coin he could. After months of relentless effort, Lyra finally told him he had enough.

He commissioned a master blacksmith to craft the katana. The process was long and painstaking, but the result was a weapon of unparalleled beauty and precision. When Alex finally held the completed katana in his hands, he knew it was perfect.

He trained with it every day, becoming a one-of-a-kind swordsman. Lyra often sparred with him, impressed by his dedication and skill. "You're good enough to be a knight," she said again, this time with more conviction.

Alex smiled. "I don't want to be a knight. I want to explore every corner of this world."

Lyra laughed heartily. "Well, alright then. Just promise me you'll be careful."

**Coming of Age**

Three years passed, and Alex's twentieth birthday arrived. In this world, twenty marked the age of adulthood. His friends celebrated his coming of age with great enthusiasm. They gathered in the tavern, raising their glasses to toast the young man who had grown so much.

The tavern was filled with laughter and deep conversations. They shared stories of their past adventures, dreams of future journeys, and the bonds they had forged. It was a night of camaraderie and joy, a celebration of their journey together.

The next morning, despite their hangovers, they set out to buy a house on the outskirts of the kingdom. They found a cozy cabin, a fixer-upper with potential. Though it was humble, it was theirs.

"This is what we could afford," Thrain said, his voice filled with both pride and a touch of resignation. "Inflation in the kingdom is high, but at least we have a home."

The group agreed, feeling a sense of accomplishment. They had a base now, a place to call home. They had coin, they had trained until they could barely stand, and they were ready for another adventure.

**A New Adventure Looms**

One evening, as they sat around their new home, Thrain pulled out a map, just like old times. "There's a labyrinth about ten days' ride from here," he said, his finger tracing a path on the map. "The Great Labyrinth of Hell. It's said to contain demons, and at its deepest depths, the devil himself."

Alex felt a shiver of fear. Despite his training, the thought of facing the devil was terrifying. "Are we really ready for this?" he asked, his voice trembling slightly.

Lyra placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We'll be fine, Alex. We've trained hard, and we have each other."

Alex took a deep breath, calming himself. "Okay. Let's do this."

The group decided to start their journey in the morning. They all headed to bed, but Alex found it hard to sleep. His mind was filled with thoughts of the labyrinth and the challenges ahead.

**A Night of Fear and Reassurance**

Late at night, there was a soft knock on Alex's door. It was Lyra. "Are you still up?" she whispered.

"Yes," Alex replied. "What do you need?"

"I'm actually scared myself," Lyra admitted. "I fear one of us might die."

Alex sat up, feeling a wave of empathy. "I was scared too, but I realized this world is too beautiful to be that dark. We've faced many challenges and come out stronger. We'll face this one too."

Lyra smiled, her eyes softening. "Thank you, Alex. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Lyra," Alex replied, feeling a sense of calm wash over him.

With that reassurance, Alex finally drifted off to sleep, ready to face whatever the next day would bring.

The final chapter of volume 1, volume 2 will hold more chapters.

Chase_Kittrellcreators' thoughts