
Chapter: Little Miss Cold 2

Akina's POV

His speed its drastically increased and his hits are more precise I have to try and slow him down at else I don't stand a chance, I tried slowly got up from the tree I just crashed through.

"You sick bastard didn't your parents ever tell you not to punch a girl?" I muttered while struggling to get up

"Actually, they did but I believe in gender equality," he said while once again running towards me.

Shit, if I don't act fast he'll hit me and knock me out, I guess there is no other choice then, I'll have to make an exception just this once to use this power to defeat this bastard. I put up an ice wall, this should buy me some time to recover, just then the wall broke and he stood there smiling.

" It is an honour to fight you, Akina Leewood," He smirked

I looked up, shock on my face, how did he know, anyway that's not the problem right now the problem is the fact that he could break through my ice wall, my mana isn't at one hundred percent right now but still I should be able to easily beat him, unless. Before I got time to finish that thought he came charging towards me, shit, why is this idiot so fast, I dodged quickly and punched him away. I don't know if I can keep this up much longer, how can he even use his element, don't tell me he fused his mana and element mid-battle, can I really win, am I going to die. Just then I felt a kicked to my arm and fell to the ground. Is this it did I lose, am I going to have to do something for this weirdo, I know my mana is still recovering but this is just embarrassing. I guess I lose, I started slowly closing my eyes.

"Hey, are you just gonna give up that easily, weren't you suppose to be some badass chick, who could kill even the king, what a disappointment," He said while walking towards me


He picked me up off the ground and punched me in the stomach and I coughed up some blood. Is he really going to kill me, am I going to die, no I won't accept that fate I'm not going to die in this bullshit place, in this bullshit way, not yet I haven't killed that smug bastard yet, I haven't gotten the chance to kill him and I'm not dying, until I, I GET MY REVENGE, I gave into my urges even though my mana hadn't fully recovered over from the last time, but I can't let this idiot kill me until I kill him, a picture of a tall black figure flashed through my mind.

"So now that I'm all warmed up, "I made double ice daggers," Let's finish this!"

He laughed, "It takes a whole lot of hits to get you warmed up, fine, entertain me longer!"

And so the battle between, Rai and Akina rages on, who will win the fight?