

In the vast timeline of Eterniverse, one symbolic item known as the Eternal Insignia is a staple for existence as it has the power to rule the entire ever expanding universe. Many important figures of the world all come up to create peace in a world that only knows war, many important figures are either born in peace where they have to train to maintain peace, or are born in an age of war where they are trained to create peace between the different races. This story has multiple main protagonists, but each protagonist belongs to their respective stories within this series. I will try to make a glossary of all important characters, events, items, places, timelines and series to make things less confusing for the readers. I hope you all enjoy this one massive series known as the Eterniverse!

LastInsignia · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Rise of the New World *

Author's Note: All important details such as names, places, items, etc., will be marked with this symbol "*"


In the beginning, A Goddess by the name of Krenera* created the Heavens known as the Outer Realm and the ever expanding universe. The Earth started as a place where only water resided and the lone Goddess stood in the center of it. To cure her loneliness, she created a land known as Aetish* and a race of people to inhabit the land known as the Adelies* to accompany her within this land.

The Adelies loved the Goddess and praised and worshipped her in all her glory and Krenera loved each of her interactions with each of her people. Although this was a time of peace, fighting was soon to break out between the Adelies to see who was better of their species. Krenera noticed the conflict, and to combat the conflict, she decided to make the Adelies more diverse so no one could claim to be better than the other.

Two more species were born because of this. Those two species were known as the Phelies* and the Miidae Tribe*. The Miidae Tribe were also split into different sub species such as Cats, Dogs, Hawks, Ravens, Dragons, and more. Krenera thought by doing this, the conflict would stop, but she was wrong. By making the species more diverse, racism within the species would soon rise...inevitably leading into war.

Krenera grew desperate for peace and within 40 Days* of the First World War*, she gathered enough power to flood the entire world...killing almost everyone and starting anew. She regret her decision nearly immediately and began to hate herself for killing her own people instead of bringing forth a new reign of peace. The only thing that remained was the continent of Aetish.

Distraught over the events of the Great Continental Flood*, Krenera split herself into two people. A young girl named Aetis* and a more woman who took a similar appearance as the original Krenera, Krezlena*. Aetis was more driven on emotion while Krezlena was more driven on logic and perspective.

Krezlena decided that Aetis, who was emotionally driven, was too dangerous for the world and created an army of Adelies and Miidaes to kill her. However, the Hawk Lord known as Heran* convinced Krezlena to seal Aetis away instead as she was still her other half. Krezlena decided to comply with her greatest General's request and sealed Aetis away which then created the first ever Eternal Insignia.

Most thought since the emotionally driven half was sealed away, peace would take place once again...but that wasn't the case. Two high ranking beings, The Hawk Lord, Heran, and the Adelies Queen, Atena*, felt that Krezlena was slowing giving up on humanity and knew she prepared the process of the Great Flood. They managed to strike a deal with her, making her stop the process.

The deal was Krezlena was to leave humanity to their own devices for 100 Years and if they can go 100 Years without any World War breaking out, that would be enough proof that humanity wasn't a lost cause and Krezlena shouldn't kill all of humanity once again. Krezlena agreed and fell into a Divine Slumber*, giving Heran a spell that only he could use that could awaken her at any point in time.

Humanity was now on a quest to prove itself, but nearly immediately everything went south. Heran, the Hawk Lord, and Atena, the Adelies Queen, wedded as a sign of unity and had a child as a result...however because of this, Heran lost all of his magic abilities as a Miidae, the very abilities that allowed the Miidae to be stronger than any human, Adelies, and Phelies. This caused the Miidae to become scared if anyone who wasn't their kind and caused a rift to grow even greater between the different races.

The Dragons retreated and sealed themselves away from the world while the other Miidaes tried to integrate with the growing numbers of humans and Adelies, but eventually slavery and more fighting broke out then the different species all scattered and retreated to their own countries of Aetish, creating their own territories as a result.

Later as the years pass, Adelies Nobles committed genocide against the Hawk Miidaes, framing them for a murder and erasing their entire tribe off the maps. This broke the trust of all the Miidaes, especially with the Ravens and Dogs, and preparation for war began. Without Heran, who was the only one who could summon Krezlena, and with Atena unable to control her people, war would inevitably break out.

While the war was preparing to start, the Eternal Insignia was given to a High Priestess named Aleina*, who promised to keep it from falling into the wrong hands. She went into hiding with her husband, Eralt*.

Many years pass and Aleina had two children with Eralt. Those two children were me, Rein*, and my younger sister, Fina*. We spent many years of our lives hiding up until I turned 18 and Fina, 16. The world has only existed for shy of 100 years up until this point and I was trained by my father to bring forth peace once again to Aetish as I was half Adelies and Human.


I swung my training sword at my father, but he blocked each attack effortlessly. I grunted as I struggled to land a single hit on him. He smiled at me then pushed me away. I stumbled backwards then fell on the ground. I grunted softly and panted.

"Well Rein? Had enough yet?" Eralt asked and smirked at me.

I looked at my father and stood up then huffed. "No, I haven't had enough yet!"

I dashed to my father and slashed continuously, only to be parried each time. He chuckled and rushed forward and I grunted. He feinted his attack, catching me off guard. He then hit my stomach with his next attack, sending me to the ground. I groaned and panted heavily, staring at the sky.

"Dad! Rein! Mom says come on inside!~ Lunch is ready!" Fina called out to us as she hurried down the hill then tripped and tumbled down the hill and landing into a patch of flowers. She laughed and laid in the flowers.

I looked at Fina then smiled and noticed a hand behind held out at me. I took my father's hand then he pulled me up then he walked over to help Fina up.

"Let's all head back together. I'm starving." Eralt chuckled and walked ahead.

"She also made your favorite!" Fina smiled and giggled.

"Haha! Now this is going to be a perfect lunch!" Our dad said as he laughed.

I smiled and walked over to Fina then gently plucked her head. She smiled and playfully hit my arm. We walked back home together with our dad. As we traversed home, I kept thinking about the day I am able to become a mercenary and put my skills to the test. I've been training for this moment since I was 14. Even if I can't beat Dad at this time, I could be skilled enough to match another person in combat.

We entered our home and sat around at the table for lunch, enjoying our homemade sandwiches and freshly squeezed orange juice.

"So, how is the training going for you so far, Rein?" My mom asked and smiled at me.

"It's going pretty good, I'm still not on dad's level, but I know I can reach it. I'm going to be the best mercenary Aetish has ever seen. I will bring peace back to this land." I said and looked at mom. "Our family has been tasked with an important item...the Eternal Insignia that holds Aetis, I will help protect it with my life and create peace in this world that only knows war."

"It's a good thing that your father is the Commander of the Shining Resistance. We can finally push back the Miidae and their kind from killing the humans and other Adelie that resides within our home." Mom said and smiled. "Will you be accompanying him, Fina?"

Fina nodded and smiled. "I have to! Rein could get hurt and we can't risk you coming with and dying as you're a High Priestess. We need your power for things greater that will soon befall upon our land, like the reawakening of Krezlena. If she reawakens and sees us at war...she will cause another Great Flood and deem us nothing but violent beings. Since you directly hold the Eternal Insignia, you have the power to combat her."

"Well that is true. I did train you well enough to wield powerful White Arts. I'm sure Rein should be fine with you and Eralt with him." Mom smiled.

"Remember son, once you join the mercenaries you will contribute to war meaning you will be a target of Krezlena if she does happen to awaken once again. Are you ready for such a challenge?" Dad asked.

"I haven't been training with you just to twiddle my thumbs and do nothing! My friends are out there contributing to the war. I have to help them as well. I'm more than ready for the task." I said.

"Heh, well you start tomorrow then. Show everyone what you can accomplish." Dad said and smiled at me.

I nodded and felt a new wave of determination build up in my spirit. Finally I was able to go and help my land come back to peace and harmony. With me, Fina, and our father on the front lines, we were sure to make some progress.