
CH 2: The first day teaching

The first week here in Heaven was bliss. Not too many people bother me, and I got to spend time with Lil. I spent time with my brother as well during the week.

Lil has been taking me to see all kinds of places. I finally got to see what water looks like. It is some beautiful, and when it's in cold temperatures. It feels very invasive to the body.

When it's warm, it relaxes all the muscles in the body. I like the hot spring that Lil took me to. She said places like this are fashioned after places in the different material realms.

She told me that a lot of the kings here go to these realms often. They have all delivered some kind of message from The King. They did so in representation of The King.

After hearing that bit of information. I wanted to become a king more then ever. I could go see a material realm one day, and be The King's representative.

That became a new goal of mine to accomplish. Lilith said I better not go there without her. I wouldn't think of it at all, but only if I'm not going to be there long.

If it's a small thing then I don't need to bother her. Yet if I go as a representative of The King. I think she would be absolutely pissed if I went alone.

We have been working on my teaching schedule, and theory. I have to make something called a "syllabus" before we start.

She said the syllabus will help her, and the other teachers plan certain events. It will also give my students an idea of what they will be learning.

So we worked on that for a few days. I decided to go in and start with teaching the students a few points about me. Then I will start my actual classes with my poetry, and why I write the way I do.

She has a chance to sit with me in the first class. Speaking of which I need to get myself ready for today. It's my first day to teach my students.

Now I have just my books inside my bag. I have a home in the main palace. Only Mikhail, and I are in the palace to live. Others can come in to visit, and recieve orders from us.

The main palace is enormous, and breathtaking. There is so much architecture in this building, and it is forever changing. The new inhabitants here in Heaven all have there own piece of the Kingdom.

As I walk down the hallway looking at the gorgeous views threw the windows. I can't believe such a place exist.

There is an abundance of color here. I wonder if these same colors exist outside the wall. It's so dark over there without light. I can see color since I learned to produce my own light.

Still, the colors I see are dimmed, and less vibrant then those here. There are floors, with beautiful designs in them here. Out in the wastelands it's not even close to the stability in Heaven.

Walking threw the main hall, and exiting into the front courtyard. There is a pond, and a bed of flowers there. I wonder how they will look the next time Heaven grows.

As expected, a carriage pulls up to take me to the school. It was empty, and there was a winged creature pulling it. Mikhail says it is called a "Cherubim," and they are the royal guards when traveling.

He said that they protect the royal family during any travels. They also serve as the carriage pullers during war. At times of war they pull the chariots that carry the Angels.

They say that the new inhabitants of Heaven confuse them for Angels sometimes. They can have faces like Angels, and of other creatures.

Traveling threw the main town in the Kingdom. I can see adolescents at play, Angels training, and the wonderful sights of Heavens architecture.

There has been a rumor going on lately about The King, and his court making plans.They are saying that He plans to make one of His new realms into a realm for sentient beings.

Not all the beings He creates are considered sentient. Every being has sentient life, but not sentient purpose in life. This is a very definitive line between the two sides.

The university is getting close now, and I can already see Lil waiting on the side of the road. She must be here to meet me before classes start.

As we pulled up on Lil she started to smile. I guess she can see me peeking out at her.

"Hey Foxx, no one is here yet, and I have to gather a few things before I start my classes."

"Can you meet with the kids in the main hall for me please? Just let everyone know about yourself like you planned."

Why do I get the feeling that she planned it this way?

"Sure thing, but is that all?"

She nodded, and leaned in to kiss me.

"You be a good boy, and treat my students nicely okay." She said as she leaned back out of the carriage.

"I will try my best my lady."

She ran off to gather whatever it was she needed. The carriage started to pull in to the main entrance of the university. Today I finally get to use my access key.

It was given to me when I settled into my room in the main palace. It grants me access to all common areas, and some of the areas that are personal. Some of the kings have already given me access to their tribal areas.

The key allows me to open locked doors, and/or heavenly gateways. The gateways take you into different kingdoms in Heaven. There are grand gateways that take you to the different realms.

As I walked up tp the door of the university, it took a different shape. Then the seems made themselves more noticeable.

As the doors opened up I heard a voice.

"Good day Vice Principal Lucifer. The students are expected to meet with you in the main hall in one hour."

"Please make sure to be available in a half hour."

I knew she had this planned out somehow. It's ok though, I don't mind being greeted when i come in. It might get annoying to continue hearing a voice I cant meet.

I'm going to have to talk to Lil about that. I doubt this building will talk to back to me if I talk to it.

"Good day, and I would appreciate if you could remind me of the appropriate time."

I then heard a response.

"I will make sure you are ready when the time comes. Would you like anything else?"

I was wrong this place is pretty cool. I didn't know they were this advanced here. I have learned a lot about the differences here though.

"I would like you to always remind me of such appoints scheduled that I am included in."

That should be fine.

"I will make sure that you are made aware of all arrangements that you are mentioned.

I heard a noise coming from the main door to the university.

"Thank you, and what time are the students due here today?"

I started to walk back to the door.

"They are due here in 26 minutes."

So I have a fresh mind here looking to learn early.

"Open the door, and allow our guest entrance to the building."

I stopped about seven feet away from the door.

"As you wish Vice Principal. I am opening the door for him."

So the first student is a male, or is this someone else? Just then the door started to open, and I saw an Angel walking threw. Too slender to be Mikhail, and it's a male so I know it's not Lil.

"I apologize for the early entrance, but i didn't have much else to do."

He is a good liar, but it's ok for now.

"Boredom may get you into trouble, and maybe cause your fall. You should learn of new ways to occupy your mind."

He laughed, and started rubbing his head.

"Well the thing is... I don't really talk to many people that aren't farmers. So I wanted to come meet with you, or the principal."

"I'm kind of nervous about meeting the others that are going to come."

Now he is being honest with me. This is a good start for both of us I guess.

"I might not be the best one for you to talk to then. Today is my first day talking to a lot of new people also."

He looked shocked to hear that.

"I have been away studying for a long time. Before that I was pretty much a worker, and a scavenger."

"I have been around plenty of darkness, and still I have yet to fall. Talking to all these students today is a first for me."

His shoulders relaxed a bit more. I could see that he felt normal now.

"The thing is I can't stop my job, and you can't stop being a student. We both have parts to play here."

"Your job is to learn, and mine is to teach. So the other people that around have similar roles to play."

"If we each individually worry about our own roles. Not the interaction of roles, but the independence of each role."

"We can discover more of what we have to offer. We also discover more of what there is around us."

"Being aware of self helps improve your understanding of others. Why?.. Because every other person is just like you in the basic ways."

"We all have something to learn from others, and something to teach each other."

He looked at me as if I had the best answer ever.

"So you're here to learn from us as well?"

I nodded back to him.

"Exactly my friend! Just as we speak I can think of one thing I can learn from you."

He looked very confused, and I laughed at him. Now i see why they was always laughing at me.

"You can teach me your name, and i believe you already know mine."

He laughed, and shook his head.

"I do know your name, but I didn't even think of something that simple."

"My name is Uriel, and I am a gaurd over the farmers of eden. I also I am gaurd to the gate of eden."

That's a nice name he has. I will wait to ask him it's meaning.

"Well Uriel, I hope that we can become friends. Now that we have made acquaintances of each other."

I stood up.

"I have to get ready for the meeting today with all the new students. You should do the same I believe."

He stood up, and shook my hand.

"I will go wait by the door until it is the right time."

I left to go to the main hall area. He went over by the door, and sat down. He is a fair minded soul, and I'm sure he is a great gaurd.

Coming to learn at the university should certainly improve his abilities. It seems as though there will have to be some war games, and classes.

I would like to see all of the capabilities these students have to offer. If I'm going to be a general here. I'm going to need my own group of soilders.

I can start here in the university with my choices. Uriel seems like a great candidate for testing. He already has a great position here as a guardian of eden's gateway.

Someone with a positive attitude, and that position is a great asset. You need to watch over the transfer of new life in that position.

I hope there are plenty of eager young minds like his. Potential is greater when ones mind is looking to grow.

It's time to start working for The King in a new way. No more fighting to prove his worth.

Ian_Pleasantcreators' thoughts