
Ethan; A Story Untold (HxH fanfic)

"A funny thing death is, it comes as it pleases, gives no warning nor cares if you were done with life or not" said he, being as disgruntled as he was helpless. "Really ? I think its sad itself, having to take everything from billions and more. I too, wouldn't want to show my face either, as an existence hated by all." said she, being as gentle as she was kind. And yet, when he lost it all, it was her hands that were stained. "We will meet again" said she. 'Sure, lets meet again in hell' thought he, for he too had sinned. And thus Ethan lost the chance given to us all, he lost his life. But not all was bad, he could start anew. Though having lost all he owned was a hefty price indeed. Declaimer- This is a hxh fan-fic, i own none of the character of hxh universe nor the artwork used.

Syed649 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


Just after the world was born, 10 beings came into existence.

Each of them had 'instructions' they followed as 'instincts'.

And then they filled the world with themselves, with their own body as a resource.

One wanted to create things that mattered, creating 'matter'.

One wanted to love everything and wanted everything to love one another, creating 'attraction'

One hated himself and others, creating 'repulsion'

And the seven left, they gave the world created from 'feelings', 'emotions'.


An year and 3 months had come to pass.

Lot had happened in it.

Ethan learnt and leart, like a sponge that absorbs.

He made the system note the things that seemed important, devised new theories, did more experiments and most importantly, ate!

He ate like a squirrel, as no other animal ate as much while still looking so cute, eating almost as much as his father. who was turning it into a competition; reward for wining were toys, books and sweets.

And Ethan had won more than he had lost, partly due to the smile he showed upon winning was enough to melt stones much less hearts.

The food was especially interesting as almost everything was new, a fruit called kelpa that looked like a red kiwi but tasted bitter, a prank played by his dad, for which he later made up by feeding him something that looked like a grapefruit but tasted like strawberry. Meat was truly a wonder, it came in all sizes and color and textures, but tasted mostly like chicken, well except a few. Like the taste of an otarua, which was a bore like animal, its meat tasted like sardines, apparently it was an amphibian which lived in the sea east of their city, which was called Kenster Town.

Oh and he also tried to literally melt a stone using his 'will' which was quite difficult and almost made him vomit even though it was just a pebble, but he had wasted not an ounce of the precious food partly due to the drive to become stronger, partly due to hating the feeling of vomiting and mostly due to strengthening his stomach.

Ethan had grown a lot, looking like a four year old kid when he was not even two.

He could pick up 15 kg of weight while only weighing 20kg himself and that too without nen. But this was not just due to his 'will' but will too, determined to become strong he trained with his father, who just did basic training and sometimes playing tag which too became a competition which Ethan never won, no matter what he did; dirty tricks like flinging dust in eyes, throwing stones, pouting, threatening to tell mother that he broke that glass, etc, none worked as he proudly exclaimed 'A man gotta have pride.'

Then came the learning about nen, which was only once per week due his mom insisting that it might hinder his growth. This too was just learning about the theory and a little practice which was making figures with it, all of which was quite new for Ethan as he learned that the way he used nen and the way that his father did were a little different. Simplifying the problem and summarizing - it was that he used far more intent in his nen than necessary hence making it difficult to work on things of larger scale since he wasn't able to use much of his life energy, like having a can of ink but only dipping a few strands of brush in it and then trying to paint a full canvas in the same color but this is just a simplified analogy as in a brush you can simply dip the whole brush or just splash the can, but he didn't know how to put less 'will' and trying doing so would just slow the intensity of the task being done and he didn't have much control over his life energy. So he tired not using his 'will' which was pretty much fruitless like trying to wish your heart to stop moving, his body was using the 'will' by itself whenever he tried to use nen, he was pretty sure that 'willing' to stop his heart would work but not this.

One day his mother had brought home a kitten, it was cute little a black creature, which well, meowed , ate and slept for much of its time. He tired approaching it but when he got close he somehow sense that the kitten didn't liked him much, no, it was not fear but something closer to annoyance, but when his mother would be there he would see the kitten become more docile and warm, so Ethan tried something which he had never though would work, he tried to imbue his actions with 'will' and tried to talk with the animal through actions. First was a pat on the head for a 'hello', the kitten seem to not mind much, perhaps due to being used to humans. Then a little rub below the chin which carried his 'goodwill' and 'you are cute', the kitten was more happy by these action and then Ethan tried to scratch its back and kitten seemed to be a little 'angry? But feeling pleasant?'

'Is this cat a tsundere or maybe...?' Thought Ethan, but realized that he was scratching a little too hard, again a courtesy of his experiments that his nail were always of weird sizes, after that day he got along with the kitten just fine.

After reading, came writing which was not too difficult, and learning to speak which was accomplished withing 3 months, both George and Amelia would remember the phase fondly. When Ethan just started speaking, his tone was a little weird as he referred everything with an extra 'w', grapes were 'gwapes', banana was 'bwanana' and so on. It was such a sight when Ethan first made this mistake that Amelia instinctively snapped a picture of her pouting son, from a camera which was specially bought by the doting parents.

His birthday was humbly celebrated with a little feast.

And at the end of each day, came the dreadful time of acupuncture. Though Ethan thought he had gotten used to it after the first week, but then came the more 'advance stuff' as explained by her mother for which he had to be without clothes. Yes, none of them.

It was very embarrassing as he tried his best not to to show any expression on his face but the sensations felt during the 'relaxation' were too overwhelming, and thus he had to spend at-least half an hour in this constant state of turmoil, each day. But then he just decided to close his eyes and give himself to the pins that poked his body.

Play around with his system, checking his notes, seeing his stats which he did every week to mark his progress and see the most effective way to increase his strength and to see if any of the functions had been unlocked or if there was a way to do it, but the prompt for them was 'unavailable' or so the system said.


'System, stats.' Ethan said before deciding to sleep.



Str- 5

Int- 17

Con- 7

Luck- 50


Condition- Tired

Active Effects -

Being a kid surprisingly makes you popular- Charm +10

Natural good looks- Charm +5

Good Health- str +1, con +3, charm +2


Lady luck's beloved- Luck +25

Perceive of wills- Nen Capacity +20%, Ability to use all nen traits to their 80%


Gift of god- A mystery box which would help you survive an ordeal once.
