
Ethereal Saga

Ethereal Saga, the story of Alex, a American teen boy who wants freedom and adventure hates the life he has, gets thrown into another world, and goes on a adventure across beautiful landscapes, this is not a story about a powerful hero, this is a story about a boy who wants to find freedom.

Chase_Kittrell · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 Freedoms Echo

**Alex's Room**

Seventeen-year-old Alex sat on the edge of his bed, staring at the worn-out posters on his wall. The room, once filled with the laughter of friends and the vibrant energy of youth, now felt like a prison cell. His mother's voice floated up from downstairs, calling him for dinner.

"Coming, Mom," he replied, his voice lacking any enthusiasm.

Alex dragged himself downstairs and sat at the dinner table. His mother, a kind woman with soft eyes and a gentle smile, placed a plate of food in front of him.

"Thanks, Mom," he mumbled.

She sat down across from him, concern etched on her face. "Alex, you've been so distant lately. Is everything okay?"

He sighed, pushing his food around his plate. "I just feel stuck, Mom. Like there's so much more out there, but I can't reach it. Every day is the same. School, homework, sleep, repeat. I want more out of life. I want freedom, adventure, something different."

His mother reached across the table and squeezed his hand. "I know it feels that way sometimes. Society can be tough, but you're smart and capable. You'll find your way."

"I hope so," he said, not entirely convinced.

They talked for a while longer, about society, his dreams, and the things he wished he could do. Despite his frustrations, he loved these conversations with his mother. She was his rock in an otherwise chaotic world.

"Goodnight, Mom," Alex said as he hugged her tightly. "I love you."

"I love you too, Alex. Sweet dreams."

He went to his room, feeling a strange sense of finality in their conversation. As he lay in bed, a slight breeze brushed across his face. His eyes fluttered open, and he felt a strange sensation, as if he were falling. The world around him dissolved into darkness, and he screamed, reaching out for something to hold onto.

"Where the hell am I?" he shouted into the void.

**A New World**

The darkness gave way to a bright, endless sky. Alex was falling, plummeting towards the ground below. He saw a group of adventurers—a grumpy male elf, an old wizard, and a young human knight with bright, silky red hair—crossing a hill, arguing amongst themselves.

"Look out!" the young knight screamed as she pointed towards the sky.

The old wizard raised his staff, muttering an incantation. A swirling vortex of wind formed beneath Alex, catching him like a giant cushion. He landed gently in a meadow of flowers, gasping for breath.

He stood up, looking around at the breathtaking scenery. Valleys of lush greenery stretched out before him, dotted with vibrant flowers and crystal-clear streams. It was a world he had never seen before, filled with beauty and mystery.

The adventurers approached him cautiously. "Who are you?" the elf demanded.

"I'm Alex," he replied, still in shock. "I'm from another world."

The wizard stroked his beard thoughtfully. "It's not every day someone falls from the sky into a world that isn't theirs. Come with us. We'll take you to the great capital city of the dwarves."

As they walked, Alex thanked them for saving his life. The young knight, whose name was Lyra, smiled warmly. "You're welcome, Alex. It's always interesting to meet someone new."

The elf, named Elandor, grumbled but didn't object. The old wizard, called Thrain, explained that the capital city was a magnificent place, filled with culture and wonder.

**The Great Capital City**

They reached the city by nightfall. Alex stood in awe at the sight before him. Towering structures carved from stone and adorned with precious gems glittered under the moonlight. The streets bustled with dwarves, each busy with their own tasks. The air was filled with the scent of exotic foods and the sound of laughter.

"This is amazing," Alex said, wide-eyed.

Lyra led him to the adventurers' guild, where they helped him get situated. Over the next few days, Alex learned about this new world and its wonders. He trained with Lyra, learning the basics of combat, and listened to Thrain's stories about ancient magic. Elandor, though still grumpy, showed him the ropes of survival in this land.

Alex's heart swelled with excitement. For the first time in his life, he felt truly free. This was not a hero's journey, but a quest for adventure, freedom, and discovery. He was ready to explore this beautiful, magical world with his new companions.

And so, the Ethereal Saga began—a story of a boy who found the freedom and adventure he had always longed for, in a world beyond his wildest dreams.

hi welcome first time writing a light novel don’t know if this is how it works but please read I loved this idea it felt like how

life is when I thought of it instead of a character who is Japanese give a American a shot in another world, and life is bad sometimes so instead of the typical go to another world and be op or being the hero instead it’s about a boy who wants to use this opportunity to be free and a see a beautiful world and do things you can’t in today’s society.

Chase_Kittrellcreators' thoughts